NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 7, 2023 in accordance with the provisions of the Election Code of the Commonwealth of Pennanu and amendments the NOTICE is hereby given to the qualified electors of the County of Washington thata Municipal Election will be held in said County on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A.M and 8:00 d'clock PM, PREVAILING TIME in the election districts that which time and place registered and enested electors of the County of Washington will vote by ballot for the election of candidates for the following offices and respective br C-2 Courty STATE COUNTS All dvice of the pret Dary De C Jo Tinka Lane M Republican Sal Republican Jo Democ Meja Mat COUNTY OFFICES Al precinci Courty County Cenminiatu form Lay Mag N Republica A vor Or M F Republican for Manning Ticke Corner Voor One T www. chal ol Court) v tr beca a Protary ve for One Sandy S A Register of obc D OBOLLEVELE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OFFICES the P Democratic Republica Sayak C 'Co CITY OFFICES MONONGANLA Arty of M May We Segory Gary Democrate Rica M Republican C 27-301 27-0 De Day M Cound-r Anyw Jul Burge M independent clonforne De CyCo MAON NOD De Cound K Dec forma BOROUGH O ALLENPORT Counc Democ Mayor-ya M Co- Modern Lo Demo - p MENLEVILLE Council from man Nom W Demo Jo Gordon De J K Ja Co- Mote for th W Democratic Pa M Hon C-2 years Men CALIFORNIA AM De O Jn Ma Democra M publican c Con-Tal Ward for De free Rich Ru Par Democrats Council - Wd Riche CENTERVALLE - Thoratar) Democratic De Counct-2nd Ward for Tammy inpeces for Co- JL De P Thomas Str P C-2 1 CLAYSILLE Democratic S COAL CENTER May-2 wa M Dem C-Eyr COKEBURG La Sha Co- Ver A DEEMITON De kan tr Wouldtor Otruct BL L Counc-pa Th AW for more than fr DONORA De Repub Dec S Dec DUNLEVY C De M Ap Con-a for De De May-2 J Co- C To Ma Democ Munts Mund ELCO La Dog 1 Car Ay L Cen J Ayinch J Martin can for publican W pucan Howe ELLWORTH Me Den L G M Democ George Burn Dem David Ry Den FINLEYALLE HOUSTON Com Le Republican GREENHILL TC- - Dec Leta W for LONG BRANCH Coverci V C Tax Republican C- S Co- MAC TC- MiDONALD TAM De De Aber MIDWAY Co- T pubic NEW EAGLE Tanya Democ NORTH CHARLERO May-2 ye C Co FDM Mark Democratic Mary A Republican pubic ROSCO Seg Sandy des SPEERS STOCK Co Ho for more than De Dec T May - He can Democ C Comp How T WEST BROWNEVELE Counci Vote for not more than Th Juh pican k NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 7 , 2023 in accordance with the provisions of the Election Code of the Commonwealth of Pennanu and amendments the NOTICE is hereby given to the qualified electors of the County of Washington thata Municipal Election will be held in said County on Tuesday , November 7 , 2023 , between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A.M and 8:00 d'clock PM , PREVAILING TIME in the election districts that which time and place registered and enested electors of the County of Washington will vote by ballot for the election of candidates for the following offices and respective br C - 2 Courty STATE COUNTS All dvice of the pret Dary De C Jo Tinka Lane M Republican Sal Republican Jo Democ Meja Mat COUNTY OFFICES Al precinci Courty County Cenminiatu form Lay Mag N Republica A vor Or M F Republican for Manning Ticke Corner Voor One T www . chal ol Court ) v tr beca a Protary ve for One Sandy S A Register of obc D OBOLLEVELE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OFFICES the P Democratic Republica Sayak C ' Co CITY OFFICES MONONGANLA Arty of M May We Segory Gary Democrate Rica M Republican C 27-301 27-0 De Day M Cound - r Anyw Jul Burge M independent clonforne De CyCo MAON NOD De Cound K Dec forma BOROUGH O ALLENPORT Counc Democ Mayor - ya M Co Modern Lo Demo - p MENLEVILLE Council from man Nom W Demo Jo Gordon De J K Ja Co Mote for th W Democratic Pa M Hon C - 2 years Men CALIFORNIA AM De O Jn Ma Democra M publican c Con - Tal Ward for De free Rich Ru Par Democrats Council - Wd Riche CENTERVALLE - Thoratar ) Democratic De Counct - 2nd Ward for Tammy inpeces for Co JL De P Thomas Str P C - 2 1 CLAYSILLE Democratic S COAL CENTER May - 2 wa M Dem C - Eyr COKEBURG La Sha Co Ver A DEEMITON De kan tr Wouldtor Otruct BL L Counc - pa Th AW for more than fr DONORA De Repub Dec S Dec DUNLEVY C De M Ap Con - a for De De May - 2 J Co C To Ma Democ Munts Mund ELCO La Dog 1 Car Ay L Cen J Ayinch J Martin can for publican W pucan Howe ELLWORTH Me Den L G M Democ George Burn Dem David Ry Den FINLEYALLE HOUSTON Com Le Republican GREENHILL TC - Dec Leta W for LONG BRANCH Coverci V C Tax Republican C S Co MAC TC MiDONALD TAM De De Aber MIDWAY Co T pubic NEW EAGLE Tanya Democ NORTH CHARLERO May - 2 ye C Co FDM Mark Democratic Mary A Republican pubic ROSCO Seg Sandy des SPEERS STOCK Co Ho for more than De Dec T May - He can Democ C Comp How T WEST BROWNEVELE Counci Vote for not more than Th Juh pican k