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    July 9, 2021
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WHISKEY REBELLION FESTIVAL -JULY 10th BRADFORD HOUSE Whdey Reheln Festmag diwone hen rde V Center weopen for eglar hon dheddd en Tunday and Tida from 00 AMcoPM Complary galelh n ie ed ding thoe time Te loun for bot Smnlay wibe 1200 -S0 TS with ly afen door wl g ae hm owdon Sndas WHISKEY REBELLION EDUCATION & VISITOR CENTER 184 S. MAIN STREET, WASHINGTON, PA 15301 BRADFORO HOUSE * 175 S MAIN STREET, WASHINGTON, PA 15301 MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT STREET THEATER 120 TAX FICTION whdey Rvlle Te Thp Main Stage 1H INGLORIOUS REBELS ESTIVAL STARE HET RN EST LMayne Hse Garden 2 LIFE IN TmE FEDERAL AMY Wayi Sleg LeMayne Hoe Garden MAIN STAGE 1130 seagpin g tring Rand 145 nand LEMOYNE GARDEN 115 Devilh Meery 215 wty Alady Sering Band 15 Suppir Sering ed 15 Glaan Rd 21 ONCE UPON A TIME IN PHILADELPHIA Woley Rli Th Tp LeMegne House Garden 200 Glan Run Road 5 Ded Mlery 0 Kabin anl 44 Seesty Alealy ering and 131 The kobs Ferry Sgle HOLCROoFT UNCHAINED whke R Thet Ty LeMoyne House Gianden SH HIGH PROOF A TOAST TO THE WIEISKY REBILS Whidey Rvi at Tep Lierty le pivie AL LeMeyne Hoa Ganden Wayes d -Legon Enmp PRegimem Tcampt, Cemry Weapo Dpla Jane Aricn adan Dla Cnay Canp Coling Penti ing weningitm Perid es Ma N E LIL' REBELS HERITAGE AREA Cren van eperimera fir de wrhing with aqull pen maling fem Meley Rralm anl pradicing lenens on slates. They on try 1h contury pmni eh a rling hoops cop nd heponh, mibs and quita And they wil learm a the nele of pnptem on the frotie trying their handi at the types of dometic chones nnquird of childrm, ch as pehering ese Sesching water nd wahing cothe in a tob with awhboand whe ays aing cant be funt ou nd pour lif sebeli can vit the chilreni area in the Brallond Houe Garden ron LSpol Thank You TO OUR SPONSORS FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT EQT Obscrer Reporter Auto Mall Wnhingon RRANGE STEIN M MIllennium Weshington Iinancial ank ALL WAYS Rotary ACOLELLA Wa Co Ber Aation WA ON WJPA B6 EHD * WWW.WHISKEYREBELLIONCENTER.ORG * WHISKEY REBELLION FESTIVAL -JULY 10th BRADFORD HOUSE Whdey Reheln Festmag diwone hen rde V Center weopen for eglar hon dheddd en Tunday and Tida from 00 AMcoPM Complary galelh n ie ed ding thoe time Te loun for bot Smnlay wibe 1200 -S0 TS with ly afen door wl g ae hm owdon Sndas WHISKEY REBELLION EDUCATION & VISITOR CENTER 184 S. MAIN STREET, WASHINGTON, PA 15301 BRADFORO HOUSE * 175 S MAIN STREET, WASHINGTON, PA 15301 MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT STREET THEATER 120 TAX FICTION whdey Rvlle Te Thp Main Stage 1H INGLORIOUS REBELS ESTIVAL STARE HET RN EST LMayne Hse Garden 2 LIFE IN TmE FEDERAL AMY Wayi Sleg LeMayne Hoe Garden MAIN STAGE 1130 seagpin g tring Rand 145 nand LEMOYNE GARDEN 115 Devilh Meery 215 wty Alady Sering Band 15 Suppir Sering ed 15 Glaan Rd 21 ONCE UPON A TIME IN PHILADELPHIA Woley Rli Th Tp LeMegne House Garden 200 Glan Run Road 5 Ded Mlery 0 Kabin anl 44 Seesty Alealy ering and 131 The kobs Ferry Sgle HOLCROoFT UNCHAINED whke R Thet Ty LeMoyne House Gianden SH HIGH PROOF A TOAST TO THE WIEISKY REBILS Whidey Rvi at Tep Lierty le pivie AL LeMeyne Hoa Ganden Wayes d -Legon Enmp PRegimem Tcampt, Cemry Weapo Dpla Jane Aricn adan Dla Cnay Canp Coling Penti ing weningitm Perid es Ma N E LIL' REBELS HERITAGE AREA Cren van eperimera fir de wrhing with aqull pen maling fem Meley Rralm anl pradicing lenens on slates. They on try 1h contury pmni eh a rling hoops cop nd heponh, mibs and quita And they wil learm a the nele of pnptem on the frotie trying their handi at the types of dometic chones nnquird of childrm, ch as pehering ese Sesching water nd wahing cothe in a tob with awhboand whe ays aing cant be funt ou nd pour lif sebeli can vit the chilreni area in the Brallond Houe Garden ron LSpol Thank You TO OUR SPONSORS FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT EQT Obscrer Reporter Auto Mall Wnhingon RRANGE STEIN M MIllennium Weshington Iinancial ank ALL WAYS Rotary ACOLELLA Wa Co Ber Aation WA ON WJPA B6 EHD * WWW.WHISKEYREBELLIONCENTER.ORG *