HERE'S THE PLAN WHEN THE HAPPINESS OF YOUR EMPLOYEES DEPENDS ON THE NETWORK OF YOUR HEALTH PLAN, CHOOSE US. The success of any organization depends greatly on the health and happiness of its employees. That's why it's so important to choose the right health coverage. With UPMC Health Plan, your employees get affordable in-network access to the doctors and hospitals they trust. And you get a health plan that makes sense for your company Call your producer or visit UPMC HEALTH PLAN Network Affordability Service Nondirmiatien statement UPMC Health Pan cles with eppicae federal civ rets w and does not doorminae on the basis of race, coler, national orin age disabty sex seul otation pender identity, or gonder eession UPMC Heh Plan is the maeting name used s0 reler to the folowing compaes, which ae icensed to ssue indwdut and group andor UPMC Bne Management Services inc Transla ATENCION habla espaol tene a su disposicidn servicios gratutos de asistencia lingutica ame al -855-82-3494 (TTY 1-800-361-26290 Services an esgam+ sn eass-489-349e (TTY:1-800-41-2629) HERE'S THE PLAN WHEN THE HAPPINESS OF YOUR EMPLOYEES DEPENDS ON THE NETWORK OF YOUR HEALTH PLAN, CHOOSE US. The success of any organization depends greatly on the health and happiness of its employees. That's why it's so important to choose the right health coverage. With UPMC Health Plan, your employees get affordable in-network access to the doctors and hospitals they trust. And you get a health plan that makes sense for your company Call your producer or visit UPMC HEALTH PLAN Network Affordability Service Nondirmiatien statement UPMC Health Pan cles with eppicae federal civ rets w and does not doorminae on the basis of race, coler, national orin age disabty sex seul otation pender identity, or gonder eession UPMC Heh Plan is the maeting name used s0 reler to the folowing compaes, which ae icensed to ssue indwdut and group andor UPMC Bne Management Services inc Transla ATENCION habla espaol tene a su disposicidn servicios gratutos de asistencia lingutica ame al -855-82-3494 (TTY 1-800-361-26290 Services an esgam+ sn eass-489-349e (TTY:1-800-41-2629)