JED trt lade it latt Tn e ke la Hats Off to our Grads As you celebrate your graduation remember that anything is possible with hard work, intengrity and peneverance. May the education and experience of your high school days serve you welin the years ahead, an you punue new goals and your dreams for the future. Good luck and Congratulationst ABLER EAGLES AGLES EAGLES EAGES HONORING AVELLA AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT - CLASS OF 2022 - Row 1: Allie Brownlee Marissa Latynski Melanie Dubich Leanza Craig Katelyn Frank William Kramer Xander Danneker Garrett Horr Braden Rankin Cole Davidson Josh Rush Brandon Samol Row 6: Trenton Miller Ronnie Cline Noah Markle Row 4: Steve Casto Sandy Chilzer Cage Mullins Hunter Cline Rafe Cooper Cheyenne Doleno Not Pictured Hope Caleffe Elonna Coontz Row 2: Morgan Ondrick Lynsee Brown Emile Rice Aja Miller Paige Fino Samantha Combs Harrison Fischer Camden Georgetti-Sebetich Kenneth Rush Victoria Rush Garett Tropeck Jordan Urbania Aidan Woolridge Row 5: Trever Davies Row 3: Alton Chase Sarah Pancari Jacob Lanch Otuy Sautupa H nteranco Packoges Parts suvces Custom Pool Bulids CChosical Poo Supplies Congrats Class of 2022! PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT best Tri-State Pool Covers TRISTRTEPOOLCOVERS.Com a77-317-PODL 72437930 POOLS JED trt lade it latt Tn e ke la Hats Off to our Grads As you celebrate your graduation remember that anything is possible with hard work, intengrity and peneverance. May the education and experience of your high school days serve you welin the years ahead, an you punue new goals and your dreams for the future. Good luck and Congratulationst ABLER EAGLES AGLES EAGLES EAGES HONORING AVELLA AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT - CLASS OF 2022 - Row 1: Allie Brownlee Marissa Latynski Melanie Dubich Leanza Craig Katelyn Frank William Kramer Xander Danneker Garrett Horr Braden Rankin Cole Davidson Josh Rush Brandon Samol Row 6: Trenton Miller Ronnie Cline Noah Markle Row 4: Steve Casto Sandy Chilzer Cage Mullins Hunter Cline Rafe Cooper Cheyenne Doleno Not Pictured Hope Caleffe Elonna Coontz Row 2: Morgan Ondrick Lynsee Brown Emile Rice Aja Miller Paige Fino Samantha Combs Harrison Fischer Camden Georgetti-Sebetich Kenneth Rush Victoria Rush Garett Tropeck Jordan Urbania Aidan Woolridge Row 5: Trever Davies Row 3: Alton Chase Sarah Pancari Jacob Lanch Otuy Sautupa H nteranco Packoges Parts suvces Custom Pool Bulids CChosical Poo Supplies Congrats Class of 2022! PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT best Tri-State Pool Covers TRISTRTEPOOLCOVERS.Com a77-317-PODL 72437930 POOLS