What do you meanI have fleas?! As the weather is getting warmer we want to remind everyone to make sure their pets are current on their flea and tick prevention! There are many options for both dogs and cats for prevention but always use caution if you use over the counter medications. Please call if you have any questions about fleas, ticks, prevention, or if you want to order medications for your pets. Call us today! 724-258-8406 Lisa Lusk, V.M.D. Sarah Ripepi, D.V.M. Ashley Smith, D.V.M. Exceptional Veterinary Care - Small Animal Medicine and Surgery HOSPITAL HOURS: MON-THURS: 8:30AM-6:30PM FRI: 8:30AM-4PM Monongahela Animal Hospital MONONGANELA ANMAL HOSPITAL 321 Hazelkirk Road, Monongahela www.monongahelavet.com What do you meanI have fleas?! As the weather is getting warmer we want to remind everyone to make sure their pets are current on their flea and tick prevention! There are many options for both dogs and cats for prevention but always use caution if you use over the counter medications. Please call if you have any questions about fleas, ticks, prevention, or if you want to order medications for your pets. Call us today! 724-258-8406 Lisa Lusk, V.M.D. Sarah Ripepi, D.V.M. Ashley Smith, D.V.M. Exceptional Veterinary Care - Small Animal Medicine and Surgery HOSPITAL HOURS: MON-THURS: 8:30AM-6:30PM FRI: 8:30AM-4PM Monongahela Animal Hospital MONONGANELA ANMAL HOSPITAL 321 Hazelkirk Road, Monongahela www.monongahelavet.com