Public Hoards Silver as Federated Mint Slashes State Minimum Slver Vouir Bogs loadod wish a smali forrane of valaoble Siver Bars are sp for grabs as thousands of U.S residents stand to miss the deadline o gnt the silver at the Jowst ever Stare Minimum set by the Federated Mint: now afl residents of Penmsvaia who find sheir zip code lisned ane gning the besofsilver for thrseles st by cowering the reduced Siate Minimum foly $29 per bar for the neat 2 days (001002 MINIMUM FINE SILVER MThi How to get the Silver Vault Bags: Read te important nforation se belw ferding by the prvate Fded Mi Now Peneoy alsive ikili.b664-m4Ne KKT. adr- biarlingaBt o" se Elin plkeep caling and can't get through: Keep trpeg Right row everyone's locking to cash in on the lowest ae Miniue ever set byheFdd Mint in of thousands of eideets are espected to t upastay 9m Wut Bags Suatu Mnitur, set by he Federated Mnt tas been slashed hom $50 per htay hatt ounce to pat$29 tivi- ey can get teir hands on before eve doode e ends. That's becale the fr Pcyanle Ser Bers they the next 2 days And since each Silvet ut Bag contains 30 vakable Stae vr Bars for just $290 nearly ting te Arbe Sher Balsic BagscotanTQ 00 Stane Sivet Sars before te State Meinn set by the edeaed Mint goes back up to $800 per bag So inesae buty kenp sying the bg's Bags F How much are the Siver Vault Bags worth: s hand t0ell how mach ee Siv Vut Bags k y the Federated Mnt poes back up to $500 per bog h ba are a eryone who beats be Can lbuy one State Siliver Bar Yes. But, the lowest eer Sta per heay halt ounce Bar State Mu set by te Fodaraed ky en t fod thair nipod ted Wihy is the State Mininum set by the Federated Mint so low noar Becaune houtands of S red Miimam set by the ae Fe Now all reidents who find their p code on the Dstribution List below are gotting the Shooe Viault Bags fo tenotves and all the scid 90 pure Stae Siher Bars lound ieside. The price for each Svot Vaut a normaly set at $500 wich is the standand $50 pr bar Stae Minimum set by e Federated Mint, but reidents oho bes te 2-day eie ony cover he loev Sae Minim set by the Fdeed ct ot jst $390 or eadh State Siver Va Bagwch is at $29 per bo ong as they call the National Siver Hotline belore the eadine nds at 1-66-7 7-5708 EXT MM1301 STATE ZIP CODE DISTRIBUTION LIST f Si 999 SLVER