Fort Vance Historical Society the 1800s tao has beneltnd from Over the years the weekly ew heir amly stary Be hane hal igi tain and local .litary Fhuis aw krated in Pebewary 8to he elning o the charter War etters that desebe their dxy to day A lempoeary bibay pay is i isbocical upe on the betioe Street, ng varety of loeal art IA iny years adher his death iw retuneed Thycerpted the challege that were published in the the rareeen was located at mach a dstane s garter of the Nncteenth Century, e an be directlymade to er Vance tislor Burgettstown Post Office Employees are Santa's Helpers all-tie high in bokh canoritions and mail receved has been processed by em lanp m" bags to be harded dady, have kept the p onke stale neptkrully busy R D. rukes are served in on the tvo local rouies. Two estra eiployees were mater Prank In the pectures Joe le. Harey Bryd, Ele Koalk Rlp Kora, and Jack Cullay.CD.S Santa's hdper say that all m will be out of the kcalomce by animas Kv" ard that all penshables or special delivenes whuch anive Christs day wil be deered Cy ef Fort va