Putting your health first. MVH d Monnguhala PROSTATE EDUCATION AND SCREENING PROGRAM September is prostate health month. Wednesday, Oct. 6 5 p.m. Monongahela Valley Hospital's Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center - Learn about the importance of early detection. - Recieve an exam and a prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test conducted by MVH staff. - This program is intended for men ages 50-75 who do not already have a diagnosis of prostate problems. Screening by registration only 724-258-1333 or monvalleyhospital.com *Free program and parking. "To maintain social distancing requirements, attendance is limited. Putting your health first. MVH d Monnguhala PROSTATE EDUCATION AND SCREENING PROGRAM September is prostate health month. Wednesday, Oct. 6 5 p.m. Monongahela Valley Hospital's Anthony M. Lombardi Education Conference Center - Learn about the importance of early detection. - Recieve an exam and a prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test conducted by MVH staff. - This program is intended for men ages 50-75 who do not already have a diagnosis of prostate problems. Screening by registration only 724-258-1333 or monvalleyhospital.com *Free program and parking. "To maintain social distancing requirements, attendance is limited.