In today's complex mone itis increasingly afficut find tat one tusted advisor and partrer in your ite. The partner needs to be able to adapt to emerging trends, educate you on how those changes may impact you and y todays firancial landscape. Jett Nedey wth the Nedey Weath Advisors Team of Bard can be that advisor and partner for you. Jett has been in the francial industry serving customers of Soutwestern Penvaylvana M wel as other states for over 25 years. Hia dty is one of trust integrity and accountablity. tis also the duty of protecting your interests aa dent Je feels his dierts and their familes come fest every time, all the time. Because Bard is an employee owned fim you can trut they know their success depends on your sucos. Bairdsa fem that has been trasted by their clents acros the country have for 100 years r family, then serves your ude to aist youin navigatng Jett Nediey a focuned on firancial ptanning and estate planning for individuals and her taes that are dedicated to making their financial ives be. He delivers finarcial services that combine advanced tectnology through Bard and indvidaled hands on service that help ta create lasting elationshios with he cients and their tamiles for generatons to come Js takes his time to liston to you while assessing not only what yo have to say, but also how you feel. He wil ask questions that wil cause you to dve deeper into your needs and wants while assisting you in crating a ealstic firancal plan for you as an individual or a family This firancial plan, wtether itia for retrement, education, planning to sell your business or a combination of many objectives, is your road coure yane hsm wiat you charting Jes core vals of truat, integrity and accourtabty quide him and the Nediey Wath Advisors Team, consiting of ancy biminger and Any Fox clent service associates, as they asset their dients and their tamiles thvough the stages of their es that can and wil affect their finances and plans. At the toretront of the process for planning is education, trareparwmcy and empowerment This process alows his team to grow clent retionships ina more meaningtu fashion that keps them centered around clent need objectives and best interests. As no twe situatons a te same, hey taka time ta educate their dents and eplain detals of ther inestments and plars. Through being tranparet providing geat detals to clents about ther fes and dacosuret, hey enhance the relationshio of tst and integity hey have wth their clants. By stressing the importanoe of eduction and traprny Nedey am Adnors empoers her clerts and taniles to make proper telong decsions, as te wath managenent does not end witm your portsla. aa personal ongoing conversation mat a centered on how best t achieve the futue you nant for yourset and your tamily During the chalenging time of the Cavid-19 pandenic, Baird decided to imit staffing in their offioes in the best interest and satety of not only clents but ther employees an wel. The Nedey Wealth Team took advantage of the adanced technoogy Baird has to atter and seamiely picked up where hey left off working trom home communicating with clents by phone, secure emal Web and Docusign. Proving they a always avalatie to ther dients when they need them most The pandemic is jt one of he many reasons Jett and s am beleve in proper planning and preparing clent and their tantes for the unepected They wer ate to keno ther clents on ack with her financa plans which in tum assita in carrying her cents trough dfcut tmes in the economy and financial markets. The Nedey Weath Team prides themsetves in developing and maintaining persona tonahios with thei clents, holding several cient events each year Covd-19 has requred then to rethk wys hey can let their clents know tow much tey are appreciated and cared for during this tine. e and the team personaly delvered meas to their homebound cients and ensured al clents wore maled maskS at the onset of the pandemic n July they held a shredding event at their office assiting clents in deposing of okd paperwork. Andin October the team volunteered in partnership with a local outrach proup providing meals the homeless Today Nedey Weath Adveors of Bard are happy to be back in the office and cpen agan to hold clent appointments in person, oberving tace coverings social dstanoing and prper satation Set edey and The Nedey Weath Advoors Team aBard are convenienty kocated at 100 Ados D Sute 100, Washington PA Just oft Racetrack Rdin The Streets shopping placa. la schedule an appointment cal 724-222-512. ou ca ao ted them on socal meda Facebook page, facebook.cominedieyWeator on their website www. barstnancialadisor.compedey BAIRD In today's complex mone itis increasingly afficut find tat one tusted advisor and partrer in your ite. The partner needs to be able to adapt to emerging trends, educate you on how those changes may impact you and y todays firancial landscape. Jett Nedey wth the Nedey Weath Advisors Team of Bard can be that advisor and partner for you. Jett has been in the francial industry serving customers of Soutwestern Penvaylvana M wel as other states for over 25 years. Hia dty is one of trust integrity and accountablity. tis also the duty of protecting your interests aa dent Je feels his dierts and their familes come fest every time, all the time. Because Bard is an employee owned fim you can trut they know their success depends on your sucos. Bairdsa fem that has been trasted by their clents acros the country have for 100 years r family, then serves your ude to aist youin navigatng Jett Nediey a focuned on firancial ptanning and estate planning for individuals and her taes that are dedicated to making their financial ives be. He delivers finarcial services that combine advanced tectnology through Bard and indvidaled hands on service that help ta create lasting elationshios with he cients and their tamiles for generatons to come Js takes his time to liston to you while assessing not only what yo have to say, but also how you feel. He wil ask questions that wil cause you to dve deeper into your needs and wants while assisting you in crating a ealstic firancal plan for you as an individual or a family This firancial plan, wtether itia for retrement, education, planning to sell your business or a combination of many objectives, is your road coure yane hsm wiat you charting Jes core vals of truat, integrity and accourtabty quide him and the Nediey Wath Advisors Team, consiting of ancy biminger and Any Fox clent service associates, as they asset their dients and their tamiles thvough the stages of their es that can and wil affect their finances and plans. At the toretront of the process for planning is education, trareparwmcy and empowerment This process alows his team to grow clent retionships ina more meaningtu fashion that keps them centered around clent need objectives and best interests. As no twe situatons a te same, hey taka time ta educate their dents and eplain detals of ther inestments and plars. Through being tranparet providing geat detals to clents about ther fes and dacosuret, hey enhance the relationshio of tst and integity hey have wth their clants. By stressing the importanoe of eduction and traprny Nedey am Adnors empoers her clerts and taniles to make proper telong decsions, as te wath managenent does not end witm your portsla. aa personal ongoing conversation mat a centered on how best t achieve the futue you nant for yourset and your tamily During the chalenging time of the Cavid-19 pandenic, Baird decided to imit staffing in their offioes in the best interest and satety of not only clents but ther employees an wel. The Nedey Wealth Team took advantage of the adanced technoogy Baird has to atter and seamiely picked up where hey left off working trom home communicating with clents by phone, secure emal Web and Docusign. Proving they a always avalatie to ther dients when they need them most The pandemic is jt one of he many reasons Jett and s am beleve in proper planning and preparing clent and their tantes for the unepected They wer ate to keno ther clents on ack with her financa plans which in tum assita in carrying her cents trough dfcut tmes in the economy and financial markets. The Nedey Weath Team prides themsetves in developing and maintaining persona tonahios with thei clents, holding several cient events each year Covd-19 has requred then to rethk wys hey can let their clents know tow much tey are appreciated and cared for during this tine. e and the team personaly delvered meas to their homebound cients and ensured al clents wore maled maskS at the onset of the pandemic n July they held a shredding event at their office assiting clents in deposing of okd paperwork. Andin October the team volunteered in partnership with a local outrach proup providing meals the homeless Today Nedey Weath Adveors of Bard are happy to be back in the office and cpen agan to hold clent appointments in person, oberving tace coverings social dstanoing and prper satation Set edey and The Nedey Weath Advoors Team aBard are convenienty kocated at 100 Ados D Sute 100, Washington PA Just oft Racetrack Rdin The Streets shopping placa. la schedule an appointment cal 724-222-512. ou ca ao ted them on socal meda Facebook page, facebook.cominedieyWeator on their website www. barstnancialadisor.compedey BAIRD