Do You Suffer With NEUROPATHY? Suffer No More! Imagine no more medication ... but a proven long-term solution for your: > Numbness FREE EVALUATION FOR A LIMITED TIME!! 16-POINT > Diabetic nerve pain > Sharp, electric-like pain We offer a scientific 5-step approach that heals your nerves and reverses your symptoms by: I can feel my feet for the first time in ten years! >Burning or tingling > Chemo induced nerve pain > Muscle weakness > Balance issues > Difficulty sleeping from pain Have You Been Told That Nothing Could Be Done? NEUROPATHY Was Permanent? These People Were Told the Same Thing! Numbness, tingling and burning pain in my feet are GONE! I can play golf again! INTEGRATED INTE > Increasing blood flow to hands & feet > Increasing & repairing proper nerve function > Increasing balance & stability > Decreasing your pain & numbness Told I would have to live with severe neck & low back pain, numb feet, tingling hands & feet & severe balance problems. Not true! Everything is much better! Numbness, tingling, stiffness and severe night-time pain keeping me awake & affecting my walking are ALL GONE! 66 The burning in my feet that would wake me up at night is GONE! I can sleep through the night and I don't have to take Gabapentin anymore! LET'S GET YOU BACK TO DOING WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO! Dr. Christopher Carr, DC | Dr. Ryan Livingston, DC 724-573-8520 3055 I've been to four doctors and tried all sorts of treatments with no help. Thankfully I didn't give up because FINALLY I am getting better! Washington Rd., McMurray, PA 15317 Do You Suffer With NEUROPATHY ? Suffer No More ! Imagine no more medication ... but a proven long - term solution for your : > Numbness FREE EVALUATION FOR A LIMITED TIME !! 16 - POINT > Diabetic nerve pain > Sharp , electric - like pain We offer a scientific 5 - step approach that heals your nerves and reverses your symptoms by : I can feel my feet for the first time in ten years ! > Burning or tingling > Chemo induced nerve pain > Muscle weakness > Balance issues > Difficulty sleeping from pain Have You Been Told That Nothing Could Be Done ? NEUROPATHY Was Permanent ? These People Were Told the Same Thing ! Numbness , tingling and burning pain in my feet are GONE ! I can play golf again ! INTEGRATED INTE > Increasing blood flow to hands & feet > Increasing & repairing proper nerve function > Increasing balance & stability > Decreasing your pain & numbness Told I would have to live with severe neck & low back pain , numb feet , tingling hands & feet & severe balance problems . Not true ! Everything is much better ! Numbness , tingling , stiffness and severe night - time pain keeping me awake & affecting my walking are ALL GONE ! 66 The burning in my feet that would wake me up at night is GONE ! I can sleep through the night and I don't have to take Gabapentin anymore ! LET'S GET YOU BACK TO DOING WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO ! Dr. Christopher Carr , DC | Dr. Ryan Livingston , DC 724-573-8520 3055 I've been to four doctors and tried all sorts of treatments with no help . Thankfully I didn't give up because FINALLY I am getting better ! Washington Rd . , McMurray , PA 15317