Very Limited Offer! Don't miss this best price program for our newest section! This offer is only available until March 31, 2022. NOW IS THE TIME Purchase Pre-Need Cemetery Space For You & Your Loved One What You Get: 2 GRAVES Buy 1 grave; 2nd grave is FREE Save up to $2,720 OPENINGS & CLOSINGS Opening & closing included for each grave (a total cost of $4,320) Easy, Convenient Payment Options: MEMORIAL 1 personalized Upright Memorial (a cost of $3,400) Includes lettering (maximum of 45 total characters) Total Savings: This total pre-need package would normally cost you $13,630 Your price with our new, convenient package costs $10,440 - No Interest - No Finance Charges Washington Cemetery SERVING OUR FAMILIES. FRIENOS. AND NEGHBORS SINCE 1853. Call us today at 724-225-1040 or email us at · A total savings of $3,190 Very Limited Offer! Don't miss this best price program for our newest section! This offer is only available until March 31, 2022. NOW IS THE TIME Purchase Pre-Need Cemetery Space For You & Your Loved One What You Get: 2 GRAVES Buy 1 grave; 2nd grave is FREE Save up to $2,720 OPENINGS & CLOSINGS Opening & closing included for each grave (a total cost of $4,320) Easy, Convenient Payment Options: MEMORIAL 1 personalized Upright Memorial (a cost of $3,400) Includes lettering (maximum of 45 total characters) Total Savings: This total pre-need package would normally cost you $13,630 Your price with our new, convenient package costs $10,440 - No Interest - No Finance Charges Washington Cemetery SERVING OUR FAMILIES. FRIENOS. AND NEGHBORS SINCE 1853. Call us today at 724-225-1040 or email us at · A total savings of $3,190