WANO CHIROPRACTIC WEIGHT LOSS LASER CENTER Are you really ready to lose weight?! Up to 30lbs in 30 days* Special Pricing 2 Weeks Only! Observer Serving Community's Choice Official *2023* BEST OF THE Our MAR FIRST PLACE Observer-Reporter observer reporter.com Community Awards Since 1808 724-299-3705 wanowellness.com 1049 Waterdam Plaza Dr., McMurray, PA Our plan consists of store bought and restaurant foods without the use of dangerous shots or pill. * Your result may vary depending on the program and your participation. Federal agencies suggest most people who participate in any weight loss program will lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week. LOSE UP TO $379 30 POUNDS Includes: labwork, body composition analysis, formation of plan, all weight loss visits WANO CHIROPRACTIC-724-299-3705 With this coupon. Other fees may apply. Expires 2-24-24. Go to LocalFlavor.com for more coupons. $599 Includes: labwork, body composition analysis. formation of plan, all weight loss visits LOSE UP TO 100 POUNDS WANO CHIROPRACTIC-724-299-3705 With this coupon. Other fees may apply. Expires 2-24-24. Go to LocalFlavor.com for more coupons. WANO CHIROPRACTIC WEIGHT LOSS LASER CENTER Are you really ready to lose weight ?! Up to 30lbs in 30 days * Special Pricing 2 Weeks Only ! Observer Serving Community's Choice Official * 2023 * BEST OF THE Our MAR FIRST PLACE Observer - Reporter observer reporter.com Community Awards Since 1808 724-299-3705 wanowellness.com 1049 Waterdam Plaza Dr. , McMurray , PA Our plan consists of store bought and restaurant foods without the use of dangerous shots or pill . * Your result may vary depending on the program and your participation . Federal agencies suggest most people who participate in any weight loss program will lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week . LOSE UP TO $ 379 30 POUNDS Includes : labwork , body composition analysis , formation of plan , all weight loss visits WANO CHIROPRACTIC - 724-299-3705 With this coupon . Other fees may apply . Expires 2-24-24 . Go to LocalFlavor.com for more coupons . $ 599 Includes : labwork , body composition analysis . formation of plan , all weight loss visits LOSE UP TO 100 POUNDS WANO CHIROPRACTIC - 724-299-3705 With this coupon . Other fees may apply . Expires 2-24-24 . Go to LocalFlavor.com for more coupons .