PA Mi ONE NATION UNDER GOD BLESSED IS THE NATION WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD - PSALM 33:12 - PRESIDENTS e Andnh c H ie he butn ot u-an fae ptan and tan g Shde d SUPREME COURT JUSTICES ign pe tty SUPREME COURT RULINGS doth bertn olation be victon the ity voon the bing f gni twanet tonOucafhe ntyS, e inDecon D Jn O hume e ndoy ed w e ding t he pof the onp honot et ht he Oc pendece fnt onind tothe ne e npn Th e Jt us S tnig nd One o the bl bom far min 1M2 whe Ctsd juiprudnoe Ovatanty tree Comon L Theee en per n wh C L e Oty m and stant, witht tanet pt eonnded n ie ptprinc FOUNDING FATHERS Otaty CONGRESS ma tepen Cvtaty oand t y Orntan, hebe dre t t eshal pay e t Otei Sete ciny Cem pt y FOREIGN OPINION noto Chi d e e bopunte French er Aan aturat Denoy can be no suattute tor Craityhet igon thoundeo hempu de te The pe pin he Unted Stan The pat nnter cd M iny C o Meh pe t rne ry tis, socetesd he o de en n EDUCATION ed y de c d Tet g deg God and Cat ws go oporniae ae pe a o anet y Oat bot y ondonat dschon grnet u , Achiet Pench atner f Anein www.h om PA Mi ONE NATION UNDER GOD BLESSED IS THE NATION WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD - PSALM 33:12 - PRESIDENTS e Andnh c H ie he butn ot u-an fae ptan and tan g Shde d SUPREME COURT JUSTICES ign pe tty SUPREME COURT RULINGS doth bertn olation be victon the ity voon the bing f gni twanet tonOucafhe ntyS, e inDecon D Jn O hume e ndoy ed w e ding t he pof the onp honot et ht he Oc pendece fnt onind tothe ne e npn Th e Jt us S tnig nd One o the bl bom far min 1M2 whe Ctsd juiprudnoe Ovatanty tree Comon L Theee en per n wh C L e Oty m and stant, witht tanet pt eonnded n ie ptprinc FOUNDING FATHERS Otaty CONGRESS ma tepen Cvtaty oand t y Orntan, hebe dre t t eshal pay e t Otei Sete ciny Cem pt y FOREIGN OPINION noto Chi d e e bopunte French er Aan aturat Denoy can be no suattute tor Craityhet igon thoundeo hempu de te The pe pin he Unted Stan The pat nnter cd M iny C o Meh pe t rne ry tis, socetesd he o de en n EDUCATION ed y de c d Tet g deg God and Cat ws go oporniae ae pe a o anet y Oat bot y ondonat dschon grnet u , Achiet Pench atner f Anein www.h om