CELEBRATING Oun 25h Since 1966. ANNIVERSARY So You Want The BEST for Your Pet. SO DO WE. Modern Medicine, Personal Care Every member of our team is dedicated to getting to know you and your pet personally. Building a lasting partnership with your veterinarian is critical to your pet's lasting health and well-being. CALL: 724-258-8406 Lisa Lusk, V.M.D. Sarah Ripepi, D.V.M. Exceptional Veterinary Care- Small Animal Medicine and Surgery HOSPITAL HOURS: MON-THURS: 8:30AM-6:30PM FRI: 8:30AM-4PM Monongahela Animal Hospital 321 Hazlkirk Road, Monongahela www.monongahelavet.com CELEBRATING Oun 25h Since 1966. ANNIVERSARY So You Want The BEST for Your Pet. SO DO WE. Modern Medicine, Personal Care Every member of our team is dedicated to getting to know you and your pet personally. Building a lasting partnership with your veterinarian is critical to your pet's lasting health and well-being. CALL: 724-258-8406 Lisa Lusk, V.M.D. Sarah Ripepi, D.V.M. Exceptional Veterinary Care- Small Animal Medicine and Surgery HOSPITAL HOURS: MON-THURS: 8:30AM-6:30PM FRI: 8:30AM-4PM Monongahela Animal Hospital 321 Hazlkirk Road, Monongahela www.monongahelavet.com