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    July 24, 2019
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Why Haven't Senior Homeowners Been Told These Facts? Keep reading if you own a home in the U.S. and were born before 1957. homeoe 62 and older to g he estra cah the awe-n fct that for dtiom n the US thrir hn in their single bigget etimes d to eny aet, often accoomting for mone than 50% of their otal net rth Yer,onng to ew statistic fm the ortge indutr nioe homeers in the US Alhogh soday's HECM ur hve been ipeoed s pide even gester feancia potection for homewen, there are still muy misonoptions sakenby be he r ust be pad of in fll in onder t With peple now ing ng qufy for a HECM ,which than eer befoe anl boe prion the ce In fact, ose ke back up in, inoieg thin dvaage of a HECM du len wealmar ove to be the pceeds will fst be ased to ff any eisting lens on the mllen delian ued he eguity ig m a ge bing g t sarping that ore than a million bomemmers have wy ee homeowners whe mighr be bettr of with HECM las don even bother to gt moe inforination becan of mo they'e bead That's a hame AAG abcady oed gm et inared Home Equity Covenion Mortp HECMlon to tem en d bece HECM are helping m Ina tra cah fe Is fact, ee avey by American Advion Group (AAG, the nation nber one HECM endes found that over 9 % of their ct s wih heir loes Wile these pecial los ane sot for everyne they cn be a real learer for Hwever, day, thee ae still millons of clgible h we who could beneft thi FHA- inred hun he may imply sot be anare of thi "etiremest secret." C nen thin to be trae Aer all, ou get the csh send ot of y e but you hae o mo moly The cah faum aHECM can be sed Sor arny prpose May people use the money to e on i charges by payng ofode ndsor onher high- l Orher con e inde making home edical Request a FREE Infe Kit &DVD Teday Call 1-800-792-0096 now emben Some people simply moed the exps cah for rday expees whie othen aw o using i as a "alety tor ancial emermcies a meor motpge payss Ia fato mootly wongage paysts a msid with a gowest- d HECM un he the homewnes are sll repible their be ponemy tases homeowne's irace and, i wired, their HOA Asother fact oan are sot aware of is that HECM verewhen ou call AAG for more mortgags fint took hold whon m more othat an make an infid deci You ma be pleaastly arprised by what you dincover infarmation today Homesweers whe are w 31 years w in onder to be taxa remain in their interested in leasing mere Mertaage Infermatien Kt and oVD by calling tel-free at 1800-792 0096 homes Tiday, HECM l a mply an effective way foe AAG Why Haven't Senior Homeowners Been Told These Facts? Keep reading if you own a home in the U.S. and were born before 1957. homeoe 62 and older to g he estra cah the awe-n fct that for dtiom n the US thrir hn in their single bigget etimes d to eny aet, often accoomting for mone than 50% of their otal net rth Yer,onng to ew statistic fm the ortge indutr nioe homeers in the US Alhogh soday's HECM ur hve been ipeoed s pide even gester feancia potection for homewen, there are still muy misonoptions sakenby be he r ust be pad of in fll in onder t With peple now ing ng qufy for a HECM ,which than eer befoe anl boe prion the ce In fact, ose ke back up in, inoieg thin dvaage of a HECM du len wealmar ove to be the pceeds will fst be ased to ff any eisting lens on the mllen delian ued he eguity ig m a ge bing g t sarping that ore than a million bomemmers have wy ee homeowners whe mighr be bettr of with HECM las don even bother to gt moe inforination becan of mo they'e bead That's a hame AAG abcady oed gm et inared Home Equity Covenion Mortp HECMlon to tem en d bece HECM are helping m Ina tra cah fe Is fact, ee avey by American Advion Group (AAG, the nation nber one HECM endes found that over 9 % of their ct s wih heir loes Wile these pecial los ane sot for everyne they cn be a real learer for Hwever, day, thee ae still millons of clgible h we who could beneft thi FHA- inred hun he may imply sot be anare of thi "etiremest secret." C nen thin to be trae Aer all, ou get the csh send ot of y e but you hae o mo moly The cah faum aHECM can be sed Sor arny prpose May people use the money to e on i charges by payng ofode ndsor onher high- l Orher con e inde making home edical Request a FREE Infe Kit &DVD Teday Call 1-800-792-0096 now emben Some people simply moed the exps cah for rday expees whie othen aw o using i as a "alety tor ancial emermcies a meor motpge payss Ia fato mootly wongage paysts a msid with a gowest- d HECM un he the homewnes are sll repible their be ponemy tases homeowne's irace and, i wired, their HOA Asother fact oan are sot aware of is that HECM verewhen ou call AAG for more mortgags fint took hold whon m more othat an make an infid deci You ma be pleaastly arprised by what you dincover infarmation today Homesweers whe are w 31 years w in onder to be taxa remain in their interested in leasing mere Mertaage Infermatien Kt and oVD by calling tel-free at 1800-792 0096 homes Tiday, HECM l a mply an effective way foe AAG