PROPOSED NEW ISSUE ANTICIPATED RATING: Moody's "Aa3" $3,450,000* Township Cecil B Oca 700 KENNSYLVANIA TOWNSHIP OF CECIL Washington County Commonwealth of Pennsylvania General Obligation Bonds Series of 2023 Anticipated date of offering on or about Thursday, September 28, 2023 The offering of Bonds will be made only by the Official Statement, which describes the security for such issue and which may be obtained in any state in which the undersigned may lawfully offer such issue. RAYMOND JAMES Mark Palmer, CFP®, CRPC Financial Advisor 412.319.7861 2 Union Ave. // Oakdale, PA 15071 This is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy any security. A credit rating of a security is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to review, revisions, suspension, reduction or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating agency. A decision to purchase the Bonds is an investment decision that should only be made after a complete review and u d understanding of the terms of the Bonds, including investment risks. No decision should be made prior to receipt and re d review of t of the Preliminary Official Statement and applicable pricing information. This bond is being underwritten by Raymond James & Associates, Inc, member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC Mark Palmer is a financial advisor with Raymond James Financial Services, Inc, member FINRA/SIPC Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Investment advisory services offered though Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., and Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc., are affiliated with Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification mark CFP in the U.S. "Preliminary, subject to change and availability PROPOSED NEW ISSUE ANTICIPATED RATING : Moody's " Aa3 " $ 3,450,000 * Township Cecil B Oca 700 KENNSYLVANIA TOWNSHIP OF CECIL Washington County Commonwealth of Pennsylvania General Obligation Bonds Series of 2023 Anticipated date of offering on or about Thursday , September 28 , 2023 The offering of Bonds will be made only by the Official Statement , which describes the security for such issue and which may be obtained in any state in which the undersigned may lawfully offer such issue . RAYMOND JAMES Mark Palmer , CFP® , CRPC Financial Advisor 412.319.7861 2 Union Ave. // Oakdale , PA 15071 This is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy any security . A credit rating of a security is not a recommendation to buy , sell or hold securities and may be subject to review , revisions , suspension , reduction or withdrawal at any time by the assigning rating agency . A decision to purchase the Bonds is an investment decision that should only be made after a complete review and u d understanding of the terms of the Bonds , including investment risks . No decision should be made prior to receipt and re d review of t of the Preliminary Official Statement and applicable pricing information . This bond is being underwritten by Raymond James & Associates , Inc , member New York Stock Exchange / SIPC Mark Palmer is a financial advisor with Raymond James Financial Services , Inc , member FINRA / SIPC Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services , Inc. Investment advisory services offered though Raymond James Financial Services Advisors , Inc. Raymond James Financial Services , Inc. , and Raymond James Financial Services Advisors , Inc. , are affiliated with Raymond James & Associates , Inc. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification mark CFP in the U.S. " Preliminary , subject to change and availability