Obserner-Renarter CUTEST BABY PHOTO Photo entries will be accepted: August 20 - August 27 Voting will take place: August 30 - September 6 Winner will be announced the week of September 10 in the Observer-Reporter and Observer-Reporter Community Facebook page Go to observer-reporter.com/cutestbabyphotos and upload your baby's photograph for a chance to win $150! Photographs should be recent and participants must be local. Baby must be 18 months or younger at time of entry. Brought to you by WASHINGTON HEALTH SYSTEM ur Obserner - Renarter CUTEST BABY PHOTO Photo entries will be accepted : August 20 - August 27 Voting will take place : August 30 - September 6 Winner will be announced the week of September 10 in the Observer - Reporter and Observer - Reporter Community Facebook page Go to observer-reporter.com/cutestbabyphotos and upload your baby's photograph for a chance to win $ 150 ! Photographs should be recent and participants must be local . Baby must be 18 months or younger at time of entry . Brought to you by WASHINGTON HEALTH SYSTEM ur