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  • Published Date

    September 13, 2020
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PENN COMIMERCIAL BUSINESS/TECHNICAL SCHOU Penn Commercial helps workforce reposition after COVID-19 mind and uing youthands The mtuctons were yancesa Sacco ee where the reeds a Baant ad nmany imtances we have more job orders than graduating geat They tealy took the time tomake we students can we more than 20% ofthe Amencanworkdorce unemployed and ocal unemployment hovering jst bove , Penn Commercal Business Techncal School han seen qute the boom understoodthe cumculum they were teaching whie the coronavina pandemc helps fuai cumert nd thet we waked anay with a good educaton meolinent Basant sad theyd seen a tend over e Wongon esdert sand They ge me the beicundersanding of heade andhe toos and the lant decade "The uptick inerrolmenta due tohe uptick unemployment President Robert larart said he knowhow to scced "About 30% ofour tudents astraght out of hgh school he said you go back ki0 yea our "Some of the businesses itugging bound populaton wa about So etraining and So% Oers wont Theres gong to be people out there high school students But nght now withal the looking for work Weagoodway to update s unemploynent, aget tme to etoo taning The cota cheapertana four yeauiventy and repostion yourel lor the job market Baart sad studerts could amanew trade n montor le nthe lant fve yea 54 gadates have gone to at sad Weeabout gemng youajo so Penn Commercial loctedn Wington, wn work for 338 localemployers Others have gone on we elmtealot ofthe noneential classes Were founded in 29 andis celebrating son anniverary intualy a bune school they evolved over the years to include in deand oh Deyel graduatedin 200hom enn Career programs Sudents cannowevolin trade and technical programs medcal program okingfor othen he decided in 2010to an spa and salon programi the Toni banp. Gy Hardressing Academy and ther commercal Deyet oedes Penn Commercialth laying the dvers ere program to open their own wcoesfu tneses gungyo what you need so that you can getout to the feld insoonpoble Commercul electrican program Ater yearof Ack Szyman, the director of marketng for enn Commercal sad hey havea arge bank of sccess ores fom fomer sudenes Bright Lgterprses in South Strabare ndation for h oems Wive gotso many gradutes ot there thae n hard to keep tack tarrt ad "outnever We do our best to keep our pue on the ph market n the area andana we can ely ytraning a Penn Commerrid wen a gat geence twagood ma between ng yo inow atere yourun nto them PENN COMMERCIAL uessTechncSehoor Career Training and Education Penn Commercial Webinar 11:00 - 11:20 AM Medical Programs Practical Nursing, Medical Assistant and Phlebotomy 11:25 - 11:45 AM Spa and Salon Toni & Guy and Esthetics 11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Computer Aided Drafting and Design/Information Technology and Security 12:10 - 12:30 PM Trade School Programs HVAC, Welding. Electricians and CDL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 9 AM - 3 PM Virtyal "INVENT YOUR TO JOIN OUR VIRTUAL CAREER CAREER EXPO AND CONNECT WITH HIRING EXPO EMPLOYERS VISIT OBSERVER-REPORTER.COM/CAREER PENN COMIMERCIAL BUSINESS/TECHNICAL SCHOU Penn Commercial helps workforce reposition after COVID-19 mind and uing youthands The mtuctons were yancesa Sacco ee where the reeds a Baant ad nmany imtances we have more job orders than graduating geat They tealy took the time tomake we students can we more than 20% ofthe Amencanworkdorce unemployed and ocal unemployment hovering jst bove , Penn Commercal Business Techncal School han seen qute the boom understoodthe cumculum they were teaching whie the coronavina pandemc helps fuai cumert nd thet we waked anay with a good educaton meolinent Basant sad theyd seen a tend over e Wongon esdert sand They ge me the beicundersanding of heade andhe toos and the lant decade "The uptick inerrolmenta due tohe uptick unemployment President Robert larart said he knowhow to scced "About 30% ofour tudents astraght out of hgh school he said you go back ki0 yea our "Some of the businesses itugging bound populaton wa about So etraining and So% Oers wont Theres gong to be people out there high school students But nght now withal the looking for work Weagoodway to update s unemploynent, aget tme to etoo taning The cota cheapertana four yeauiventy and repostion yourel lor the job market Baart sad studerts could amanew trade n montor le nthe lant fve yea 54 gadates have gone to at sad Weeabout gemng youajo so Penn Commercial loctedn Wington, wn work for 338 localemployers Others have gone on we elmtealot ofthe noneential classes Were founded in 29 andis celebrating son anniverary intualy a bune school they evolved over the years to include in deand oh Deyel graduatedin 200hom enn Career programs Sudents cannowevolin trade and technical programs medcal program okingfor othen he decided in 2010to an spa and salon programi the Toni banp. Gy Hardressing Academy and ther commercal Deyet oedes Penn Commercialth laying the dvers ere program to open their own wcoesfu tneses gungyo what you need so that you can getout to the feld insoonpoble Commercul electrican program Ater yearof Ack Szyman, the director of marketng for enn Commercal sad hey havea arge bank of sccess ores fom fomer sudenes Bright Lgterprses in South Strabare ndation for h oems Wive gotso many gradutes ot there thae n hard to keep tack tarrt ad "outnever We do our best to keep our pue on the ph market n the area andana we can ely ytraning a Penn Commerrid wen a gat geence twagood ma between ng yo inow atere yourun nto them PENN COMMERCIAL uessTechncSehoor Career Training and Education Penn Commercial Webinar 11:00 - 11:20 AM Medical Programs Practical Nursing, Medical Assistant and Phlebotomy 11:25 - 11:45 AM Spa and Salon Toni & Guy and Esthetics 11:50 AM - 12:10 PM Computer Aided Drafting and Design/Information Technology and Security 12:10 - 12:30 PM Trade School Programs HVAC, Welding. Electricians and CDL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 9 AM - 3 PM Virtyal "INVENT YOUR TO JOIN OUR VIRTUAL CAREER CAREER EXPO AND CONNECT WITH HIRING EXPO EMPLOYERS VISIT OBSERVER-REPORTER.COM/CAREER