WE HELP SENIORS STAY AT HOME. We do it for you. With Pak My Meds, there's no pillboxes or multiple prescriptions to fill. Curtis packages all daily meds in single pouches stamped with the day and time to be taken. Then refills them every month for curbside pick-up or free delivery. Prescription Synchronization All your meds at the the same time or delivered Shingle & Flu Shots . Canes, walkers, raised toilets seats and more Curbside Pick-up Free Delivery Don't do it alone... we can help! See Curtis Pharmacy for details. A Better WAY Curtis Pharmacy Washington 575 Henderson Avenue 724-225-1592 Claysville 305 Main Street 724-663-7707 Connellsville 802 Vanderbilt Road 724-626-1091 Carmichaels 555 Route 88 833-502-1010 CurtisPharmacy.com WE HELP SENIORS STAY AT HOME . We do it for you . With Pak My Meds , there's no pillboxes or multiple prescriptions to fill . Curtis packages all daily meds in single pouches stamped with the day and time to be taken . Then refills them every month for curbside pick - up or free delivery . Prescription Synchronization All your meds at the the same time or delivered Shingle & Flu Shots . Canes , walkers , raised toilets seats and more Curbside Pick - up Free Delivery Don't do it alone ... we can help ! See Curtis Pharmacy for details . A Better WAY Curtis Pharmacy Washington 575 Henderson Avenue 724-225-1592 Claysville 305 Main Street 724-663-7707 Connellsville 802 Vanderbilt Road 724-626-1091 Carmichaels 555 Route 88 833-502-1010 CurtisPharmacy.com