ECAL AVENTRcM Washington zip codes turn up silver for residents Sealed Vault Bags full of heavy silher bars are actually being handed over to the first Pennsyfenia residents who find their zip code listed in today 's publication and call before the 48 hour onder deadline ends to claim the bags fll of vatuable siver NATONWDE-Opens the No al 8ver H are strgging to ep p with he Ths e s od d ahaall tuse of s ver ar are ow being hasded or | a has he ardar dea It's Ske a oders day Gold ush Pesseyivasis residests wil be board the r bars thy cas get teir nd r the et 2de This o aoarpr afr the andard Sa Maiau t y the Fedeeed Mint drapped 4%, ping fr 0 per har to Jt $29king the Se V g a rea stealald Mary Whow, he r4th T of the U ed ate of Americ eathve advieor to the private Federated Mint, 1 get paid to delver baking w And he's the beet pert This in great es for Pegania e ta bese ' he owt ewr State Minimm st by the Federsted Mint. Wahw The y ing re sed te de d theie sip code e the Dtr lt prted in ods pitI thelr code is on the l, they oed t d the Ntionl ver Het PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS CASH IN s amod G Rsh Every's soting to get hson he be the 2dy eder d e eods heay JunbeSve B Rgctred aboe be they a gone Thrs because eid whon er o ade prnd Residets who de are casking is da'subcanon aeching inon the lowwt eveSta Mnimupce et for the next 2 das by the FedadMe the rend se M ly the Federsed Mit. This ie a rea Who gets the Silver Vault Bags: Listed below are the U.S. zp codes that get the Sver Vaut te or residta beo Sve V Rag ded wah 30 Pesylasl State Sver Rars ie lyset at s00 wh is the standard 50 per heay haf se bar Sate Misi t by the Federated M Bt bers good Rta wo cl day gt the wwst er State Misi ty the Fedeted Mat of jat s eah Pyia Swr V Bg wis is jst 9 pr tar as keg as they cat the Nt He -- EXT FMMNTS bfore the deale d Sue SUER Bags. I you ive in one of these areas immediately call: 1-866-874-7770 EXT. FMM2673 15012 15017 15019 15021 15063 15067 15313 15314 15315 15316 15329 15330 15344 15345 15346 15347 15359 15360 15362 15363 15379 15380 15071 15331 15417 15078 15102 15106 15241 1530 15310 15311 15312 15332 15333 15334 15337 15338 15340 1534 15342 15419 15423 15427 15477 15483 26521 15022 15317 15349 15364 15033 15054 15055 15057 15060 15062 15320 15321 15322 15323 15324 15327 15350 15351 15352 15353 15367 15368 15370 15376 15357 15377 Phone ope at preclely s30 AM. is morsing sod sre espeet ed to be flooded by Feaghani re deats looking bo ca in o the lowest we State Mini t by the Feder d Mat to date. That's wy Wahingg area residets who fled their rip ode on the detribut t todiy are beng Sr at Bag cota 10vble Ste Sver Bars tor t $290 early everyone is tking least three tags betone arged bo rall mmeay Sisce his special sdvertising S Bas beore the Sae Mnimum set by the Federated Mt goes back p to5500 per at Bag So lees are ont eat op ds and e by kop yng leetors froes boarng the w En Penyanis State e Howch are the Silver Vaut Bags worth ts hard to tell how much thee Ser Vat Ba could be worh since ey get thir hand on, the Fedene ey are higty colece but hose whe get i on this sow will be he aly sart ones Thar's becae me Su ninum 15358 15378 kp calling and can't get through Kenp trying Right now everyone's looking to cash in on the lowst State Mmum eve set by he Federated Mint, in tact of thousands of eidents ane npeced o order up as many Ser Vaut Bags as they can get their hands on belore the dedine ends Thr's becase he Sate Mnnum set he Federated Met hs been slashed fon $50 per heay hal ounce to jut $29 tor he nest 2 days And sece each eye all gone Bt al hose who realy ant tocash in are tking the Junbo Shver Sac Bag conaning 100 Stu nbo Se lt Reg per Sr Vaul bags areaal eal for everyone who beats the deadine these are the bags everye's teyng | h at 8we Ve gsh Eyw ts thee wil t e they j the oede placed aher he 2- deadine and a on s t pay the sandand $50 per heavy hai ounce Bar Sale Can buy one State Slver Bar Yes But he west ever Ste Minum set by the Federated Met of st $29 per tr esonly to esidents whepurchase a Ser uBa Tht mear ony those ridets who order aSlver Vaut Boio jkpt Residests ho wto a he lst ever State M by why is the State Mnimun set by the Federatd Miet so low now: Theuands of S residents snd to ms the Mnm etby the Fedeted Met That's ber is zds the St her o coe on the Distbuton List above are getsing the Sver t Bags kor themselves and all the sold 999 pure Msia for thee by i Stte Sver Bas found inde The price for each Ster Vaut Bag omaly set 500whcb he stardrd $50 per Presghaia Stte Swe Rs S Mium set by e fedeed Met, bat edes o be the 2 y dea y co the st eve Sate so the orl S M y th Muset by the Fedeated Mt of jt $20 or h S sher ut Bag ch sjt $29per bar as g as hey cae Fedtd Mf o per ba W Natonal Slver Htine belone the deadine ends at 1-864-874-7770 EXT. FMM2673 pe at 830 AM FRONT VEW wbrang for all the e d do te best we cas, bat wh Ju hours 001002 1776 belore the deadise d reaideats I NE ky egh to fd dir p code ed aday's publicatioe ed to daly cal the Nconal Se whrow sald CANT Nundd nd wh he st C and whe jn Ne e l PA 30 13TARS Eah awhe gn eo adt ep y he ONTESTRG bs a sAG 0ONTAN SI .999 SILVER 999 P on STATE MINIMUM FEDB FINE SILVER CENTED LIMEE y LE Se p SILVER HITS ROCK BOTTOM: 'ssnbng to gee S tag ach aded wth 30 so99 S State as be they are a goe Thu beceme e atendrd S Mem yhriate Fdd e droed 42% oong om $50 er ar t Aa12w aa ow ucoser rep w govtme. SOM SHPMENT HOU ARE bS TE CTRARENDLESS Ss A sSAME O MOE ABLEATALATER DE0RNADRNT GEOG GATON OEsoe D SALES TAX TED N roovew p ORANEASON W 0 ECAL AVENTRcM Washington zip codes turn up silver for residents Sealed Vault Bags full of heavy silher bars are actually being handed over to the first Pennsyfenia residents who find their zip code listed in today 's publication and call before the 48 hour onder deadline ends to claim the bags fll of vatuable siver NATONWDE-Opens the No al 8ver H are strgging to ep p with he Ths e s od d ahaall tuse of s ver ar are ow being hasded or | a has he ardar dea It's Ske a oders day Gold ush Pesseyivasis residests wil be board the r bars thy cas get teir nd r the et 2de This o aoarpr afr the andard Sa Maiau t y the Fedeeed Mint drapped 4%, ping fr 0 per har to Jt $29king the Se V g a rea stealald Mary Whow, he r4th T of the U ed ate of Americ eathve advieor to the private Federated Mint, 1 get paid to delver baking w And he's the beet pert This in great es for Pegania e ta bese ' he owt ewr State Minimm st by the Federsted Mint. Wahw The y ing re sed te de d theie sip code e the Dtr lt prted in ods pitI thelr code is on the l, they oed t d the Ntionl ver Het PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS CASH IN s amod G Rsh Every's soting to get hson he be the 2dy eder d e eods heay JunbeSve B Rgctred aboe be they a gone Thrs because eid whon er o ade prnd Residets who de are casking is da'subcanon aeching inon the lowwt eveSta Mnimupce et for the next 2 das by the FedadMe the rend se M ly the Federsed Mit. This ie a rea Who gets the Silver Vault Bags: Listed below are the U.S. zp codes that get the Sver Vaut te or residta beo Sve V Rag ded wah 30 Pesylasl State Sver Rars ie lyset at s00 wh is the standard 50 per heay haf se bar Sate Misi t by the Federated M Bt bers good Rta wo cl day gt the wwst er State Misi ty the Fedeted Mat of jat s eah Pyia Swr V Bg wis is jst 9 pr tar as keg as they cat the Nt He -- EXT FMMNTS bfore the deale d Sue SUER Bags. I you ive in one of these areas immediately call: 1-866-874-7770 EXT. FMM2673 15012 15017 15019 15021 15063 15067 15313 15314 15315 15316 15329 15330 15344 15345 15346 15347 15359 15360 15362 15363 15379 15380 15071 15331 15417 15078 15102 15106 15241 1530 15310 15311 15312 15332 15333 15334 15337 15338 15340 1534 15342 15419 15423 15427 15477 15483 26521 15022 15317 15349 15364 15033 15054 15055 15057 15060 15062 15320 15321 15322 15323 15324 15327 15350 15351 15352 15353 15367 15368 15370 15376 15357 15377 Phone ope at preclely s30 AM. is morsing sod sre espeet ed to be flooded by Feaghani re deats looking bo ca in o the lowest we State Mini t by the Feder d Mat to date. That's wy Wahingg area residets who fled their rip ode on the detribut t todiy are beng Sr at Bag cota 10vble Ste Sver Bars tor t $290 early everyone is tking least three tags betone arged bo rall mmeay Sisce his special sdvertising S Bas beore the Sae Mnimum set by the Federated Mt goes back p to5500 per at Bag So lees are ont eat op ds and e by kop yng leetors froes boarng the w En Penyanis State e Howch are the Silver Vaut Bags worth ts hard to tell how much thee Ser Vat Ba could be worh since ey get thir hand on, the Fedene ey are higty colece but hose whe get i on this sow will be he aly sart ones Thar's becae me Su ninum 15358 15378 kp calling and can't get through Kenp trying Right now everyone's looking to cash in on the lowst State Mmum eve set by he Federated Mint, in tact of thousands of eidents ane npeced o order up as many Ser Vaut Bags as they can get their hands on belore the dedine ends Thr's becase he Sate Mnnum set he Federated Met hs been slashed fon $50 per heay hal ounce to jut $29 tor he nest 2 days And sece each eye all gone Bt al hose who realy ant tocash in are tking the Junbo Shver Sac Bag conaning 100 Stu nbo Se lt Reg per Sr Vaul bags areaal eal for everyone who beats the deadine these are the bags everye's teyng | h at 8we Ve gsh Eyw ts thee wil t e they j the oede placed aher he 2- deadine and a on s t pay the sandand $50 per heavy hai ounce Bar Sale Can buy one State Slver Bar Yes But he west ever Ste Minum set by the Federated Met of st $29 per tr esonly to esidents whepurchase a Ser uBa Tht mear ony those ridets who order aSlver Vaut Boio jkpt Residests ho wto a he lst ever State M by why is the State Mnimun set by the Federatd Miet so low now: Theuands of S residents snd to ms the Mnm etby the Fedeted Met That's ber is zds the St her o coe on the Distbuton List above are getsing the Sver t Bags kor themselves and all the sold 999 pure Msia for thee by i Stte Sver Bas found inde The price for each Ster Vaut Bag omaly set 500whcb he stardrd $50 per Presghaia Stte Swe Rs S Mium set by e fedeed Met, bat edes o be the 2 y dea y co the st eve Sate so the orl S M y th Muset by the Fedeated Mt of jt $20 or h S sher ut Bag ch sjt $29per bar as g as hey cae Fedtd Mf o per ba W Natonal Slver Htine belone the deadine ends at 1-864-874-7770 EXT. FMM2673 pe at 830 AM FRONT VEW wbrang for all the e d do te best we cas, bat wh Ju hours 001002 1776 belore the deadise d reaideats I NE ky egh to fd dir p code ed aday's publicatioe ed to daly cal the Nconal Se whrow sald CANT Nundd nd wh he st C and whe jn Ne e l PA 30 13TARS Eah awhe gn eo adt ep y he ONTESTRG bs a sAG 0ONTAN SI .999 SILVER 999 P on STATE MINIMUM FEDB FINE SILVER CENTED LIMEE y LE Se p SILVER HITS ROCK BOTTOM: 'ssnbng to gee S tag ach aded wth 30 so99 S State as be they are a goe Thu beceme e atendrd S Mem yhriate Fdd e droed 42% oong om $50 er ar t Aa12w aa ow ucoser rep w govtme. SOM SHPMENT HOU ARE bS TE CTRARENDLESS Ss A sSAME O MOE ABLEATALATER DE0RNADRNT GEOG GATON OEsoe D SALES TAX TED N roovew p ORANEASON W 0