1in 10 Pennsylvania residents has unclaimed property waiting for them. The Pennsytvania Treasury Department has more than S35BILLION in unclaimed property The Pennaylvania Treasury Department wants that money back in YOUR pocket Lant year, he Pennoyhvania treasury retumedmore than S10million of unclaimed property. e might have money foryou - justsearch www.patreaurywto fed out Unciaimed property includes: Abandoned bank account /Forgotten stocks /Uncashed checks /Certiicates of deposit Ue inurance policies/ Sale deposit bor contents / Recovered stolen property. THIS IS YOUR MONEY Treasury is working hard to find the rightlulowners of this unclaimed property. But even we cant find you you can claim your propety. Visit www.patreasury.gw and search for your name or business today Even t your name does not appear on this t, we may s tae propety for you Notoe of Names of Persone Appearng o be Owres of Abandored and Unclemee Property Washington County Listed in Alphabetical Order by Last Known Reported Zip Code Kepull l Dt elA eC Dere 1 e LM Ca Ning May d len K AD M M e m Cem y ah y M Loherd imte o A Wager Mar D Ka M Mnen M M Yan N Sen e Ce Th Wala Koh Ma e Men Ma M T Ce e Teple Comptration Sem t l om epet Sa Cha Ce r A C Ma Ma F A R Du De 1in 10 Pennsylvania residents has unclaimed property waiting for them. The Pennsytvania Treasury Department has more than S35BILLION in unclaimed property The Pennaylvania Treasury Department wants that money back in YOUR pocket Lant year, he Pennoyhvania treasury retumedmore than S10million of unclaimed property. e might have money foryou - justsearch www.patreaurywto fed out Unciaimed property includes: Abandoned bank account /Forgotten stocks /Uncashed checks /Certiicates of deposit Ue inurance policies/ Sale deposit bor contents / Recovered stolen property. THIS IS YOUR MONEY Treasury is working hard to find the rightlulowners of this unclaimed property. But even we cant find you you can claim your propety. Visit www.patreasury.gw and search for your name or business today Even t your name does not appear on this t, we may s tae propety for you Notoe of Names of Persone Appearng o be Owres of Abandored and Unclemee Property Washington County Listed in Alphabetical Order by Last Known Reported Zip Code Kepull l Dt elA eC Dere 1 e LM Ca Ning May d len K AD M M e m Cem y ah y M Loherd imte o A Wager Mar D Ka M Mnen M M Yan N Sen e Ce Th Wala Koh Ma e Men Ma M T Ce e Teple Comptration Sem t l om epet Sa Cha Ce r A C Ma Ma F A R Du De