3 Questions To Ask Before Beginning A New Fitness Regimen of healthy style. Desp Surveyond th pedevtal.com any of the 5000 NH CONTD-pad which g than they might have been had the dots be spondente morting the physical activity C een who want to bem when got to bicial for people of all ag pcally CDC uc the pades let 1. Should I get a heart checkup? Doctors may avady he monter saging individual hear they tech wypof problem in the p devder of Pe prior to hegning MD MAA backa onderde determine pati has anddying l p 2. Which types of activities should look to Apa bakgrund bedend valg inight ned by the Coster pon Aging activities dependien 3. Should take extra caution while on medication! Pription begninger The CDC sites that soughly 14 pesnof betw Jot and +300 the moted that certain dan au drop e Mood wad ande, while others at That the og to each medication, which the portance of speaking with a plyn whenever read otwend and new mooto pred Teave o band Choose to Lose Nutritional Program An Ongoing Program upam, wedi heart nk when daming murce with the à y additional quotes they might have during so participate in . Work one-on-one with a Registered Dietitian on a weekly basis . Nutritional tracking . Get sample meal patterns, education, recipes Accountability & structure and more. AUDIOLOGY Celebrating 36+ Years Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Accepting New Patients! WASHINGTON HEALTH SYSTEM Wilfred R. Cameron Wellness Center ACHIEVE BETTER HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION, FITNESS & WELL-BEING Swift Experience the gift of better hearing. Following a comprehensive hearing evaluation, we invite you to take our Hearing Aid Test Drive - No Commitment or Deposit Required. BIGGEST WINNER Interested in becoming a member? Scan the code or contact our Membership office at 724-250-5208 240 Wellness Way, Washington, PA 15301 Call 724-222-9010 to schedule your appointment and experience for yourself how hearing well can make a difference in your overall health. 800 Rating: A 3 Locations Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area Washington South Hills North Hills Our Most Intensive Weight-Loss Challenge! February 5 - March 29 SCAN ME! 8-Weeks of Expert Personal Training, 4 Days Per Week . 2 Educational Services with a Registered Dietitian Pre- and Post-Measurements - Weekly Weigh-in Discount Coupons for Wellness Center Services and prizes! in Winter Wellness Recharge Mini Retreat Saturday, February 10 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm Experience: Restorative Yoga .Sound Healing . Breathwork . Mindfulness Techniques . Aromatherapy Most programming is open to both members and non-members of the center. Scan the code to learn more or contact 724-225-WELL (9355) 3 Questions To Ask Before Beginning A New Fitness Regimen of healthy style . Desp Surveyond th pedevtal.com any of the 5000 NH CONTD - pad which g than they might have been had the dots be spondente morting the physical activity C een who want to bem when got to bicial for people of all ag pcally CDC uc the pades let 1. Should I get a heart checkup ? Doctors may avady he monter saging individual hear they tech wypof problem in the p devder of Pe prior to hegning MD MAA backa onderde determine pati has anddying l p 2. Which types of activities should look to Apa bakgrund bedend valg inight ned by the Coster pon Aging activities dependien 3. Should take extra caution while on medication ! Pription begninger The CDC sites that soughly 14 pesnof betw Jot and +300 the moted that certain dan au drop e Mood wad ande , while others at That the og to each medication , which the portance of speaking with a plyn whenever read otwend and new mooto pred Teave o band Choose to Lose Nutritional Program An Ongoing Program upam , wedi heart nk when daming murce with the à y additional quotes they might have during so participate in . Work one - on - one with a Registered Dietitian on a weekly basis . Nutritional tracking . Get sample meal patterns , education , recipes Accountability & structure and more . AUDIOLOGY Celebrating 36+ Years Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Accepting New Patients ! WASHINGTON HEALTH SYSTEM Wilfred R. Cameron Wellness Center ACHIEVE BETTER HEALTH THROUGH NUTRITION , FITNESS & WELL - BEING Swift Experience the gift of better hearing . Following a comprehensive hearing evaluation , we invite you to take our Hearing Aid Test Drive - No Commitment or Deposit Required . BIGGEST WINNER Interested in becoming a member ? Scan the code or contact our Membership office at 724-250-5208 240 Wellness Way , Washington , PA 15301 Call 724-222-9010 to schedule your appointment and experience for yourself how hearing well can make a difference in your overall health . 800 Rating : A 3 Locations Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area Washington South Hills North Hills Our Most Intensive Weight - Loss Challenge ! February 5 - March 29 SCAN ME ! 8 - Weeks of Expert Personal Training , 4 Days Per Week . 2 Educational Services with a Registered Dietitian Pre- and Post - Measurements - Weekly Weigh - in Discount Coupons for Wellness Center Services and prizes ! in Winter Wellness Recharge Mini Retreat Saturday , February 10 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm Experience : Restorative Yoga .Sound Healing . Breathwork . Mindfulness Techniques . Aromatherapy Most programming is open to both members and non - members of the center . Scan the code to learn more or contact 724-225 - WELL ( 9355 )