Equitrans, LP Notice of FERC Filing Abandonment Project Docket No. CP18-549 On September 21, 2018, Equitrans, L.P. (Equitrans) filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and was assigned Docket No. CP18-549. The application requests authorization for the abandonment of the interstate gas facility project described below. Equitrans' application proposes to abandon by sale to CONSOLPennsylvania Coal Company LLC and CNX Land LLC a series of eighteen (18) injection and withdrawal wells in Equitrans' Swarts Complex in Greene County, Pennsylvania, as well as abandon the associated well lines in place and any associated appurtenant facilities. The accompanying map provides a general overview as to the location of the project. Equitrans proposes to abandon the facilities over an approximate period of ten and a half years, commencing in late 2018; however, the abandonment dates are subject to change depending on a variety of factors, including receipt of FERC approval. Affected landowners and governmental entities will receive a separate notice by mail, which wil include a copy of the FERC's notice of application and an informational sheet on how to intervene in FERC proceedings. A brief summary of landowner rights, as well as the FERC brochure An Interstate Natural Gas Facility on My Land? What Do I Need to Know?" is available on the FERC's website (www.ferc.gov). In addition to general information on the FERC's website, their Office of External Affairs may be reached at 866-208-3372. A copy of the application will be placed at the Eva K. Bowlby Public Library located at 311 N. West Street, Waynesburg, PA 15370. The application can also be viewed by accessing the FERC's website and searching for the project's docket number, CP18-549 For further information, you may contact Equitrans directly by calling C. J Stone at (724) 873-3461