SUNDAY, JULY 30 (No Animals or Rides) 1pm.................. Junior, Little & Mini Princess Contest 4pm..... ....Fair Queen Contest SUNDAY, AUGUST 6 (No Rides) 10am 1pm. 5:30pm...... MONDAY, AUGUST 7 First Federal of Greene County Kids Day The first 500 Kids (12 & Under) accompanied by a paid adult admission admitted FREE! 9:30am 4-6pm. 4-8pm. 7pm 7pm 2023 GREENE COUNTY FAIR Schedule of Events WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 $15 Admission 9:30am..................4-H, FFA & Open Beef Cattle Show Harness Racing 4-H & FFA Market Lamb Show Michael Ray 2023 Tour Ladies Farm Bureau Kids Activities 6pm.....Special Baking Contests Live Judging ..Farm Tractor Pulls Lead Line Contest Draft Horse Halter Show Draft Horse Hitch Show Vesper Service led by Rev. Don Wilson TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 9am.... 9:30am. Noon... 6pm. 7pm. ..4-H, FFA & Open Goat Show Queen Meet & Greet 4-H, FFA & Open Dairy Cattle Show 4-H Rabbit Show 11:30am...... 4-H & FFA Exhibition Live Carcass Class Harness Racing 4-H & FFA Market Steer Show Truck & Tractor Pulls by Power Pulling Productions Pro Stock 4x4 Trucks, Hot Farm Tractors 8500lb Open Street Diesel 4x4 Trucks Check out our NEW website! Noon....... 6:30pm. 8:30pm THURSDAY, AUGUST 10 Senior & Veterans Day Seniors (65 & older with ID) & Veterans admitted FREE! 8:30am..... 2-6pm....... 5:15pm 6pm 7pm... 8:30pm 4-H, FFA & Open Sheep Show Greene County Mini Vendor Show Sponsored by Greene County Commissioners & SWPA Area Agency on Aging 4-H & FFA Awards 4-H & FFA Steer and Lamb Market Livestock Sale. savings and loan association of GREENE COUNTY > ....KOI Drag Racing Kids, Quads, Dirt Bikes, Modified, Open and SxS Classes Sponsored by Waynesburg Yamaha Slim Pickens Band Sponsored by Old Station Bar & Grill *Schedule subject to change FRIDAY, AUGUST 11 10am..............4-H & FFA Tractor Driving Competition followed by 4-H & FFA Stockmens Contest Kids Power Wheels Derby 7pm. 7:30pm..... Chaos In Coal Country Demolition Derby by Hard Core Demolition Derby Hardcore Compacts, Hardcore Hobby Stock Sponsored by Jay D Enterprises, Embrold'em, & Hinerman Automotive NAPA 2022 best SATURDAY, AUGUST 12 5:30pm. FIRST PLACE Reporter 7pm. Wood Carving Auction Auctioned by Joe Pyle Auction Service .......Truck & Tractor Pulls by Power Pulling Productions Super Stock 4x4 Trucks, Limited Pro/Super Farm Tractors, 2.6 Diesel 4WD Trucks, Hot Street Semi Trucks Sponsored by Michael's Auto ATTRACTIONS & RIDES MONDAY-SATURDAY 4-11pm...... 4pm. Does your family need more room Whether your kids have two legs or four, a bigger backyard may be at the top of your wishlist. Let First Federal of Greene County lead you through the process of applying for a mortgage loan. Our friendly loan officers will be with you every step of the way. Get started online, or visit one of our offices in Waynesburg, Washington or Uniontown. First Federal Home & Garden Exhibit Hall Bingo by FOE. #598 Waynesburg "Starts at Noon on Thursday, August 11 5-11pm.............. Amusement Rides by Tropical Amusements TUESDAY-FRIDAY 5-10pm................Wood Carving Shows by Nate Howard Sponsored by Frey Lumber & Pallet Company TUESDAY-SATURDAY 5-11pm. to run? .Patriot Games Laser Tag *Starts at 3pm on Friday and Saturday EDIC SUNDAY , JULY 30 ( No Animals or Rides ) 1pm .................. Junior , Little & Mini Princess Contest 4pm ..... .... Fair Queen Contest SUNDAY , AUGUST 6 ( No Rides ) 10am 1pm . 5:30 pm ...... MONDAY , AUGUST 7 First Federal of Greene County Kids Day The first 500 Kids ( 12 & Under ) accompanied by a paid adult admission admitted FREE ! 9:30 am 4-6pm . 4-8pm . 7pm 7pm 2023 GREENE COUNTY FAIR Schedule of Events WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 9 $ 15 Admission 9:30 am .................. 4 - H , FFA & Open Beef Cattle Show Harness Racing 4 - H & FFA Market Lamb Show Michael Ray 2023 Tour Ladies Farm Bureau Kids Activities 6pm ..... Special Baking Contests Live Judging ..Farm Tractor Pulls Lead Line Contest Draft Horse Halter Show Draft Horse Hitch Show Vesper Service led by Rev. Don Wilson TUESDAY , AUGUST 8 9am .... 9:30 am . Noon ... 6pm . 7pm . ..4 - H , FFA & Open Goat Show Queen Meet & Greet 4 - H , FFA & Open Dairy Cattle Show 4 - H Rabbit Show 11:30 am ...... 4 - H & FFA Exhibition Live Carcass Class Harness Racing 4 - H & FFA Market Steer Show Truck & Tractor Pulls by Power Pulling Productions Pro Stock 4x4 Trucks , Hot Farm Tractors 8500lb Open Street Diesel 4x4 Trucks Check out our NEW website ! Noon ....... 6:30 pm . 8:30 pm THURSDAY , AUGUST 10 Senior & Veterans Day Seniors ( 65 & older with ID ) & Veterans admitted FREE ! 8:30 am ..... 2-6pm ....... 5:15 pm 6pm 7pm ... 8:30 pm 4 - H , FFA & Open Sheep Show Greene County Mini Vendor Show Sponsored by Greene County Commissioners & SWPA Area Agency on Aging 4 - H & FFA Awards 4 - H & FFA Steer and Lamb Market Livestock Sale . savings and loan association of GREENE COUNTY > .... KOI Drag Racing Kids , Quads , Dirt Bikes , Modified , Open and SxS Classes Sponsored by Waynesburg Yamaha Slim Pickens Band Sponsored by Old Station Bar & Grill * Schedule subject to change FRIDAY , AUGUST 11 10am .............. 4 - H & FFA Tractor Driving Competition followed by 4 - H & FFA Stockmens Contest Kids Power Wheels Derby 7pm . 7:30 pm ..... Chaos In Coal Country Demolition Derby by Hard Core Demolition Derby Hardcore Compacts , Hardcore Hobby Stock Sponsored by Jay D Enterprises , Embrold'em , & Hinerman Automotive NAPA 2022 best SATURDAY , AUGUST 12 5:30 pm . FIRST PLACE Reporter 7pm . Wood Carving Auction Auctioned by Joe Pyle Auction Service ....... Truck & Tractor Pulls by Power Pulling Productions Super Stock 4x4 Trucks , Limited Pro / Super Farm Tractors , 2.6 Diesel 4WD Trucks , Hot Street Semi Trucks Sponsored by Michael's Auto ATTRACTIONS & RIDES MONDAY - SATURDAY 4-11pm ...... 4pm . Does your family need more room Whether your kids have two legs or four , a bigger backyard may be at the top of your wishlist . Let First Federal of Greene County lead you through the process of applying for a mortgage loan . Our friendly loan officers will be with you every step of the way . Get started online , or visit one of our offices in Waynesburg , Washington or Uniontown . First Federal Home & Garden Exhibit Hall Bingo by FOE . # 598 Waynesburg " Starts at Noon on Thursday , August 11 5-11pm .............. Amusement Rides by Tropical Amusements TUESDAY - FRIDAY 5-10pm ................ Wood Carving Shows by Nate Howard Sponsored by Frey Lumber & Pallet Company TUESDAY - SATURDAY 5-11pm . to run ? .Patriot Games Laser Tag * Starts at 3pm on Friday and Saturday EDIC