BROUGHT TO YOUBY THE EXPERTS AT ARTIS SENIOR LIVNG A Resource for Caregivers A ARTIS WAN WON Your Partner in Memory Care South Hlls What Is Dementia? 1 in 10 over age 65 Dementia is not a speciie disease. 's an overal term 1 in 3 over age 85 that describes a wide range Alzheimer's is the 6th of symptoms associated with leading cause of death in a decline in memory or other the United States-more thinking skils severe enough than breast cancer and to reduce a person's ability to prostate cancer combined. perform everyday activities Facts about being a Alzheimer's disease accounts caregiver for a family for 60% to 80% of dementia member with Alrheimer's: cases. Vascular dementia Approximately 25% of caregivers are part of the from a stroke is the second most common type. Dementia"sandwich generation" is often incorectly referred to as "senility" or "senile dementia." which refects the formerly widespread but own children. 74% of family caregivers report they are "Somewhat ate of eath, Ntional Concemed" or "Very Data coutesy of the Natonal responsible for caring for their parent with dementia as well as caring for their Irattute on Aging Ateimer Association and Ahemes Concemed" about maintaining their own health since becoming a caregiver incomect belief that serious -More than 40% of tamily caregivers report a stress level of "High" or "Very High mental decline is a normal part of aging Thank you Facts about Alzheimer's: - Atzheimer's and other dementias are the top cause More than 1 in 6 family of disabilities later in ife. Approximately 5.7 milion people are coping with caregivers quit their paying job to become a caregiver or because their caregiving dutes became too To our care partners who remain dedicated to Alzheimer's disease: burdensome each resident's unique needs. To every caregiver at home for the love and support you provide. Can You Continue to Care for Every day, you are there, and we thank you! Your Loved One at Home? 6 questions to help you O is their healthor yours as caregiver-at risk? assess the situation. You always promised you'd Have dementia symptoms take care of your loved one at home. But s becoming dehydraton, aggression increasingly more dificult for paranola, wandering? you to provide the kind of care your loved one needs and deserves. One of the hardest decisions at-home caregivers face is recognizing dressing. eating? when it's time to provide your loved one with 24/7 professional care. So how do you know? Ask yourselt progressed-incontinence. ARTIS SENIOR LIVING South Hills O Are care needs progressing beyond your physical abities-needing help with bathing. toileting. O Are you becoming stressed, imtabie, impatient? Are you feeling depressed, hopeless, or having trouble sleeping? these questions: O: is your loved on becoming unsafe in the home? Having dificulty elimbing stairs. toileting, bathing? Are they at risk of taling? O. Are you neglecting your work responsibiltes, family and'or yourself? Q: Would 24-hour professional care. secunity. support services, and social nteraction at a residential Memory care community benefit your loved one? To see why Artis is still the best choice for safe and exceptionally personalized Memory Care: Remember despite your love and best efforts, neither of you could anticipate how dificut home care could become. Prepare yourselves for what you'l do next as their condition progresses. 412-212-6025 Stay up to date or dementia care news, as well as information about upcoming free educational seminars for caregivers. Contact Artis Senior Living of South Hills to be placed on our mailing list. Simply call 412-212-6025 or visit R3 Sanior Lng o 1o H e Pan PA9 BROUGHT TO YOUBY THE EXPERTS AT ARTIS SENIOR LIVNG A Resource for Caregivers A ARTIS WAN WON Your Partner in Memory Care South Hlls What Is Dementia? 1 in 10 over age 65 Dementia is not a speciie disease. 's an overal term 1 in 3 over age 85 that describes a wide range Alzheimer's is the 6th of symptoms associated with leading cause of death in a decline in memory or other the United States-more thinking skils severe enough than breast cancer and to reduce a person's ability to prostate cancer combined. perform everyday activities Facts about being a Alzheimer's disease accounts caregiver for a family for 60% to 80% of dementia member with Alrheimer's: cases. Vascular dementia Approximately 25% of caregivers are part of the from a stroke is the second most common type. Dementia"sandwich generation" is often incorectly referred to as "senility" or "senile dementia." which refects the formerly widespread but own children. 74% of family caregivers report they are "Somewhat ate of eath, Ntional Concemed" or "Very Data coutesy of the Natonal responsible for caring for their parent with dementia as well as caring for their Irattute on Aging Ateimer Association and Ahemes Concemed" about maintaining their own health since becoming a caregiver incomect belief that serious -More than 40% of tamily caregivers report a stress level of "High" or "Very High mental decline is a normal part of aging Thank you Facts about Alzheimer's: - Atzheimer's and other dementias are the top cause More than 1 in 6 family of disabilities later in ife. Approximately 5.7 milion people are coping with caregivers quit their paying job to become a caregiver or because their caregiving dutes became too To our care partners who remain dedicated to Alzheimer's disease: burdensome each resident's unique needs. To every caregiver at home for the love and support you provide. Can You Continue to Care for Every day, you are there, and we thank you! Your Loved One at Home? 6 questions to help you O is their healthor yours as caregiver-at risk? assess the situation. You always promised you'd Have dementia symptoms take care of your loved one at home. But s becoming dehydraton, aggression increasingly more dificult for paranola, wandering? you to provide the kind of care your loved one needs and deserves. One of the hardest decisions at-home caregivers face is recognizing dressing. eating? when it's time to provide your loved one with 24/7 professional care. So how do you know? Ask yourselt progressed-incontinence. ARTIS SENIOR LIVING South Hills O Are care needs progressing beyond your physical abities-needing help with bathing. toileting. O Are you becoming stressed, imtabie, impatient? Are you feeling depressed, hopeless, or having trouble sleeping? these questions: O: is your loved on becoming unsafe in the home? Having dificulty elimbing stairs. toileting, bathing? Are they at risk of taling? O. Are you neglecting your work responsibiltes, family and'or yourself? Q: Would 24-hour professional care. secunity. support services, and social nteraction at a residential Memory care community benefit your loved one? To see why Artis is still the best choice for safe and exceptionally personalized Memory Care: Remember despite your love and best efforts, neither of you could anticipate how dificut home care could become. Prepare yourselves for what you'l do next as their condition progresses. 412-212-6025 Stay up to date or dementia care news, as well as information about upcoming free educational seminars for caregivers. Contact Artis Senior Living of South Hills to be placed on our mailing list. Simply call 412-212-6025 or visit R3 Sanior Lng o 1o H e Pan PA9