UNION GRAND OPENING SPECIALS! Upper St. Clair location 1614 Washington Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15241 412-835-4600 BANK Financial Strength Begins With US. Established in 1904 LIMITED OFFER SUPER CD SPECIALS 6 MONTH 2.25% APY* 10 MONTH 2.50% APY* (Penalty for Early Withdrawal $500 Minimum Balance New Deposits Only) The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/30/18. Maximizer Savings 2.00% APY* Minimum balance of $5000 Member OUIOE Minimum of $5000 deposit to open the account. New Deposits Only. The Rate may change after the account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. HOURS: MON-THURS 9AM-5PM FRI 9AM-6PM SAT 9AM-1PM The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 1/20/19