Arc Human Services Serving people of all ages with intelledctual and developmental disabilities and mental health challenges in a manner that allows them to fulfil their ambitions, protect their rights, and foster meaningful relationships at home, at work, and in their communities. We are proud to serve your community! Community Homes Vocational Training Camp Laughalot Student Transition Behavior and Individualized Supports Mental Health Supportive Housing Community Participation Supports Advocacy Community Employment Learn more about how you can support Arc Human Services or join our dynamic and dedicated team (we are hiring!) Arc Human Services Serving people of all ages with intelledctual and developmental disabilities and mental health challenges in a manner that allows them to fulfil their ambitions, protect their rights, and foster meaningful relationships at home, at work, and in their communities. We are proud to serve your community! Community Homes Vocational Training Camp Laughalot Student Transition Behavior and Individualized Supports Mental Health Supportive Housing Community Participation Supports Advocacy Community Employment Learn more about how you can support Arc Human Services or join our dynamic and dedicated team (we are hiring!)