OIL AND GAS RIGHTS OWNERS FREE COMMUNITY MEETING RD THURSDAY, MAY 23 6-8 PM VFW Post 3491 500 W. George St., Carmichaels, PA 15320 Topics of Discussion Receiving Production Checks How do I know if they are accurate? The Meaning of a Held by Production (HBP) Lease Expiring Leases What are my options? Mineral Sales Are the offers fair? BMEM BORDAS 304-243-8000 BordasMineralManagement.com OIL AND GAS RIGHTS OWNERS FREE COMMUNITY MEETING RD THURSDAY, MAY 23 6-8 PM VFW Post 3491 500 W. George St., Carmichaels, PA 15320 Topics of Discussion Receiving Production Checks How do I know if they are accurate? The Meaning of a Held by Production (HBP) Lease Expiring Leases What are my options? Mineral Sales Are the offers fair? BMEM BORDAS 304-243-8000 BordasMineralManagement.com