Love is in the wings! Savor Valentine's Day with flavorful romance! Observer-Ropor Official Community Choice *2023* BEST OF THE FIRST PLACE Observer Reporter Serving Our Community #1 Wings Awards ty Since 1808 Drover's Inn Restaurant and Tavern . 1001 Washington Pike, Wellsburg, WV 26070 Wed.-Sat. 4-10 PM Sun. Noon-7 PM Closed Mon. & Tues. (304) 737-0188 Love is in the wings ! Savor Valentine's Day with flavorful romance ! Observer - Ropor Official Community Choice * 2023 * BEST OF THE FIRST PLACE Observer Reporter Serving Our Community # 1 Wings Awards ty Since 1808 Drover's Inn Restaurant and Tavern . 1001 Washington Pike , Wellsburg , WV 26070 Wed. - Sat . 4-10 PM Sun. Noon - 7 PM Closed Mon. & Tues. ( 304 ) 737-0188