Thank You for Voting me Best of the Best! ex REALTY Jeff Selvoski Toll Free: 1.888.3977352 x 758 Cell: 724.825.0102 Find me on f & @selvosells MENY AIDSCO Serving Serving Observer-p Servi kootter Reporter orter's Official Community'ec 201 ving Official Serving *2022* BEST OF THE Observer-Reporter observer Our Community- *2021* BEST OF THE Our FIRST PLACE Observer Reporter 4 nity's teporter's Community y's Choice ity's Choice Awards. Our official *2020* BEST OF THE porter's Official c Community's FIRST PLACE Observer-Reporter Community Our nity's Choice *2019* BEST OF THE Community's 's Choice FIRST PLACE Observer-Reporter observer Community Since Since 1808 Awards Since 1808 Awards. Since 1808 Awards. 1808 Thank You for Voting me Best of the Best ! ex REALTY Jeff Selvoski Toll Free : 1.888.3977352 x 758 Cell : 724.825.0102 Find me on f & @selvosells MENY AIDSCO Serving Serving Observer - p Servi kootter Reporter orter's Official Community'ec 201 ving Official Serving * 2022 * BEST OF THE Observer - Reporter observer Our Community * 2021 * BEST OF THE Our FIRST PLACE Observer Reporter 4 nity's teporter's Community y's Choice ity's Choice Awards . Our official * 2020 * BEST OF THE porter's Official c Community's FIRST PLACE Observer - Reporter Community Our nity's Choice * 2019 * BEST OF THE Community's ' s Choice FIRST PLACE Observer - Reporter observer Community Since Since 1808 Awards Since 1808 Awards . Since 1808 Awards . 1808