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    September 13, 2020
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Pernsylvania CareerLink PA CareerLink expanding virtual services y Fancesca Saceo We provide fundng to oport people who wt Whie many pesple ane taking atantage of the online resources Truneo said they ane s to go back to school'she sad Weve seeing alor MCareruk han expanded their vitud servces makngteer for job seekes toc wide eceving cas for asstance rity ofreources Buuea y saurbu wine stil open by appointment only she During Nel sad doseto 300 ndvidua reached outregarding angloyment soue Amee truno ste adminofor Careert d P our Career Renource Center ha Washngton County sedthe organaton wanted computers set up for individuah to uie We toene ob seekers sel had access to esental understand that some people don't have the ources eobtranng career gudance and upment or the ablity to accessa computer workshop during the coronavinus pandeme We provide that oppotunity "Wve been getting a lot of ie vitualy he sad "Weve broudened the albity of our tesources but do reale that there are eople slneed help fedng jobn or fnding iere Onste services heve been med to cobying Turo ad Jobs fave changed You may ha been dong something for the last 15 yanard now the job ontavabble anymore have at omomer coontnents to complete progam of omtionto help peolemake an informed perwork for Workdorce nnovtonrograsnd Neadte publeenbraces the vtulpect decsion of where they wart to gointhe careen onste educanonal aeent orwhat they want to do nest individuah who scceis things vitaly Were nd eing documenes forunemploymert compersation, empioyer services indidul tryng to make our resources lble on both ends. vitualy and in peson Trungo sad many people are looking for retraning opportuntes andteyie fedeg mat vwa caeer far hee better attendanen Virtual services nclude adut education clases They becomng a tens the ad Walemaly +al employer senvces *career couneling +gtity determnaton for Wordorce Were seeng a lot ofretranng indvduah can getfurding for tanng whaaltof people yng to fedas meny mna e poable to each seeking commercal driveri icensen she sad We he public and d we cant wetyto drectthem to oerawide virety of ranng options We wint someone who hopelly can get people the hp the they need" hroation programs and servion *pb search astance onthe job traning progra resume help *virtal workshops youth programming +andwork readiness services oschedule an appontment for imted on ste La el presdent of Souwen Tanng Servces. nc, whch oversees the operatonsof services please contact your loc A Caeet M Careerk, adher organiction provdes the ofice find your countyicortactinormation by rdngfor workorce deveiopmere vetng wwm pacaretk pa g WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Virtyal INVENT YOUR 19 AM - 3 PM CAREER TO JOIN OUR VIRTUAL CAREER EXPO AND EXPO CONNECT WITH HIRING EMPLOYERS VISIT OBSERVER-REPORTER.COM/CAREER Pernsylvania CareerLink PA CareerLink expanding virtual services y Fancesca Saceo We provide fundng to oport people who wt Whie many pesple ane taking atantage of the online resources Truneo said they ane s to go back to school'she sad Weve seeing alor MCareruk han expanded their vitud servces makngteer for job seekes toc wide eceving cas for asstance rity ofreources Buuea y saurbu wine stil open by appointment only she During Nel sad doseto 300 ndvidua reached outregarding angloyment soue Amee truno ste adminofor Careert d P our Career Renource Center ha Washngton County sedthe organaton wanted computers set up for individuah to uie We toene ob seekers sel had access to esental understand that some people don't have the ources eobtranng career gudance and upment or the ablity to accessa computer workshop during the coronavinus pandeme We provide that oppotunity "Wve been getting a lot of ie vitualy he sad "Weve broudened the albity of our tesources but do reale that there are eople slneed help fedng jobn or fnding iere Onste services heve been med to cobying Turo ad Jobs fave changed You may ha been dong something for the last 15 yanard now the job ontavabble anymore have at omomer coontnents to complete progam of omtionto help peolemake an informed perwork for Workdorce nnovtonrograsnd Neadte publeenbraces the vtulpect decsion of where they wart to gointhe careen onste educanonal aeent orwhat they want to do nest individuah who scceis things vitaly Were nd eing documenes forunemploymert compersation, empioyer services indidul tryng to make our resources lble on both ends. vitualy and in peson Trungo sad many people are looking for retraning opportuntes andteyie fedeg mat vwa caeer far hee better attendanen Virtual services nclude adut education clases They becomng a tens the ad Walemaly +al employer senvces *career couneling +gtity determnaton for Wordorce Were seeng a lot ofretranng indvduah can getfurding for tanng whaaltof people yng to fedas meny mna e poable to each seeking commercal driveri icensen she sad We he public and d we cant wetyto drectthem to oerawide virety of ranng options We wint someone who hopelly can get people the hp the they need" hroation programs and servion *pb search astance onthe job traning progra resume help *virtal workshops youth programming +andwork readiness services oschedule an appontment for imted on ste La el presdent of Souwen Tanng Servces. nc, whch oversees the operatonsof services please contact your loc A Caeet M Careerk, adher organiction provdes the ofice find your countyicortactinormation by rdngfor workorce deveiopmere vetng wwm pacaretk pa g WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Virtyal INVENT YOUR 19 AM - 3 PM CAREER TO JOIN OUR VIRTUAL CAREER EXPO AND EXPO CONNECT WITH HIRING EMPLOYERS VISIT OBSERVER-REPORTER.COM/CAREER