First Federal of Greene County makes corporate title changes, crosses $1 billion line in assets sle heal Gale Financial Statement Statement of Condition Deormber , 2021 December 2001 OFFICERS ASSETS Loons Recoble 5633.253.058 06 jnE Morne Choen W Tume Omon Boord Pide CO Ete Vee Peden Oer Realt Oered Cah On Hand&in Bonka itmant Seoute ChodM Moe BoborL Goes jey Wde Couey A Sye Kahleen M Tah Vee hede Ve Pede Ve Presden Chiel FeerOfer Ver Pede ey Ve heside Te As Seveoryas Tre A ey fedrul Home Loon or S Pem& Fd Ase Oher At 94600.00 JS94.0655 26.65002 Tey C DeneleR Tobu TOTALASSETS SLO4J06778 Sarah A Wetu LIABILITIES ond NET WORTH Depost Faderl Home Loan Bo Advanc Oher Lobilne DIRECTORS JuhnE Moe jayS Hanme MuW.He Sehen M.Nbo Grgory A Ponon Jud Goodn Turner Chares W Tum OglnA W m08908 Equy Coptal TOTAL LIAITES & NET WORTH DIRECTORS EMERITUS A December 3. 200f Federo Sovng ndloon dcoton Gree Conty Regatiry Cops Reguremet wmlewn Srons ONelond Hayt Cachan PS. MGroh. MGo MCol PCGeresl Co RBo CoR REQUREO Conmon Euny TeriCapnal S307550GT46 S00s446490 Terl Capnol Trol RakBoved Coprol S46J0260 20 S84,64A90 AVALABLE RECORD OF ASSETS S2.984 54 ses 234.4O 8 935 940 1945 1950 1955 Leeage Copnolte TerlLverge Rono 453.345 67 4.306.225 2000 9790.325.63 2005 40 200 79193.64 09 "edn S0.00 Gmerlion lo Reses 4054954 200 6..44 04 20 1049J062 2020 178.2.782 20 Tha onemenn ha been pepored in acordonoe with he regulorory porting requiementthe Oforathe Compmollerat he Cency OcO Rak Bowd ond Leveroge Coptal Ronios are the elemenn d glotory captol detemined under uch mporting requrements. Regulonory Captlea b by whchthe OCC d n wher Sovrg Aociationis epetngnee ond sound monne Copim of our ennl oudied froncol otemenh mày be obtamed er o fomeofferWyredr We Orles W. Tru. Presdent CEOun CoryA Shy Vee Pede Ol r Oe ol fee Fedel Snga Lon Asin o Gene Cuty, d hely dece at t me ndun hes been pored in omnr e y e OCCastebeotor nolelge nd lelel menwiation GREENE CONNTY Serving she TiSan Are Sine 1924 Hane Ofee 25 tongh Sn PO 0 Woyneurg PA SSO Cou A Schro Ver Pesid Oel frecol Oflce Oher Oee Lacede Uniontown Comiohor Woohington Tayonstown-M. Moms Ols W Trume Pede CtO Echp redte 0.000 SERVICE CORPORATION Fr Gree Servee Corp 54Suoe Tane Cone Drue Morgantn W2sos NMLS FDIC First Federal of Greene County makes corporate title changes, crosses $1 billion line in assets sle heal Gale Financial Statement Statement of Condition Deormber , 2021 December 2001 OFFICERS ASSETS Loons Recoble 5633.253.058 06 jnE Morne Choen W Tume Omon Boord Pide CO Ete Vee Peden Oer Realt Oered Cah On Hand&in Bonka itmant Seoute ChodM Moe BoborL Goes jey Wde Couey A Sye Kahleen M Tah Vee hede Ve Pede Ve Presden Chiel FeerOfer Ver Pede ey Ve heside Te As Seveoryas Tre A ey fedrul Home Loon or S Pem& Fd Ase Oher At 94600.00 JS94.0655 26.65002 Tey C DeneleR Tobu TOTALASSETS SLO4J06778 Sarah A Wetu LIABILITIES ond NET WORTH Depost Faderl Home Loan Bo Advanc Oher Lobilne DIRECTORS JuhnE Moe jayS Hanme MuW.He Sehen M.Nbo Grgory A Ponon Jud Goodn Turner Chares W Tum OglnA W m08908 Equy Coptal TOTAL LIAITES & NET WORTH DIRECTORS EMERITUS A December 3. 200f Federo Sovng ndloon dcoton Gree Conty Regatiry Cops Reguremet wmlewn Srons ONelond Hayt Cachan PS. MGroh. MGo MCol PCGeresl Co RBo CoR REQUREO Conmon Euny TeriCapnal S307550GT46 S00s446490 Terl Capnol Trol RakBoved Coprol S46J0260 20 S84,64A90 AVALABLE RECORD OF ASSETS S2.984 54 ses 234.4O 8 935 940 1945 1950 1955 Leeage Copnolte TerlLverge Rono 453.345 67 4.306.225 2000 9790.325.63 2005 40 200 79193.64 09 "edn S0.00 Gmerlion lo Reses 4054954 200 6..44 04 20 1049J062 2020 178.2.782 20 Tha onemenn ha been pepored in acordonoe with he regulorory porting requiementthe Oforathe Compmollerat he Cency OcO Rak Bowd ond Leveroge Coptal Ronios are the elemenn d glotory captol detemined under uch mporting requrements. Regulonory Captlea b by whchthe OCC d n wher Sovrg Aociationis epetngnee ond sound monne Copim of our ennl oudied froncol otemenh mày be obtamed er o fomeofferWyredr We Orles W. Tru. Presdent CEOun CoryA Shy Vee Pede Ol r Oe ol fee Fedel Snga Lon Asin o Gene Cuty, d hely dece at t me ndun hes been pored in omnr e y e OCCastebeotor nolelge nd lelel menwiation GREENE CONNTY Serving she TiSan Are Sine 1924 Hane Ofee 25 tongh Sn PO 0 Woyneurg PA SSO Cou A Schro Ver Pesid Oel frecol Oflce Oher Oee Lacede Uniontown Comiohor Woohington Tayonstown-M. Moms Ols W Trume Pede CtO Echp redte 0.000 SERVICE CORPORATION Fr Gree Servee Corp 54Suoe Tane Cone Drue Morgantn W2sos NMLS FDIC