LeafGuard Get it. And forget it. "Guaranteed not to clog for as long as you own your home, or we will clean your gutters for free rating ALITY TEO GOOD. HOUSEKEEPING Sine* Call Today for Your FREE Estimate! LeafGuard 18 724-461-3044 YEARS BACKED BY THE SEAL Olive Garden VIONCHORN STEARMOUE Cheddark d RECEIVEA $50 DARDEN GIFT CARD *LIFETIME NO-CLOG WARRANTY "Does tet include cat of material. Expires 3312. All participants who attnd an estinated 60-90 minute inhome poduct coesultation wil receive a 550 gift cand No parchane is neoessary letal vale is 550. 0fer sponsored by LafGard Holdings, Ic. Lint one gift card per housihold Leafuand procmes, sels, and instal seamless qutter protection. his oller is valid for homeownen over 18 years of age mamted a have a partnet both cohabitating persons must attend and complete presentation together. Partikipants mat have a valid phottu D, understand Englih and be legally able to enter isto a contact. The folloeing persons are not eligble for this ofer employees of Leauard or affiliated companies or estities ther immedate lamly membes, previout participanti in a lealtond e beme consutution withis the past 12 months and ll cument and former LlealGeund cestomen. Promotion may not be edended traesfered, or subtuted erot that Leaand may sbute a git cnd of equal er greater value iit deems it necessary. Gt card and terms and conditens ttps:/www.darden.com/git-canderms-and-o of such oit caed wil be mailed ts the particioant va fint dass US Ma within 21 days of receipt ol promotion fom provided at consultation. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discoent of any lind Offer not sponsored or promoted by darden Restaurnts and is subject to change without notice prier to eration. Offer ends V122 leaard operites as Leatard of Pitmbgh in Pernylvania under eegistration number PA136357 MADE ONSITE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR HOME *THE ONLY ONE-PIECE SEAMLESS DEBRIS SHEDDING GUTTER SYSTEM. SCRATCHGUARDO PAINT FINISH ONLY $99 d-conditions) INSTALLATION LeafGuard Get it. And forget it. "Guaranteed not to clog for as long as you own your home, or we will clean your gutters for free rating ALITY TEO GOOD. HOUSEKEEPING Sine* Call Today for Your FREE Estimate! LeafGuard 18 724-461-3044 YEARS BACKED BY THE SEAL Olive Garden VIONCHORN STEARMOUE Cheddark d RECEIVEA $50 DARDEN GIFT CARD *LIFETIME NO-CLOG WARRANTY "Does tet include cat of material. Expires 3312. All participants who attnd an estinated 60-90 minute inhome poduct coesultation wil receive a 550 gift cand No parchane is neoessary letal vale is 550. 0fer sponsored by LafGard Holdings, Ic. Lint one gift card per housihold Leafuand procmes, sels, and instal seamless qutter protection. his oller is valid for homeownen over 18 years of age mamted a have a partnet both cohabitating persons must attend and complete presentation together. Partikipants mat have a valid phottu D, understand Englih and be legally able to enter isto a contact. The folloeing persons are not eligble for this ofer employees of Leauard or affiliated companies or estities ther immedate lamly membes, previout participanti in a lealtond e beme consutution withis the past 12 months and ll cument and former LlealGeund cestomen. Promotion may not be edended traesfered, or subtuted erot that Leaand may sbute a git cnd of equal er greater value iit deems it necessary. Gt card and terms and conditens ttps:/www.darden.com/git-canderms-and-o of such oit caed wil be mailed ts the particioant va fint dass US Ma within 21 days of receipt ol promotion fom provided at consultation. Not valid in conjunction with any other promotion or discoent of any lind Offer not sponsored or promoted by darden Restaurnts and is subject to change without notice prier to eration. Offer ends V122 leaard operites as Leatard of Pitmbgh in Pernylvania under eegistration number PA136357 MADE ONSITE SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUR HOME *THE ONLY ONE-PIECE SEAMLESS DEBRIS SHEDDING GUTTER SYSTEM. SCRATCHGUARDO PAINT FINISH ONLY $99 d-conditions) INSTALLATION