Food Helpers Feeding - Training Thrifting Farming Q&A WITH CONNIE BURD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR O About si years aga you moved from Eghy Four lo your cument faciny in Brownsvie. Why dd you make that move, and how has your new facity impacted your operations? A The move to Brownevle was preciptaed both by necessiny and opportunty The lacity we leased in Egtey Four continuousty needed repairs. and at ontu R500 square feet prohbed us from accepong large cororbutons ot donaced food and from maincaining adeguace inventory Our curene 26.500 square feet faciy ang with 22 acres of pristne tam land has enatied us 00 accept vactor alers of donated food end to maintain aninventory of food sourced in advance and a the bent prices. Our increased space has also enabied us to launch new programming that complemerts he adtonal food bank servioes. And thanks to the gererosty of many our newfacity s now debr treet The new tacity has transtormed a Whar impact wi the lss of the Washington County grane have on he organizsion? A While loing the county grant wan a dcoorenert, k wes orly 7% of our revenr lant yrar. Local individuala fundraisers, corporatons and fourdations provides Ss of our operaing revenue and we heve every reanon to believe thar ther etraordnary generosity wi coneinue O Whar a the reasoning betind your new CommunityOuenach Program, and how has this new program been received thus far? A khas long been our goal no serve more communtes in Washingon Counny One of the reasons at we instituted our Truc to Trunk modet n lae 2019 A Food Helper loads tesh bananas. carots and was that the increased efficiency of the model would enable ui to serve more communibes We were digroed to have ntiated the Community Dureach Program in y and are eceiving some wondert eedback Irom our dients As we buld momenum and increase our marketing efforts, the word has spread and mere dieres have requested food assisance. The Fredericitown diserbution was wonderfuly successl Wie were ate 10 serve over 100 reedy tanbes during our frut vist to the watertrort. lettuce into a clientrs vehicle a Wharis the funding sora for the Community Ouresch Program? A To purchase the food for the Community Oureach Program, we eed $100.000 om our untestrcted reserves and we anticipate that food will ast four to sx months for the curent dstribution schedule. Ta be abte to continue the program and hopefully to increese the deributons, we soon wi be intacing a fundraising cangaign. The communty has been so very generous to us over he past years, and so we are hepeha that they will cortinue ther penersny to enatie us to serve these newiyrideneed needy families in our community Cans line up to receive food at the Fredericktown Community Outreach Program distribution Q Aretere any other changes planned for Food Helpers in the coming months? A Food Hegers is explaring several new programs a focus on the identiication of underserved food insecure resdents and w have se strategized methods to increase our eting Veterans Programand our Senior Box Program. Currentiy we are upgrading our kitohen to intiate our Short- Term Emergency Program STEP Thvough STEP, the Food Bak wii prepare and deliver hot tos meals o individuals with short-term edcal condbons wth no or a limted support syem at home. is articipased that through good nutrtion individus wilrecover more quickty and more which wl reduce the kolhood of reeding adstiona medca reatments o hopitak staya Pennatronics and their staff hosted a food drive during the pandemic to help feed our community. Foodlepers Revee Soces 10019 w20 Fndaing end O. MISSION STATEMENT adsdu, Gam O, To form lasting solutions to hunger Gn ke fity insecurity through effective food distribution systems, to educate and empower the needy in seeking positive festyle changes and to create awareness through individual and communiky partrnerships Copontion k Foud Walgoa Coun Goet N Govmme Edading Walp Coun 20% 909 National Pike W. Brownsville PA 15417 (724) 632-2190 Here to Help Food Helpers Feeding Training - Thrifing - Farming Food Helpers Feeding - Training Thrifting Farming Q&A WITH CONNIE BURD, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR O About si years aga you moved from Eghy Four lo your cument faciny in Brownsvie. Why dd you make that move, and how has your new facity impacted your operations? A The move to Brownevle was preciptaed both by necessiny and opportunty The lacity we leased in Egtey Four continuousty needed repairs. and at ontu R500 square feet prohbed us from accepong large cororbutons ot donaced food and from maincaining adeguace inventory Our curene 26.500 square feet faciy ang with 22 acres of pristne tam land has enatied us 00 accept vactor alers of donated food end to maintain aninventory of food sourced in advance and a the bent prices. Our increased space has also enabied us to launch new programming that complemerts he adtonal food bank servioes. And thanks to the gererosty of many our newfacity s now debr treet The new tacity has transtormed a Whar impact wi the lss of the Washington County grane have on he organizsion? A While loing the county grant wan a dcoorenert, k wes orly 7% of our revenr lant yrar. Local individuala fundraisers, corporatons and fourdations provides Ss of our operaing revenue and we heve every reanon to believe thar ther etraordnary generosity wi coneinue O Whar a the reasoning betind your new CommunityOuenach Program, and how has this new program been received thus far? A khas long been our goal no serve more communtes in Washingon Counny One of the reasons at we instituted our Truc to Trunk modet n lae 2019 A Food Helper loads tesh bananas. carots and was that the increased efficiency of the model would enable ui to serve more communibes We were digroed to have ntiated the Community Dureach Program in y and are eceiving some wondert eedback Irom our dients As we buld momenum and increase our marketing efforts, the word has spread and mere dieres have requested food assisance. The Fredericitown diserbution was wonderfuly successl Wie were ate 10 serve over 100 reedy tanbes during our frut vist to the watertrort. lettuce into a clientrs vehicle a Wharis the funding sora for the Community Ouresch Program? A To purchase the food for the Community Oureach Program, we eed $100.000 om our untestrcted reserves and we anticipate that food will ast four to sx months for the curent dstribution schedule. Ta be abte to continue the program and hopefully to increese the deributons, we soon wi be intacing a fundraising cangaign. The communty has been so very generous to us over he past years, and so we are hepeha that they will cortinue ther penersny to enatie us to serve these newiyrideneed needy families in our community Cans line up to receive food at the Fredericktown Community Outreach Program distribution Q Aretere any other changes planned for Food Helpers in the coming months? A Food Hegers is explaring several new programs a focus on the identiication of underserved food insecure resdents and w have se strategized methods to increase our eting Veterans Programand our Senior Box Program. Currentiy we are upgrading our kitohen to intiate our Short- Term Emergency Program STEP Thvough STEP, the Food Bak wii prepare and deliver hot tos meals o individuals with short-term edcal condbons wth no or a limted support syem at home. is articipased that through good nutrtion individus wilrecover more quickty and more which wl reduce the kolhood of reeding adstiona medca reatments o hopitak staya Pennatronics and their staff hosted a food drive during the pandemic to help feed our community. Foodlepers Revee Soces 10019 w20 Fndaing end O. MISSION STATEMENT adsdu, Gam O, To form lasting solutions to hunger Gn ke fity insecurity through effective food distribution systems, to educate and empower the needy in seeking positive festyle changes and to create awareness through individual and communiky partrnerships Copontion k Foud Walgoa Coun Goet N Govmme Edading Walp Coun 20% 909 National Pike W. Brownsville PA 15417 (724) 632-2190 Here to Help Food Helpers Feeding Training - Thrifing - Farming