ADAM SOLAR RIDES ELECTRIC BIKE SHOP SOLUTION-Ie ad countdess customers whoe an ettike has daiclly chaiged their quality of ife Faos belping with injry recovery wight lo, and just general moblity for dhose wihout driver's cense or access to an aoble Avoid soul crhing ffic and eejy riiga scenic eiver tail every day TELL US MORE! WHAT'S UP WITH ELECTRIC BIKES FUN Wve given thousands of eke est rides and sours over the last 7 yers and evyone always gets an eBke grin oe their finst eride Riding a bke is a timeless, enjoyable eperience that a lot of people fopet abou as they gow up. The feleg of eedom, wind in their hait, leaning and carving io a tarn, or coating down big winding hills will bring back escaement and FUN so your li And now with becomes the BEST pan of the day what once was unconceisable to electric assi, the experiese can become mch more about dhe tide and where and how e you want to go, wit your physical abilities oereor even sweating and needing to shower apain, are all wiped hily ten o being the liting facsor anymoe H, what h Soutwestes PA is now fat foe eBke riders COMMUTE-Almost all bike and eke commrs aree, he ride ride do to the distance, sime involed, hils so conque, safey of the ay by having a linle batery and mooe to amist you You' eperince so mach mo of the world raveling on a bke 15-20 ph You won't believe all he things srond your eeigbohood and sowns tat you've never noticed whireing by in your ca WHAT IS IT An ec bke is the sae as s nomal bke bur also inchdes an iegrated motor and batery system The micer the eke, the more inegraned and seandes the ineraicn As you pedal, mo eBikes take inso acc the torgue of your pedal stroke, cadence aod wbeel speed, with some sensing 1000 times per second. They modly bend moor power along side your bman effon that uakes you fel lke Seperman or Superwoman t really is something that noeds so be experienced to be undendood (hint come in for a test nde A Sew of dhe ees ev have trotle aist that alows you so ride withou pedaling Soe thene that wast a ins boost at y momnt or noed the secunity they'll be able to get back without efot if they ride to far awy, oe simply jst wse ejoy an elfoeless electric ride RENTALS We rent eBikes too, by the hour (201 the day (S60) o trip (GAP 5375 SAFETY Use daytine ranning ights, high visbility clothing, and a good helet Drive's, please pat dows your phones, and gve bike ders respe Pas salely only when appeprise A cople second delay from a rider is no big deal comparod to amoont of car traffic you sit i Ifa nider was is a car dhey wold be adding to your affic probless EQUALIZER Riders of all skill and endurance levels can now nde ogeher, simply by adjusting theie level of assist at the click of s bun THE BASICS Ride 20.70-miles per charge, and then just plag in to any outlet with the incladod charger. You can abo take your umall charger with you on board your bike so esnd your nde, or by a 2nd RECONNECT-with family, friends, and aanure 's an ecellent way to get deep into the woods and clear your mind And riding wih mo bies, but even an bour of charge during a lanch break migh getfriends and loved ones is a great way to srengthen your relationship you anoer 15-20 iles of range. The es range in price and stan at S1,499, with os costing between $2-53k, and there's plenty of higher end bkes in te -5Tk ange They come in 3 classes Clss I is up o 20mph pelal assis only, Class 2 is p e 20mh pedal MPGe It cost only few peneies to charge your eftke banery that can andor theole assist and Clas 3 includes speed pedelec bikes that go to 28ph and are geat for comuting or covering lage dstances The language of PA's electric bke law, ACT 154, tht Adam personally spet yeas lobbying for and belped so faly get passed soder Goversoe Corben's admniation in Nevember ef 20141 allows for all 3 claes of bikes so be ridden in PA Nationaly almost HAT ELSE DOES ASR DO-Adam Solar Rides is audorized half our coustry has officially adopted the 3 class systen which PA will lMely do soon as well io hopes ofour estice counry laving the obae They also sell he OeWheel XR and Pin, electric eact same policies and definitions Mostly it is about etiquette thoogh always nide respectfully, with geat powe comes reat responsibility All of Southwessern Ponnsylvania's local trail syste have also adopeed polices allowing eliae use on thee You are not nng a moried velicleyou are ndinga "pedaleyle by the legal defiition In addsion you can techeically ride an eBae nywbee n the country if you have a diabilay that requires the aid ofa mobility device under the American's wih Disabilties Act and jut enjoy time sogether ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY- eBaes pget 2,000-3000 ale you ever 50 mles Iis aably the most efficess fom of human traspotation on the planet Even when charging n ebke from a souce odher tn solar, it is sill ore efficies thas all bua powed pelaling weless you gw all ef your own food dealer for seven electric bke beands, that inclades almost every seyle skaneoads, and eleric seoosers. You ll fied a ge selection ofop quality belmets, locks, bags panniers, and all kinds of bicycle accessories ASR iastaled solar photovoltaic system for over a decade and alhough we no leoger offer residential intalls, we saill do large scale commercial PV aystems for clients We also RENT TESLAS (on Tuol sell and insall Autoesowers (hey out the grass all by eselves peesch sstainability, and try o make a pood impaet i he wold for futue generations We peomoe having FN and isking posive EXPLORE Aywhere you want so ride is no more difficu than pedaling ce ft gond You can tide sp a hilla 15-20wiho HISTORY-Adam Solar Rides, now in their 7th season, i your go so baking a sweat (Wel, maybe you beak a vweat at 20ph if the op fo all hings electtriet Founded ty Adas's ther Toey Rosi as bill is steep enough) Mon people can now ride out their foet door the electrical coetracting company Adam Ele and Heating Ine wbever they want to go rather than having to lad up their bikes onover 30 years ago, the bsness has coiued so thrive by ebracing w technolopies le 2008 they rebeanded an Adam Seler Resources and west throegh exoive training to becme cne of the fine cong compasies in Southwessere PA eoffer bodh solar themal and solar photovoluic inallations As Adam and his wie Jae became moe concerned with the envioseor and legacy for their wo young beys they staned to enbeace zere emission elecric vebicles that were poweed froes their solar arays Realiring the potial So eBes o change the world, and how fas they are so ride hey began selling eBkes. The ASR team is know ledgesble, fiendly with a positive can do atiude so help you however dhey can arack and drive them to a trail Our local trail networks are ationally and iernationally recopsined People are fying in froe the Wet Coast (and Hawai to eide dhe GAF and C-O Canal trais that go froes Psburgh so Washingson DC tis oe of the loege bke trals in the coey right here in out on backyards (ver 330lesThe Momour and Pahandle are awaed winning tais ao right here in the Souh Hills and ane absolwly beasnfal toaling slmon 100 miles Please consides being a ail volunter EXERCISE HEALTH-This is the eg ooe, you are not cheing You ae doing laps aound everyone on the couch an y wife Jamie ikes to say And as many rodes have shown, most ridens actaly get MORE exercise once puchasing an eBke becuse they ride Earther and way more often You don't talk yournelf out of riding, you yourw o ng fora nide. You can put the ame amou of effort ieso pedaling, jat going to take youmach fher and faster o as elike You can tum the calories burned on a 5 mile nide inoa 20 meide and eperience a lot more seney THANK YOUs A tincene thank you to my Wife Jamie, Mom and Dad (Tony and Elaine) Mke, Tim B, Waher, all our loyal csomers, and everyone ese who belps make ASR what nis soday CONTACT-ASR is locased at 1912 Mayview Road and is ope Tueday Friday fom 1am- and t-pm Satuelays Pho 412-220-900 Shop 412-485-374 Tours etalTt "ASR is a 1st Class Operation" Adam Solar Rides sis the FOR RENT a coolest shop- ADAM VouTehe ou ve ever ou A uMo 8 m s been to Sout ef s Based on me opinion of 44 pecple 1. Adam Solar Rides 5.0 24 reviews ADAM SOLAR RIDES ELECTRIC BIKE SHOP SOLUTION-Ie ad countdess customers whoe an ettike has daiclly chaiged their quality of ife Faos belping with injry recovery wight lo, and just general moblity for dhose wihout driver's cense or access to an aoble Avoid soul crhing ffic and eejy riiga scenic eiver tail every day TELL US MORE! WHAT'S UP WITH ELECTRIC BIKES FUN Wve given thousands of eke est rides and sours over the last 7 yers and evyone always gets an eBke grin oe their finst eride Riding a bke is a timeless, enjoyable eperience that a lot of people fopet abou as they gow up. The feleg of eedom, wind in their hait, leaning and carving io a tarn, or coating down big winding hills will bring back escaement and FUN so your li And now with becomes the BEST pan of the day what once was unconceisable to electric assi, the experiese can become mch more about dhe tide and where and how e you want to go, wit your physical abilities oereor even sweating and needing to shower apain, are all wiped hily ten o being the liting facsor anymoe H, what h Soutwestes PA is now fat foe eBke riders COMMUTE-Almost all bike and eke commrs aree, he ride ride do to the distance, sime involed, hils so conque, safey of the ay by having a linle batery and mooe to amist you You' eperince so mach mo of the world raveling on a bke 15-20 ph You won't believe all he things srond your eeigbohood and sowns tat you've never noticed whireing by in your ca WHAT IS IT An ec bke is the sae as s nomal bke bur also inchdes an iegrated motor and batery system The micer the eke, the more inegraned and seandes the ineraicn As you pedal, mo eBikes take inso acc the torgue of your pedal stroke, cadence aod wbeel speed, with some sensing 1000 times per second. They modly bend moor power along side your bman effon that uakes you fel lke Seperman or Superwoman t really is something that noeds so be experienced to be undendood (hint come in for a test nde A Sew of dhe ees ev have trotle aist that alows you so ride withou pedaling Soe thene that wast a ins boost at y momnt or noed the secunity they'll be able to get back without efot if they ride to far awy, oe simply jst wse ejoy an elfoeless electric ride RENTALS We rent eBikes too, by the hour (201 the day (S60) o trip (GAP 5375 SAFETY Use daytine ranning ights, high visbility clothing, and a good helet Drive's, please pat dows your phones, and gve bike ders respe Pas salely only when appeprise A cople second delay from a rider is no big deal comparod to amoont of car traffic you sit i Ifa nider was is a car dhey wold be adding to your affic probless EQUALIZER Riders of all skill and endurance levels can now nde ogeher, simply by adjusting theie level of assist at the click of s bun THE BASICS Ride 20.70-miles per charge, and then just plag in to any outlet with the incladod charger. You can abo take your umall charger with you on board your bike so esnd your nde, or by a 2nd RECONNECT-with family, friends, and aanure 's an ecellent way to get deep into the woods and clear your mind And riding wih mo bies, but even an bour of charge during a lanch break migh getfriends and loved ones is a great way to srengthen your relationship you anoer 15-20 iles of range. The es range in price and stan at S1,499, with os costing between $2-53k, and there's plenty of higher end bkes in te -5Tk ange They come in 3 classes Clss I is up o 20mph pelal assis only, Class 2 is p e 20mh pedal MPGe It cost only few peneies to charge your eftke banery that can andor theole assist and Clas 3 includes speed pedelec bikes that go to 28ph and are geat for comuting or covering lage dstances The language of PA's electric bke law, ACT 154, tht Adam personally spet yeas lobbying for and belped so faly get passed soder Goversoe Corben's admniation in Nevember ef 20141 allows for all 3 claes of bikes so be ridden in PA Nationaly almost HAT ELSE DOES ASR DO-Adam Solar Rides is audorized half our coustry has officially adopted the 3 class systen which PA will lMely do soon as well io hopes ofour estice counry laving the obae They also sell he OeWheel XR and Pin, electric eact same policies and definitions Mostly it is about etiquette thoogh always nide respectfully, with geat powe comes reat responsibility All of Southwessern Ponnsylvania's local trail syste have also adopeed polices allowing eliae use on thee You are not nng a moried velicleyou are ndinga "pedaleyle by the legal defiition In addsion you can techeically ride an eBae nywbee n the country if you have a diabilay that requires the aid ofa mobility device under the American's wih Disabilties Act and jut enjoy time sogether ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY- eBaes pget 2,000-3000 ale you ever 50 mles Iis aably the most efficess fom of human traspotation on the planet Even when charging n ebke from a souce odher tn solar, it is sill ore efficies thas all bua powed pelaling weless you gw all ef your own food dealer for seven electric bke beands, that inclades almost every seyle skaneoads, and eleric seoosers. You ll fied a ge selection ofop quality belmets, locks, bags panniers, and all kinds of bicycle accessories ASR iastaled solar photovoltaic system for over a decade and alhough we no leoger offer residential intalls, we saill do large scale commercial PV aystems for clients We also RENT TESLAS (on Tuol sell and insall Autoesowers (hey out the grass all by eselves peesch sstainability, and try o make a pood impaet i he wold for futue generations We peomoe having FN and isking posive EXPLORE Aywhere you want so ride is no more difficu than pedaling ce ft gond You can tide sp a hilla 15-20wiho HISTORY-Adam Solar Rides, now in their 7th season, i your go so baking a sweat (Wel, maybe you beak a vweat at 20ph if the op fo all hings electtriet Founded ty Adas's ther Toey Rosi as bill is steep enough) Mon people can now ride out their foet door the electrical coetracting company Adam Ele and Heating Ine wbever they want to go rather than having to lad up their bikes onover 30 years ago, the bsness has coiued so thrive by ebracing w technolopies le 2008 they rebeanded an Adam Seler Resources and west throegh exoive training to becme cne of the fine cong compasies in Southwessere PA eoffer bodh solar themal and solar photovoluic inallations As Adam and his wie Jae became moe concerned with the envioseor and legacy for their wo young beys they staned to enbeace zere emission elecric vebicles that were poweed froes their solar arays Realiring the potial So eBes o change the world, and how fas they are so ride hey began selling eBkes. The ASR team is know ledgesble, fiendly with a positive can do atiude so help you however dhey can arack and drive them to a trail Our local trail networks are ationally and iernationally recopsined People are fying in froe the Wet Coast (and Hawai to eide dhe GAF and C-O Canal trais that go froes Psburgh so Washingson DC tis oe of the loege bke trals in the coey right here in out on backyards (ver 330lesThe Momour and Pahandle are awaed winning tais ao right here in the Souh Hills and ane absolwly beasnfal toaling slmon 100 miles Please consides being a ail volunter EXERCISE HEALTH-This is the eg ooe, you are not cheing You ae doing laps aound everyone on the couch an y wife Jamie ikes to say And as many rodes have shown, most ridens actaly get MORE exercise once puchasing an eBke becuse they ride Earther and way more often You don't talk yournelf out of riding, you yourw o ng fora nide. You can put the ame amou of effort ieso pedaling, jat going to take youmach fher and faster o as elike You can tum the calories burned on a 5 mile nide inoa 20 meide and eperience a lot more seney THANK YOUs A tincene thank you to my Wife Jamie, Mom and Dad (Tony and Elaine) Mke, Tim B, Waher, all our loyal csomers, and everyone ese who belps make ASR what nis soday CONTACT-ASR is locased at 1912 Mayview Road and is ope Tueday Friday fom 1am- and t-pm Satuelays Pho 412-220-900 Shop 412-485-374 Tours etalTt "ASR is a 1st Class Operation" Adam Solar Rides sis the FOR RENT a coolest shop- ADAM VouTehe ou ve ever ou A uMo 8 m s been to Sout ef s Based on me opinion of 44 pecple 1. Adam Solar Rides 5.0 24 reviews