Best Buds successfully helping local animals find their furever home By Francesca Sacco "Bridget is a young and energet- ic bunny who loves to run around Over the last nine months, 34 animals have found their forever homes with the help of Best Buds, an adoptable pet of the week pro- gram that publicizes available dogs, cats and rabbits in the region. and jump high in the air! She en- joys spending time socializing In an effort to do more, The Healing Center partnered in February with Animal Friends, located in Pittsburgh, and The Almanac to draw attention to animals in the region in need of a loving home. with the other rabbits during dai- ly BunRuns, and may have anoth- er rabbit sibling as long as prop- "We laugh when we say 'Best Buds' be- cause of the marijuana connotation. The reality is they are always 'Best Buds' when given the opportunity. We love our animals at The Healing Center, both adopted and un- adopted," Chris Kohan, co-founder of The Healing Center, said. er introductions are made first. Bridget is ready to grow up in a loving home with a family of her own. Could it be yours?" Each year, the nonprofit rescues and rehom- es roughly 2,500 animals. Since the pandem- ic began, they've had to alter their adoption process. Exposure, especially from corpo- Bridget rate partners like The Healing Center, has helped to create vital awareness about the shelter and their services. ADOPTED! More importantly, rabbits like Bridget can have a second chance at love. This sweet and fun rabbit is looking for a family to adopt him. "Through this partnership, we have been able to extend our mission of creating life- long matches, and with the help of our friends at The Healing Center, shine a pos- itive light on pet adoption and the amazing animal companions who are waiting at shel- ters and organization like Animal Friends," Cody Hoellerman, Animal Friends' chief community engagement officer, said. Best Buds will continue to be featured on The Almanac's website, newspaper, and Facebook page with the hopes of many more happy matches. ADOPTED! "Nothing gives us more joy than witnessing all of these amazing animals get matched with a home that will spoil them forever. We Cashmere are extremely proud to partner with great organizations like Animal Friends and The To learn more about Bridget and other Best Healing Center to promote adoptable ani- Buds, visit To learn mals to our caring readers across the South more about Animal Friends, the services they Hills," Chris Slota, the advertising manager offer and their current adoptable compan- of The Almanac, said. Stimpy Sponsored content brought to you by The Healing Center ions, visit Best Buds successfully helping local animals find their furever home By Francesca Sacco "Bridget is a young and energet- ic bunny who loves to run around Over the last nine months, 34 animals have found their forever homes with the help of Best Buds, an adoptable pet of the week pro- gram that publicizes available dogs, cats and rabbits in the region. and jump high in the air! She en- joys spending time socializing In an effort to do more, The Healing Center partnered in February with Animal Friends, located in Pittsburgh, and The Almanac to draw attention to animals in the region in need of a loving home. with the other rabbits during dai- ly BunRuns, and may have anoth- er rabbit sibling as long as prop- "We laugh when we say 'Best Buds' be- cause of the marijuana connotation. The reality is they are always 'Best Buds' when given the opportunity. We love our animals at The Healing Center, both adopted and un- adopted," Chris Kohan, co-founder of The Healing Center, said. er introductions are made first. Bridget is ready to grow up in a loving home with a family of her own. Could it be yours?" Each year, the nonprofit rescues and rehom- es roughly 2,500 animals. Since the pandem- ic began, they've had to alter their adoption process. Exposure, especially from corpo- Bridget rate partners like The Healing Center, has helped to create vital awareness about the shelter and their services. ADOPTED! More importantly, rabbits like Bridget can have a second chance at love. This sweet and fun rabbit is looking for a family to adopt him. "Through this partnership, we have been able to extend our mission of creating life- long matches, and with the help of our friends at The Healing Center, shine a pos- itive light on pet adoption and the amazing animal companions who are waiting at shel- ters and organization like Animal Friends," Cody Hoellerman, Animal Friends' chief community engagement officer, said. Best Buds will continue to be featured on The Almanac's website, newspaper, and Facebook page with the hopes of many more happy matches. ADOPTED! "Nothing gives us more joy than witnessing all of these amazing animals get matched with a home that will spoil them forever. We Cashmere are extremely proud to partner with great organizations like Animal Friends and The To learn more about Bridget and other Best Healing Center to promote adoptable ani- Buds, visit To learn mals to our caring readers across the South more about Animal Friends, the services they Hills," Chris Slota, the advertising manager offer and their current adoptable compan- of The Almanac, said. Stimpy Sponsored content brought to you by The Healing Center ions, visit