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    May 23, 2020
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Table Degree of ClssI PSD lacren Conumption from 60022D Robinson Power Compung, LLC (PO Bas 127. S63 Route IK, Burgetmtown, PA 151) Notice in hereby given in Operation of Robinson ower's Beoch Hollow Energy Facility accordance with 25 Pa. Code 12744127.46 that the Departeen of Emironmental Protection Dvpartment") itends to iue Air Quality Plan Approval: PA63 0022D10 Robinsen Puwer Company. LuC CRabinson wer") for modifications to the construction and eperation of a peuposed natural gas-fised combined cycde powet plunt named the Bech Hollow Project to be locned in located jut south and west of US Route 22 and Stale Route 980 respectively PS RI (4'N, NI7W), and approsimately 25 miles northeast of the town of Bulger, Robinsen Tenahip, Wahington County Pota Averaging Period Ikgroe of Clas PSD Iacremone Consmption Clan Incrvment Nercent of regas per cuic microgra per cubic Clas IPSD mer Al 25 A Amal Com Air contamination soures and controls to be ahoriaed at this site ndude · Twe ) Gmeral tlectrie 7HA.02 (or equivalent), atural additional impact analysis of the impuirment to visibility, sola. ga-fired conbuion turtines, 3,48SS MMBahe heat input nd vegetation that would occur aaelt of the Robinaon Power rating OIV) each controlled by SCR and osidatin catalysts faclity and general commencial, residential, industrial and other 1,000 MW tetal net penerating capacity . Oe )nateral pas redailiary boiler, 9.I MMB/he heat leaccondance with CRS2.2pl writen notice of the proposed is accondance with 0 CFR S S22o). Robinson Power provided growth asociated with the Robinson Power facilty - Oe (1) Cummin, CFPISEF0 er equivalenti, diesl fed oect has been provided to the Federal Land Managen of nearby fee pemp engine, 40 bhp ng inclading one () dirwt fot Calares a well as initial weening calcalations to dementrate Morage tank. S00 pillen maximum capacity . One (1) natural gaded dew poi heer, MMeute vbilay and qualy lated valaes (AORV) in nearby Clas E bet inpul rating Ooe (1) natural pas fred dew point heer, 3 MMuhe This theriaation is sulject to New Source Review (NSo imput rating hat Robinson Poweri proposed emisions will not adversely impact anas ht inpul rating equirements of 25 Pa Code Chapter 127 Subdupter E for NO. - Misclaneos components in anural gas service, and S6 This r contaminant is sebjecT te Lowest Ahievle Emision Rate containing vwichpran controlled by leak detection and epair. (LAER) wquinments. Prior s commencing operation. Robie Ietential to emit from the faclity wil be limited so not caceed the Power wilbe requirol to secure 207 tons of NOs emision reductien kilowing Table :Facilry Wide totentul to Emit Emim oedits (ERC) for nonattainment and nonatainment poltan preoirsons emitting sorces in ooder to ofset emission increases frees this air contaminan A Ctamina Npn Cha N This thorization is subject o Stane srgulation induding 25 Standardi for Contaminants 127 Comtruction, Modification, Reactivation. and Operation of Sources, 129-Standands for Sources, 1-Repoeting of Sources Intenstate hilution Tranport Redution Ste standards for contaminants and soues ae wapereded in mot caes by mone vtringent BACT and LAER equirements his athoriation is ale ject o Federal New Source Performance Standands (NSPS) including 0 CHR Part 60 KKKK: and National Emiion Standasds PL Code Chapten 123 To Pl Me M Paticulane Manle The Micmin Dane Picul Manien Thun 25 Miomi Dar Mu Sadia 19 - Sampling and Testing and 145 3.14 42.00 Volete Cis. CompantCO ardi Alla Fomo Anmen Lte Dde g for Hanands Ar hdstants (NESAPUndelins j0 Cu Subpart ZZZ Other applicable Foderal repalations include 4 CER A842413 40 CER Part 6 This thoriation is subjest t hrevention of gilant Parts sa- Approval and Promulgion of Implementation Hans Deterioration (PSD equirements of 40 CER S321 adopoed in iks nas inety by the Eepartment and incorporated by selevence under 25 pecitcally $3221 - Prevation of Significant Deterioration of Air PA Code s27AN for NO2. CO, PM, PMI0, PM25, H2SOL, and Quality), 6s - Chemical Accident Prevention Pvisens: 72, 7s, COe. In accordance with the PSD rules in 40 CR S21 and 25 nd 75- Permis Repulation, Sulfar Ihonide Allowance Sytem, and PA. Code S127A Robinon Power has performed an air quality Continuon Emision Montoring Part 7 - Federal NO Budgt analysis which utlies dispersion modeling kobinson Pow Trading Program. CAIR NOs and S02 Traling Programs, and alty analysis atifes the mquiements of the PSD nles and i CSAPR NOx and S02 Trading Programs, and Part - Mandatory coasistent with the US Environmental Protection Agrney's (PAJ Greenhouse Cian Reporting Guideline on Ar Quality Models (0 CFR Part 51, Appendix W) Man pproval condtions will incade souroe specific and facilay nd the PA air qualty modeling poliky and guidance Robinson Pwer has conducted ar quality analyes using ting and monitoring roquirements, work practice standards dispenion modding whih fy the requirements of the and asociated ecordkeping and eporting reguirements The Preveation of Significant Deterioration (PSD) eplations codied Department has determined hat the propened facilty satisties in 40 CFR S 521 and 25 Pa Code s 127A. wide emission limtations operational restrictions, complanor BACT, LAER, and the Iepartments Best Aralable Technology In accordance with 0 CFRS S2210) theough in. Robinson Power mguirements, Once compliance wth the Han Approval is conducted air quality analyses of emiions of CO NO1. particulate demonstrated the applicant wil be required so besit a Tale V matier les thanor oqual te25 micomelersindiameter (PM25), and Operating Permit (TVOP) applicatioe in accondanor with 25 Pa. partioulate mater less than or equal o 10 micometets in diameter Code Sobchaptem Fand G (PM kr its pmposed Berch Halow Energy lacilay Robinen A peren may oppose the peponed plan pprval by ing Pwer's source impet alyses demoneree that emissioes from the Beech Helle Energy faclity would not case or contribute ite protet with the Department through Alender Sandy. o air pollution in vilation of the National Ambiet Air Quality Pennlvania Department of Evironmental Protection. 400 Standarda for CO NO, PMI5, er PMIO. Addasonaly, Robinen Walerfrot Dvive. Powers sounce impact analyses demontrte that emissioms from the o fas o 412424 Addinal wrien comments may Beech 1ollow Energy facilay would not cne or contriute toa bmlel polation in vielation of the Clan Il or Clas I PSD increments for e name. address and telephone number of the penon submiting No, PM2A o PMIO Psburgh. PA 152 email to asandrepag also be Each protest or set of wrten comments m contain de comments, idemnication of the proposed Plan Approval (PA la accondance wah 40 CFRS 522lo). Rebinon Power povsded 0022D) and a concise statement of the objetions to the plan additional impect analynes of the impairment te vibilty, ls, and al iance and the elevant facts upon which the objection vegetation that wouloccur as a cesut of the Beech ow Energy e baed faclity and genertal commenial radenial induatrial and other A public hearing may be held, f the Department of Evironmental growth associned with the Beech Hollow Energy facility Protection, in it diacretion, deciden that ach a hearing is warranted In accondance with 40 CRS 2gh wrinen notice of Robinson haed on the comments received. All penona ubiting coments Power's pooponed Beech Hollew Energy facilty has been provided or egunting a hearing will be notied of the decialon to hold a o the Federal Land Manage of nearby federal Clan larean as well hearing by publication is the newspaper as initial screening calculations to demontrate that emiuiona from Balletin or by telephone, where DEP determines uch notication the Beedh Holkow Energy facility would sot adversely impat air a suficient, Writen commenta or nequesta for a public hearing alty related valun and viaibilty in nearby federal Clas l arcas sbould be directed te Mack R. Gorog. Regional Air Quality Program In accordance with the public notice requinements in 25 . Code Manager, Pennayhania Ipartment of Evironmental Protection, S 127.4SO4 the degee of Class Il and Clas I PSD increment 0 Waterfroed vive, Penburgh. PA IS222 or byemail to mgoroge consumpeion espected to reu fm the operation of Robinon pago. Powers Beech Hollow Energy failay is peovided in the llwing Robison Pwers tables er the Pennayhania Plan Approval apylication, the Departmens Air Quality Review Memorandum, and the Propoved Air Quality Plan Table 2 Degve of Clas I PSD Increment Conumption from Approval for this project are available kor review by any iereted parny at the Pennsylvania partment of Emironmestal Ptection. epre of Clae I PD C D Seuthwest Regional Office. 400 Waterfroen Drive. Psburgh. PA 15222. To reguesta relew of the RoNon Power Plan Appeoval emgas o of gs Application, to eceive an dlectronic copy of the Inpartment' Air Quality Review Menorandum, or so receive as electonic copy of the Department's proposed air Quality Plan Approval for this poject, a penon my contact the Departments Soutwest Regional Operation of Robinon Power Pt Armpng Pered Con Class PSD lacroment per cutie per cubie Aal Ofice File Review Coordinanor at 412442.4000. LAal 24-bour All comments mt be received prer o the doe of busine 3 days ater the date of this publication Aual Table Degree of ClssI PSD lacren Conumption from 60022D Robinson Power Compung, LLC (PO Bas 127. S63 Route IK, Burgetmtown, PA 151) Notice in hereby given in Operation of Robinson ower's Beoch Hollow Energy Facility accordance with 25 Pa. Code 12744127.46 that the Departeen of Emironmental Protection Dvpartment") itends to iue Air Quality Plan Approval: PA63 0022D10 Robinsen Puwer Company. LuC CRabinson wer") for modifications to the construction and eperation of a peuposed natural gas-fised combined cycde powet plunt named the Bech Hollow Project to be locned in located jut south and west of US Route 22 and Stale Route 980 respectively PS RI (4'N, NI7W), and approsimately 25 miles northeast of the town of Bulger, Robinsen Tenahip, Wahington County Pota Averaging Period Ikgroe of Clas PSD Iacremone Consmption Clan Incrvment Nercent of regas per cuic microgra per cubic Clas IPSD mer Al 25 A Amal Com Air contamination soures and controls to be ahoriaed at this site ndude · Twe ) Gmeral tlectrie 7HA.02 (or equivalent), atural additional impact analysis of the impuirment to visibility, sola. ga-fired conbuion turtines, 3,48SS MMBahe heat input nd vegetation that would occur aaelt of the Robinaon Power rating OIV) each controlled by SCR and osidatin catalysts faclity and general commencial, residential, industrial and other 1,000 MW tetal net penerating capacity . Oe )nateral pas redailiary boiler, 9.I MMB/he heat leaccondance with CRS2.2pl writen notice of the proposed is accondance with 0 CFR S S22o). Robinson Power provided growth asociated with the Robinson Power facilty - Oe (1) Cummin, CFPISEF0 er equivalenti, diesl fed oect has been provided to the Federal Land Managen of nearby fee pemp engine, 40 bhp ng inclading one () dirwt fot Calares a well as initial weening calcalations to dementrate Morage tank. S00 pillen maximum capacity . One (1) natural gaded dew poi heer, MMeute vbilay and qualy lated valaes (AORV) in nearby Clas E bet inpul rating Ooe (1) natural pas fred dew point heer, 3 MMuhe This theriaation is sulject to New Source Review (NSo imput rating hat Robinson Poweri proposed emisions will not adversely impact anas ht inpul rating equirements of 25 Pa Code Chapter 127 Subdupter E for NO. - Misclaneos components in anural gas service, and S6 This r contaminant is sebjecT te Lowest Ahievle Emision Rate containing vwichpran controlled by leak detection and epair. (LAER) wquinments. Prior s commencing operation. Robie Ietential to emit from the faclity wil be limited so not caceed the Power wilbe requirol to secure 207 tons of NOs emision reductien kilowing Table :Facilry Wide totentul to Emit Emim oedits (ERC) for nonattainment and nonatainment poltan preoirsons emitting sorces in ooder to ofset emission increases frees this air contaminan A Ctamina Npn Cha N This thorization is subject o Stane srgulation induding 25 Standardi for Contaminants 127 Comtruction, Modification, Reactivation. and Operation of Sources, 129-Standands for Sources, 1-Repoeting of Sources Intenstate hilution Tranport Redution Ste standards for contaminants and soues ae wapereded in mot caes by mone vtringent BACT and LAER equirements his athoriation is ale ject o Federal New Source Performance Standands (NSPS) including 0 CHR Part 60 KKKK: and National Emiion Standasds PL Code Chapten 123 To Pl Me M Paticulane Manle The Micmin Dane Picul Manien Thun 25 Miomi Dar Mu Sadia 19 - Sampling and Testing and 145 3.14 42.00 Volete Cis. CompantCO ardi Alla Fomo Anmen Lte Dde g for Hanands Ar hdstants (NESAPUndelins j0 Cu Subpart ZZZ Other applicable Foderal repalations include 4 CER A842413 40 CER Part 6 This thoriation is subjest t hrevention of gilant Parts sa- Approval and Promulgion of Implementation Hans Deterioration (PSD equirements of 40 CER S321 adopoed in iks nas inety by the Eepartment and incorporated by selevence under 25 pecitcally $3221 - Prevation of Significant Deterioration of Air PA Code s27AN for NO2. CO, PM, PMI0, PM25, H2SOL, and Quality), 6s - Chemical Accident Prevention Pvisens: 72, 7s, COe. In accordance with the PSD rules in 40 CR S21 and 25 nd 75- Permis Repulation, Sulfar Ihonide Allowance Sytem, and PA. Code S127A Robinon Power has performed an air quality Continuon Emision Montoring Part 7 - Federal NO Budgt analysis which utlies dispersion modeling kobinson Pow Trading Program. CAIR NOs and S02 Traling Programs, and alty analysis atifes the mquiements of the PSD nles and i CSAPR NOx and S02 Trading Programs, and Part - Mandatory coasistent with the US Environmental Protection Agrney's (PAJ Greenhouse Cian Reporting Guideline on Ar Quality Models (0 CFR Part 51, Appendix W) Man pproval condtions will incade souroe specific and facilay nd the PA air qualty modeling poliky and guidance Robinson Pwer has conducted ar quality analyes using ting and monitoring roquirements, work practice standards dispenion modding whih fy the requirements of the and asociated ecordkeping and eporting reguirements The Preveation of Significant Deterioration (PSD) eplations codied Department has determined hat the propened facilty satisties in 40 CFR S 521 and 25 Pa Code s 127A. wide emission limtations operational restrictions, complanor BACT, LAER, and the Iepartments Best Aralable Technology In accordance with 0 CFRS S2210) theough in. Robinson Power mguirements, Once compliance wth the Han Approval is conducted air quality analyses of emiions of CO NO1. particulate demonstrated the applicant wil be required so besit a Tale V matier les thanor oqual te25 micomelersindiameter (PM25), and Operating Permit (TVOP) applicatioe in accondanor with 25 Pa. partioulate mater less than or equal o 10 micometets in diameter Code Sobchaptem Fand G (PM kr its pmposed Berch Halow Energy lacilay Robinen A peren may oppose the peponed plan pprval by ing Pwer's source impet alyses demoneree that emissioes from the Beech Helle Energy faclity would not case or contribute ite protet with the Department through Alender Sandy. o air pollution in vilation of the National Ambiet Air Quality Pennlvania Department of Evironmental Protection. 400 Standarda for CO NO, PMI5, er PMIO. Addasonaly, Robinen Walerfrot Dvive. Powers sounce impact analyses demontrte that emissioms from the o fas o 412424 Addinal wrien comments may Beech 1ollow Energy facilay would not cne or contriute toa bmlel polation in vielation of the Clan Il or Clas I PSD increments for e name. address and telephone number of the penon submiting No, PM2A o PMIO Psburgh. PA 152 email to asandrepag also be Each protest or set of wrten comments m contain de comments, idemnication of the proposed Plan Approval (PA la accondance wah 40 CFRS 522lo). Rebinon Power povsded 0022D) and a concise statement of the objetions to the plan additional impect analynes of the impairment te vibilty, ls, and al iance and the elevant facts upon which the objection vegetation that wouloccur as a cesut of the Beech ow Energy e baed faclity and genertal commenial radenial induatrial and other A public hearing may be held, f the Department of Evironmental growth associned with the Beech Hollow Energy facility Protection, in it diacretion, deciden that ach a hearing is warranted In accondance with 40 CRS 2gh wrinen notice of Robinson haed on the comments received. All penona ubiting coments Power's pooponed Beech Hollew Energy facilty has been provided or egunting a hearing will be notied of the decialon to hold a o the Federal Land Manage of nearby federal Clan larean as well hearing by publication is the newspaper as initial screening calculations to demontrate that emiuiona from Balletin or by telephone, where DEP determines uch notication the Beedh Holkow Energy facility would sot adversely impat air a suficient, Writen commenta or nequesta for a public hearing alty related valun and viaibilty in nearby federal Clas l arcas sbould be directed te Mack R. Gorog. Regional Air Quality Program In accordance with the public notice requinements in 25 . Code Manager, Pennayhania Ipartment of Evironmental Protection, S 127.4SO4 the degee of Class Il and Clas I PSD increment 0 Waterfroed vive, Penburgh. PA IS222 or byemail to mgoroge consumpeion espected to reu fm the operation of Robinon pago. Powers Beech Hollow Energy failay is peovided in the llwing Robison Pwers tables er the Pennayhania Plan Approval apylication, the Departmens Air Quality Review Memorandum, and the Propoved Air Quality Plan Table 2 Degve of Clas I PSD Increment Conumption from Approval for this project are available kor review by any iereted parny at the Pennsylvania partment of Emironmestal Ptection. epre of Clae I PD C D Seuthwest Regional Office. 400 Waterfroen Drive. Psburgh. PA 15222. To reguesta relew of the RoNon Power Plan Appeoval emgas o of gs Application, to eceive an dlectronic copy of the Inpartment' Air Quality Review Menorandum, or so receive as electonic copy of the Department's proposed air Quality Plan Approval for this poject, a penon my contact the Departments Soutwest Regional Operation of Robinon Power Pt Armpng Pered Con Class PSD lacroment per cutie per cubie Aal Ofice File Review Coordinanor at 412442.4000. LAal 24-bour All comments mt be received prer o the doe of busine 3 days ater the date of this publication Aual