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    December 3, 2020
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"I qualify for a 24/7 Nurse Line for any medical question." If you qualify for Medicare & Medicaid, you qualify for more. Enroll Today Gateway Health. It's Wholecare. 1-844-368-0324 GatewayHealthoffersHMOplanswithaMedicom contract. Enrolmentin theseplans dependsoncontroctrenewal. GotewoyHoalthcomplieswithapplicable Federalicivilrightslows and doesnatdiscriminateon thebasis ofrace, color, nationalorigin, oge, disabiliny, or sox. Gateway Hoolthdoesnotexclude peopleortreatthemdifferontiybecauseofroce.color,nationaliorigin, oge, disability.or sex. ATTENTION IfyouspeokEngish ianguage assistance services, free of charge, ore avoloble to you. Call1-000-685-5209, (TTY 710.ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla espahol, tenemos servicios de asistencia lingaistica disponibies parasusted sin costo niguno. Llome ol 1-800-685-5209, (TTY: 1 dt:M. . RSERI R ME 1-800-685-5209, (TTY. 710 Yoo97 1692A M "I qualify for a 24/7 Nurse Line for any medical question." If you qualify for Medicare & Medicaid, you qualify for more. Enroll Today Gateway Health. It's Wholecare. 1-844-368-0324 GatewayHealthoffersHMOplanswithaMedicom contract. Enrolmentin theseplans dependsoncontroctrenewal. GotewoyHoalthcomplieswithapplicable Federalicivilrightslows and doesnatdiscriminateon thebasis ofrace, color, nationalorigin, oge, disabiliny, or sox. Gateway Hoolthdoesnotexclude peopleortreatthemdifferontiybecauseofroce.color,nationaliorigin, oge, disability.or sex. ATTENTION IfyouspeokEngish ianguage assistance services, free of charge, ore avoloble to you. Call1-000-685-5209, (TTY 710.ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla espahol, tenemos servicios de asistencia lingaistica disponibies parasusted sin costo niguno. Llome ol 1-800-685-5209, (TTY: 1 dt:M. . RSERI R ME 1-800-685-5209, (TTY. 710 Yoo97 1692A M