Thank You for VOTING US One of the Best Florists! prter's Otdicial Oneoanitr *2019* We have all of your BEST OF THE best Holiday Florals & More! Come see us! Obseruer Reporter arving Osi Community Pretty Petals FLORAL & GIFT SHOP 600 National Pike W., Brownsville, PA 15417 724.785.6048 Stace t808 Thank You for VOTING US One of the Best Florists! prter's Otdicial Oneoanitr *2019* We have all of your BEST OF THE best Holiday Florals & More! Come see us! Obseruer Reporter arving Osi Community Pretty Petals FLORAL & GIFT SHOP 600 National Pike W., Brownsville, PA 15417 724.785.6048 Stace t808