HAVE MEDICARE AND MEDICAID? Get health care for the whole you + more HIGHMARK.0 WHOLECARE. Introducing Highmark Wholecare: it's more than just health care. To us, it's also those not-so-little extra options that keep you healthy while also helping you live a fuller life, like 24/7 access to a nurse, wellness essentials, healthy meals, plus more. Highmark Wholecare complies with applicable Federcl civil rights Iaws and does not discriminate on the basis of raco, color, national origin, age, discbility, or sex. Highmark Wholecare coos not exclude people or treat them difforently becouse of race, color, national origin, age, discbility, or sex ATTENTION: If you spock English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you Call 1-800-685-5209, (TTY: 71). ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla español, tenemos servicios de asistencia linguistica disponibles para usted sin costo alguna Llameal 1-800-685-5209, (TTY: 71). t: ,,1-800-685-5209 (TY:71). Call 1-877-741-5732 or visit WholecarePA.com/apply to learn more. Health bene fits or health benefit administration may be provided by or through Highmark Wholecare, coverage by Gateway Health Plan, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue ShicldAssociation ("Highmark Wholecare"). YO097_1955_M HAVE MEDICARE AND MEDICAID? Get health care for the whole you + more HIGHMARK.0 WHOLECARE. Introducing Highmark Wholecare: it's more than just health care. To us, it's also those not-so-little extra options that keep you healthy while also helping you live a fuller life, like 24/7 access to a nurse, wellness essentials, healthy meals, plus more. Highmark Wholecare complies with applicable Federcl civil rights Iaws and does not discriminate on the basis of raco, color, national origin, age, discbility, or sex. Highmark Wholecare coos not exclude people or treat them difforently becouse of race, color, national origin, age, discbility, or sex ATTENTION: If you spock English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you Call 1-800-685-5209, (TTY: 71). ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla español, tenemos servicios de asistencia linguistica disponibles para usted sin costo alguna Llameal 1-800-685-5209, (TTY: 71). t: , , 1-800-685-5209 (TY:71). Call 1-877-741-5732 or visit WholecarePA.com/apply to learn more. Health bene fits or health benefit administration may be provided by or through Highmark Wholecare, coverage by Gateway Health Plan, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue ShicldAssociation ("Highmark Wholecare"). YO097_1955_M