Over the Counter & At the Counter We're Here to Help Your Local Full-Service Pharmacy Friendly answers from trained pharmacist Great selection & competitive prices Fast Phone & online refills Home medical supplies Delivery available Janosik's PHARMACY THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE 122 Sixth Street Monessen, PA 15062 Pharmacist Owner: Joe Janosik Hours: M-T-H-F 9:00-6:00 W 9:00-5:00 Sat. 9:00-2:00 Phone: 724-684-8600 Mobile: 724-747-6483 Over the Counter & At the Counter We're Here to Help Your Local Full-Service Pharmacy Friendly answers from trained pharmacist Great selection & competitive prices Fast Phone & online refills Home medical supplies Delivery available Janosik's PHARMACY THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE 122 Sixth Street Monessen, PA 15062 Pharmacist Owner: Joe Janosik Hours: M-T-H-F 9:00-6:00 W 9:00-5:00 Sat. 9:00-2:00 Phone: 724-684-8600 Mobile: 724-747-6483