21 FRONTIER REALTY A Agne Asociate roke, GRL Ao AR M SRS n CN Dolanch n CENTURY 21 CS CINTURON oduor Agen Re he bolanh an AK Unts tram ACor n A ku ievel Peania Pesideir fea GRAND CINTUeON TAM 2 r 200s CENTURION odu CENTURIONnr Socty CENTURION 1 CENTURIONonar Socety Ouaity Service Ponade hesdenr oduw Aget t iite Ratinum Level heidents Hal st Fane since 2010 2es Quality Serviee Pinnace ofice 200 CENTURSONe Oice 2020 Presidents Awand office Quaity Servie Pae e Agent Reteat Ite P ean Heher bet kuocate lecke S Mat y Quality Ser Pnace Rele Man Ruby Quality Servi iade fp Aget Ratv Painum Level Bty A AR SES SES Quliy tenioe Pnace Putinum Lel Ange yton The Delanch Team GAAND CINTURON CRSAB G Patinum Level Oulity Sence Pade CENTURION Hr Sety Quality Service heeade leam Pinum ve feam Rete Pinam L Platinum L Boe Ha Ouality Senice Puinum tl Martn Gal b The n Dlanch Ten De in Dolanch tem GRAND CENRON Teum Qualty Servio ace Tean Patinum Level lan Painum Le ABR SES CRAND CENTURION an Puinum L Platinum Lewl Ouality Senice Team Gold Level Team AM SS Ouity Seice Gold Level Kty ova Apnil Ay R SS Joe fubel A Gold ee Anne Comm A Qaliny Sevioe nade Ouiy Service Ouity Sence Gold evel Quaity Service Penace Gold evel Pace Gold Level Gold vel Holy bonah ohn Kubia GRLA Sver b Sa Cona Paricia ht Iran onn AR SES Sver Level Comy Slaw Sve Level Oulity Service Penade Gold Level Pen b Sver Level C ry Sher l M de Sive Le Cher Ag ono Leve And Smy A Quality Servioe Pnace o ee Sl Levil eMan Bon L Em tcher Brono Lvel ApMn ono Level ron Bronor Level Caroline g Ring CENTURY 21 Frontier Realty Contribution's to Easterseals in excess of S550,000 Ranked #1 in Pennsylvania CENTURY 21 Real Éstate has raised $129 Million dollars for Easterseals! CENTURY 21 & easterseals Corporate Administrators, Brokers and Managers Roger Danch Pidenrke Pat Dolach A er Dete n Aurting Larotive fend Aoo roke Manager hinn e Cent Wtoland Wim Aociteer Manager Man Valy od eve Relocation Director A er Aociate Development He lhonas Copo Ecute Adnint Chstine Ge Deedor of Cuntoe Ca Adinitor Man Vley Don e North Suie Lehart Ad Cental Weanarland Waington-Gene Adninator Corporate - South Hills 724.941.8680 Mon Valley 724.929.2180 Washington-Greene 724.228.2510 North Hills 724.940.7500 Central Westmoreland 724.832.8040 Waynesburg 724.852.1121 Pittsburgh 412.563.4220 21 FRONTIER REALTY A Agne Asociate roke, GRL Ao AR M SRS n CN Dolanch n CENTURY 21 CS CINTURON oduor Agen Re he bolanh an AK Unts tram ACor n A ku ievel Peania Pesideir fea GRAND CINTUeON TAM 2 r 200s CENTURION odu CENTURIONnr Socty CENTURION 1 CENTURIONonar Socety Ouaity Service Ponade hesdenr oduw Aget t iite Ratinum Level heidents Hal st Fane since 2010 2es Quality Serviee Pinnace ofice 200 CENTURSONe Oice 2020 Presidents Awand office Quaity Servie Pae e Agent Reteat Ite P ean Heher bet kuocate lecke S Mat y Quality Ser Pnace Rele Man Ruby Quality Servi iade fp Aget Ratv Painum Level Bty A AR SES SES Quliy tenioe Pnace Putinum Lel Ange yton The Delanch Team GAAND CINTURON CRSAB G Patinum Level Oulity Sence Pade CENTURION Hr Sety Quality Service heeade leam Pinum ve feam Rete Pinam L Platinum L Boe Ha Ouality Senice Puinum tl Martn Gal b The n Dlanch Ten De in Dolanch tem GRAND CENRON Teum Qualty Servio ace Tean Patinum Level lan Painum Le ABR SES CRAND CENTURION an Puinum L Platinum Lewl Ouality Senice Team Gold Level Team AM SS Ouity Seice Gold Level Kty ova Apnil Ay R SS Joe fubel A Gold ee Anne Comm A Qaliny Sevioe nade Ouiy Service Ouity Sence Gold evel Quaity Service Penace Gold evel Pace Gold Level Gold vel Holy bonah ohn Kubia GRLA Sver b Sa Cona Paricia ht Iran onn AR SES Sver Level Comy Slaw Sve Level Oulity Service Penade Gold Level Pen b Sver Level C ry Sher l M de Sive Le Cher Ag ono Leve And Smy A Quality Servioe Pnace o ee Sl Levil eMan Bon L Em tcher Brono Lvel ApMn ono Level ron Bronor Level Caroline g Ring CENTURY 21 Frontier Realty Contribution's to Easterseals in excess of S550,000 Ranked #1 in Pennsylvania CENTURY 21 Real Éstate has raised $129 Million dollars for Easterseals! CENTURY 21 & easterseals Corporate Administrators, Brokers and Managers Roger Danch Pidenrke Pat Dolach A er Dete n Aurting Larotive fend Aoo roke Manager hinn e Cent Wtoland Wim Aociteer Manager Man Valy od eve Relocation Director A er Aociate Development He lhonas Copo Ecute Adnint Chstine Ge Deedor of Cuntoe Ca Adinitor Man Vley Don e North Suie Lehart Ad Cental Weanarland Waington-Gene Adninator Corporate - South Hills 724.941.8680 Mon Valley 724.929.2180 Washington-Greene 724.228.2510 North Hills 724.940.7500 Central Westmoreland 724.832.8040 Waynesburg 724.852.1121 Pittsburgh 412.563.4220