THANK YOU for bringing the newspaper into area classrooms We thank the following sponsors for their support of the Observer-Reporter Newspaper in Education program! SILVER SPONSORS ELYSIUM SOLAR ENERGY CITY Wilson Workforce Solutions, LLC BRONZE SPONSORS HARLEY DAVIDSON THE LAW OFFICES OF GREENLEE DERRICO POSA.LLC WILEY'S ARTMAN HARTMAN CONSTRUCTION Days Inn. HISTORICAL Washington County Bar Foundation CIVIC EDUCATION COMMUNITY GIVING ACCESS TO JUSTICE 8 Judson Wiley & Sons, Inc. cfsbank Let's do it together! COLEMAN-TAYLOR FUNERAL SERVICES Top City CREATIVE P Perryman company MID MON VALLEY TRANSIT Romesburg Physical Therapy & Sports Fitness Springhill Suites by Marriott blueprints breakbers-bilde NE Observer-Reporter NE NEWSPAPER IN EDUCATION NEWSPAPER IN EDUCATION THANK YOU for bringing the newspaper into area classrooms We thank the following sponsors for their support of the Observer - Reporter Newspaper in Education program ! SILVER SPONSORS ELYSIUM SOLAR ENERGY CITY Wilson Workforce Solutions , LLC BRONZE SPONSORS HARLEY DAVIDSON THE LAW OFFICES OF GREENLEE DERRICO POSA.LLC WILEY'S ARTMAN HARTMAN CONSTRUCTION Days Inn . HISTORICAL Washington County Bar Foundation CIVIC EDUCATION COMMUNITY GIVING ACCESS TO JUSTICE 8 Judson Wiley & Sons , Inc. cfsbank Let's do it together ! COLEMAN - TAYLOR FUNERAL SERVICES Top City CREATIVE P Perryman company MID MON VALLEY TRANSIT Romesburg Physical Therapy & Sports Fitness Springhill Suites by Marriott blueprints breakbers - bilde NE Observer - Reporter NE NEWSPAPER IN EDUCATION NEWSPAPER IN EDUCATION