RABE'S TRADING POST &GUN SHOP A quality resale store offering new & used items at affordable prices. Our merchandise is a cut above the rest. CONSIGNMENT AVAILABLE Located inside the store is Rabe's Guns offering FFL transfers, guns, & accessories. 724-258-6705 210 Fourth Street, Monongahela, PA 15063 Hrs: Mon-Thur: 10am-5pm, Fri: 10am-6pm, Sat: 10am-4pm www.rabestradingpost.com fl like us on facebook n RABE'S TRADING POST &GUN SHOP A quality resale store offering new & used items at affordable prices. Our merchandise is a cut above the rest. CONSIGNMENT AVAILABLE Located inside the store is Rabe's Guns offering FFL transfers, guns, & accessories. 724-258-6705 210 Fourth Street, Monongahela, PA 15063 Hrs: Mon-Thur: 10am-5pm, Fri: 10am-6pm, Sat: 10am-4pm www.rabestradingpost.com fl like us on facebook n