DAVEEMINT mMD ADVR PAADVERTENEN BLESSED IS THE NATION WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD, THE PEOPLE HE CHOSE FOR HIS INHERITANCE. PSALM 33:12 ONE NATION UNDER GOD wihot His aid We have been ared, s, the Moe witings th t theLon buts the toun, they labor in wain who build 1my one eroly hie by prarn seot t sek Hm Povets 2, 3Every one sha s c himet in neading the Scriptures twice ry thare shal be ready to give ch a H 1636 5tudent "A the schours i reuie toregou and blamels ie according to the nues of God's wot ogenty ading the Holy Sorigtes, ta founten of Divine igt and trh and cotanty PRESIDENTS it is the duby of at ratom oinowd e providence o Amighty Go, to obey Hs d humtly budng no beer than the bulders of Babel Bea rn tonploe orotection and to George Washngton ehae no aemment ae powe capable at contnding wih human passions untrided ty mity and reigonOr Constiuion w made only for a moral and SUPREME COURT JUSTICES The Bele is the bet of all books for t elignYale 178 te dutes d opoy in thiworld and in te net Cont eto ead tand to e your e y ts prece n ifit Chet Jntee the govemmnt of any other Adam SUPREME COURT RULINGS thme in o dasonance in thee eg dectaratons These are not individual decaratos of orivae on they ire organ Beone any man can be considd as mber of soo he t be conioed a subect of the Goveor of theUnier ames Madso odce tour peope the choce of their and a the du as well an the e and terest of our Can aion eo i Frs Ch hea rulers m mest its thenty uely o can the ietes of a aon be thou secure when we h oved tr oy tem ba aconcn in the ms of the pele ha thele ra wce of he entre ele ese and many or mas wich might be noticed add a wune of unctical decaon to the mas o oeenc oterances that tha n Chrinban netion Chuch of the Holy TrtyUS. 1892 Chtn icantthe Us So Far ron beng ras ore gon and law are twin ssters, riendh, and mutu astats Inded hee wo scences rn i choermes Ws Ona Jtien on the US Speme Court wd ele fr y county when refec that God is nt that tce cannt sep toeve homas J istnot t in the chan of h ts, the bdy of the nabion s indissolubly inknd with Cot ced des of court nulngs and leg documents an precedents to arive at thi nuling but in 1962 wen the Speme Court struc pray in scbools, t did s "One of the beau boasts of a in the propen of the Goo dopeatonCommon La ot at e Declaaton of independence fest orgeniond the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemers mon vpo rth That mb Thens never s bn a penod which the Common Law dd not e Christanity as lying at its foundations enly telve Chstanty necesary to the soo Sopee Court Jatce wwmot the Boe and escecialy the w eaet, without nots or commt be read and taught aa dvine eation i booosral ppts epounded edences plained and s gorius prnc eph Sory human CatiantyJhn Qincy Ada CONGRESS or FOUNDING FATHERS To the kndy whuence of Cisanty O tht dege of ovil freedom, and poitica ecy as trom the New Testamentvidu Grad's Executors, 1844 Unanmos dec oommending and encouraging the e of the 8blegvementn schoo We a a Cvistian pepleot pecase the w demands it, not to gain euive benefis to avoit ga daties but om choice Chr wha to be epected wht desred b te shll pay due to Cnty Senate Judcary Commt Rport anuary 19, 185 he me of the adoton of te Constton FOREIGN OPINION sha be overtwn, our present repblcan os of evementnd all blessngs which low om the-mat all wth themJeddh Mone An appeo and to the God of howtsis The Amencan conbine e notions of Chtanity and of iberty so intinately in ther mnds that is mpoble to e hem oncee the one whout the other-Alis de Tcquevile mond e ths age thee can te no sst tor ChantyThat was hegon of the founders of the repuc and they epected t to min the igon of ther descendants doy Commiee Repo nAme 1831 aor t a peoper une od ose man ebich e God of natune hath placed in our powsr. Besides, sit we sat ot it our satties aone The ises God who prdes ove the dstines of nations and who wie uptens to fit our tae There in no country in whch te people a so igous i the Unded Sta the Unted St is ly surrisng here ar some ot them for emything for nance be uch Forti Aimigty Got nnot wh course others may take but an for , mety gw me o Patrick Hy EDUCATION socetes to distbuts the Bble to dtrbut ac encoug ur m and oa pecn, nd uty p othe fath to build chape edow congretions scoort seminas ent Let eery sudent be plainty intructed and eamesty presed to consider we e man end o e and ues to knoe God and Ju Orwhich is emal eUohe 173ad e ved se, a long seand te ong ve the more convincing proohs 1 see of t nt is Hsnobce, it probable t anepe cn ae t teed tod foundon of asound kowlee and earng And seing the Lond only eveth wdom et every Fnch obnerver of America in 1832 If you would ike to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, visit Need Him Ministry at wow.chataboutjesus.com To download a free Bible for your phone, go to www.mardel.com/bible. Hobby Lobby, Hemispheres and Mardel Stores-T707 SW 44th St.-oahoma Cey, OK 7379-www.hobbylobby.comministryprojects DAVEEMINT mMD ADVR PAADVERTENEN BLESSED IS THE NATION WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD, THE PEOPLE HE CHOSE FOR HIS INHERITANCE. PSALM 33:12 ONE NATION UNDER GOD wihot His aid We have been ared, s, the Moe witings th t theLon buts the toun, they labor in wain who build 1my one eroly hie by prarn seot t sek Hm Povets 2, 3Every one sha s c himet in neading the Scriptures twice ry thare shal be ready to give ch a H 1636 5tudent "A the schours i reuie toregou and blamels ie according to the nues of God's wot ogenty ading the Holy Sorigtes, ta founten of Divine igt and trh and cotanty PRESIDENTS it is the duby of at ratom oinowd e providence o Amighty Go, to obey Hs d humtly budng no beer than the bulders of Babel Bea rn tonploe orotection and to George Washngton ehae no aemment ae powe capable at contnding wih human passions untrided ty mity and reigonOr Constiuion w made only for a moral and SUPREME COURT JUSTICES The Bele is the bet of all books for t elignYale 178 te dutes d opoy in thiworld and in te net Cont eto ead tand to e your e y ts prece n ifit Chet Jntee the govemmnt of any other Adam SUPREME COURT RULINGS thme in o dasonance in thee eg dectaratons These are not individual decaratos of orivae on they ire organ Beone any man can be considd as mber of soo he t be conioed a subect of the Goveor of theUnier ames Madso odce tour peope the choce of their and a the du as well an the e and terest of our Can aion eo i Frs Ch hea rulers m mest its thenty uely o can the ietes of a aon be thou secure when we h oved tr oy tem ba aconcn in the ms of the pele ha thele ra wce of he entre ele ese and many or mas wich might be noticed add a wune of unctical decaon to the mas o oeenc oterances that tha n Chrinban netion Chuch of the Holy TrtyUS. 1892 Chtn icantthe Us So Far ron beng ras ore gon and law are twin ssters, riendh, and mutu astats Inded hee wo scences rn i choermes Ws Ona Jtien on the US Speme Court wd ele fr y county when refec that God is nt that tce cannt sep toeve homas J istnot t in the chan of h ts, the bdy of the nabion s indissolubly inknd with Cot ced des of court nulngs and leg documents an precedents to arive at thi nuling but in 1962 wen the Speme Court struc pray in scbools, t did s "One of the beau boasts of a in the propen of the Goo dopeatonCommon La ot at e Declaaton of independence fest orgeniond the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemers mon vpo rth That mb Thens never s bn a penod which the Common Law dd not e Christanity as lying at its foundations enly telve Chstanty necesary to the soo Sopee Court Jatce wwmot the Boe and escecialy the w eaet, without nots or commt be read and taught aa dvine eation i booosral ppts epounded edences plained and s gorius prnc eph Sory human CatiantyJhn Qincy Ada CONGRESS or FOUNDING FATHERS To the kndy whuence of Cisanty O tht dege of ovil freedom, and poitica ecy as trom the New Testamentvidu Grad's Executors, 1844 Unanmos dec oommending and encouraging the e of the 8blegvementn schoo We a a Cvistian pepleot pecase the w demands it, not to gain euive benefis to avoit ga daties but om choice Chr wha to be epected wht desred b te shll pay due to Cnty Senate Judcary Commt Rport anuary 19, 185 he me of the adoton of te Constton FOREIGN OPINION sha be overtwn, our present repblcan os of evementnd all blessngs which low om the-mat all wth themJeddh Mone An appeo and to the God of howtsis The Amencan conbine e notions of Chtanity and of iberty so intinately in ther mnds that is mpoble to e hem oncee the one whout the other-Alis de Tcquevile mond e ths age thee can te no sst tor ChantyThat was hegon of the founders of the repuc and they epected t to min the igon of ther descendants doy Commiee Repo nAme 1831 aor t a peoper une od ose man ebich e God of natune hath placed in our powsr. Besides, sit we sat ot it our satties aone The ises God who prdes ove the dstines of nations and who wie uptens to fit our tae There in no country in whch te people a so igous i the Unded Sta the Unted St is ly surrisng here ar some ot them for emything for nance be uch Forti Aimigty Got nnot wh course others may take but an for , mety gw me o Patrick Hy EDUCATION socetes to distbuts the Bble to dtrbut ac encoug ur m and oa pecn, nd uty p othe fath to build chape edow congretions scoort seminas ent Let eery sudent be plainty intructed and eamesty presed to consider we e man end o e and ues to knoe God and Ju Orwhich is emal eUohe 173ad e ved se, a long seand te ong ve the more convincing proohs 1 see of t nt is Hsnobce, it probable t anepe cn ae t teed tod foundon of asound kowlee and earng And seing the Lond only eveth wdom et every Fnch obnerver of America in 1832 If you would ike to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, visit Need Him Ministry at wow.chataboutjesus.com To download a free Bible for your phone, go to www.mardel.com/bible. Hobby Lobby, Hemispheres and Mardel Stores-T707 SW 44th St.-oahoma Cey, OK 7379-www.hobbylobby.comministryprojects