SOAL AVERTEMENEATURE Washington zip codes turn up silver for residents Sealed Vault Bags full of heay sihrer bars are actually being handed orer to the first Pennsylrania residents who find their sip code listed in soday's publication and call before the 48 hour order deadline ends to claim the bags full of raluable silver NATIONWE-Ot eN cl Ser H are strng to pwhhe Th's e Vk od dvah a of ver are are sow being handed ove haa theg arr deal "t's emod ay Gd osk Pyvas rd wil e oard e r bars they can p their hands on the nen t dags This co aoarprie after the ndard Mai t ty she Frdeebed Mnt drgped ing tr 0 per bar to jt making the V g a re tald Mary Ee Wahrow the rt0th Ta of the nit aAmera etve advir to the prae Federated Min, 1 et paid to deliver teaking And he's he be pert This i gre ws for eyhans r Miei by the erated Mint Wa The only ing residnted te d fot thir tp code e the r Lt prited in today's ptn e the iat, a ya the Ntl ver e the 2-day eer de Kesideets who ace casking inPENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS CASH IN: s a modem day G Rush Evwyone's weing to gt er hands on the the recnd M et eymbe Sher Eatc Bag pctured abo beoe theyhe all gone. Tha's becane eids who fid e code prdn y e Fedened Mit This it a tealaublication ane canhing in an the lwt er Su Minurice t for the nest 2 davs by e Fa Me ter residts b ve Ba ed wi2 Penyv Who gets the Silver Vault Bags: Listed below are the U.S. zp codes that get the Slver Vaut State Sher Bars is aly set a Bags. If you live in one of these areas immediately call: 1-886-874-7770 EXT. FMM2370 soo wich is the staedard to per y at oue tar Ste Misi by e Federated M h e good Rdta w all day get he wt e State Mis ty the Fodered M of t sso Pyia r Vah g wti jst per bar as ng a they call the Naal er Ha H664-77 EXT FMMEOber 15012 15017 15019 15063 15067 1507 15078 15313 15314 15315 15316 15317 15320 15321 15322 15323 15324 15327 5329 15330 5331 15359 15360 15362 15363 15379 15380 15417 15419 15423 15427 15477 15344 15345 15346 15347 15021 15022 15332 53330 5334 15337 15102 15349 15364 15033 15054 15106 15241 15350 15351 5367 15368 15370 15376 15377 15055 15057 15060 15062 15301 15310 15338 15340 15341 15352 15353 15357 15358 15483 26521 che dane d Phoe open at preiely 30. AM. moring sd are spect d to be fooded by Pgi re 15311 15312 5342 15378 deats oking bo cab in the lowest w State Mninut by the Federt ed Mt so date. Thats wty Wingon kep calling and can't get through: Kep trying Rght noe everyone's locking to cash in on the lowwst State Msinm ever st by the Federated Mint. in fact, tens of thousands of midents a opected to ander up as nany a redets who find their rip ode i t Bag s they can pt heir hands on before the deadine ends Thal's bee e Stae Minum st by the Federated Mnt has been ashed from $50 per beary hat ounce to jt $29 tor the next 2 days Ser Vat Bad conti And snce each 10 valble Ste er storat $290 nearty everyone is taking at least three bagn before oe the distritn today are being wd te all m y isre thie special advertising l gone But all those whe realy wt to cash in ae taking the Junbe Sve ale as contanng 100 Stale d ndo rs before he Ste Mm et by the Federated Met ge backp to$500 per t BagSe s ane tors tr bding ae 20 E Peyania ade Swr ars hey t thir bands on the Feder wis d to r Ju 8 Balt pr -these are the bgs every's trying toget bece th et d awr Ve Bach Bun ts thee wi e thy th keip yng How much ae the Siver Vaut Bags worth s ard to el ho much these Ser Va a couid be worh aince ey ae ighly coecte but those whe get in on this now w be the ay smart ones That's tecase the State Minme et by the Federated Med goes back up to $500 per bag aer the deadine nds So you beter belev tt at $290 Sr Va bags aeaal ste or ewryoe who beuts the aae Can buy one State Saver Bar Ye But the lowest ever St Mrin et by the Fead Mt f sp0 ow tor pleonly to nesidents who pechae aSer t Bag mony thoe dts who onder a Se ou e heary Junbo ver Balte Baiget he $29per bar S Mmtby theFodested nt All single ar puche ders ced ate te 2 deaine ant non idents mat pay the andad $50 per heavy at aunce Bar State "Residets wws c M t by the Fedead Met de lt ver Ste Miiu st y Why se State Minimum set by the Federated Mint so low now: Thousands of us rednts stand to miss he e rivate Pederated t tr bardeadie to get e siver at the lost ever State Mu set by the pvate Fedrated Me Now a ets o ted Tha's b d, te S the code on the Distrbution List abowe are geting the Sr Vut Bags for theves and al the sold 999 pae Mai for these bay hif e Ser Ba ound inde The price for each au ag noaly set t500 which is the standd $50 per Iveyaia Sae S Bars br Sate Mu et by the Federated Met, but eesidents ho beat the 2-day deaine only couer the owest ever Stater e ral Misi y the M eby the Federated Met of ust $290 torach Sta Sver Bach is st $29 per bar as ong as they ca Fedd Mofsso per a Ww the Ntional Slver Hine beane the deadine onds at 1-864-874-m70 EXT. FMM2370 Hotnes cpn at 830 AM sa ebrang or a thee ad d g the beat we cas, but wih ja hours bere the deadle nd readents ay find thair a ooe ed i soday's publication aed to i dly cal the Ntl Shwe ONT VEW d1276 0010021 NFICANT ew whrow said dng and the appies wd PA 30 wR13 Ss ach tay ro t ane e g 12 ak aget aGo tobo asaN OPENG TESTNG Sr te ck wh the do d a on - AGCONTAN S 999 SILVER 999 STATE MINIMUM PEDE FINE SILVER WEE AD M te Fedd Meh SILVER HITS ROCK BOTTOM Eyn's sormblng to aet the hr at ags ch aded wth30 S s tate Bas bere they are a gone That's because the standand St Me by the te Fedd Me doped 42% ro50 per bor t whaamd o soto aamse repar ucss oow esovE NtA govee AGENCTORANASON Wh0 MYE WADE MAEATALATORD0RNADEONT GEGACCATION OSeeT ADD SALES N00 e wNOCNTON O o ATDW DTED SOAL AVERTEMENEATURE Washington zip codes turn up silver for residents Sealed Vault Bags full of heay sihrer bars are actually being handed orer to the first Pennsylrania residents who find their sip code listed in soday's publication and call before the 48 hour order deadline ends to claim the bags full of raluable silver NATIONWE-Ot eN cl Ser H are strng to pwhhe Th's e Vk od dvah a of ver are are sow being handed ove haa theg arr deal "t's emod ay Gd osk Pyvas rd wil e oard e r bars they can p their hands on the nen t dags This co aoarprie after the ndard Mai t ty she Frdeebed Mnt drgped ing tr 0 per bar to jt making the V g a re tald Mary Ee Wahrow the rt0th Ta of the nit aAmera etve advir to the prae Federated Min, 1 et paid to deliver teaking And he's he be pert This i gre ws for eyhans r Miei by the erated Mint Wa The only ing residnted te d fot thir tp code e the r Lt prited in today's ptn e the iat, a ya the Ntl ver e the 2-day eer de Kesideets who ace casking inPENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS CASH IN: s a modem day G Rush Evwyone's weing to gt er hands on the the recnd M et eymbe Sher Eatc Bag pctured abo beoe theyhe all gone. Tha's becane eids who fid e code prdn y e Fedened Mit This it a tealaublication ane canhing in an the lwt er Su Minurice t for the nest 2 davs by e Fa Me ter residts b ve Ba ed wi2 Penyv Who gets the Silver Vault Bags: Listed below are the U.S. zp codes that get the Slver Vaut State Sher Bars is aly set a Bags. If you live in one of these areas immediately call: 1-886-874-7770 EXT. FMM2370 soo wich is the staedard to per y at oue tar Ste Misi by e Federated M h e good Rdta w all day get he wt e State Mis ty the Fodered M of t sso Pyia r Vah g wti jst per bar as ng a they call the Naal er Ha H664-77 EXT FMMEOber 15012 15017 15019 15063 15067 1507 15078 15313 15314 15315 15316 15317 15320 15321 15322 15323 15324 15327 5329 15330 5331 15359 15360 15362 15363 15379 15380 15417 15419 15423 15427 15477 15344 15345 15346 15347 15021 15022 15332 53330 5334 15337 15102 15349 15364 15033 15054 15106 15241 15350 15351 5367 15368 15370 15376 15377 15055 15057 15060 15062 15301 15310 15338 15340 15341 15352 15353 15357 15358 15483 26521 che dane d Phoe open at preiely 30. AM. moring sd are spect d to be fooded by Pgi re 15311 15312 5342 15378 deats oking bo cab in the lowest w State Mninut by the Federt ed Mt so date. Thats wty Wingon kep calling and can't get through: Kep trying Rght noe everyone's locking to cash in on the lowwst State Msinm ever st by the Federated Mint. in fact, tens of thousands of midents a opected to ander up as nany a redets who find their rip ode i t Bag s they can pt heir hands on before the deadine ends Thal's bee e Stae Minum st by the Federated Mnt has been ashed from $50 per beary hat ounce to jt $29 tor the next 2 days Ser Vat Bad conti And snce each 10 valble Ste er storat $290 nearty everyone is taking at least three bagn before oe the distritn today are being wd te all m y isre thie special advertising l gone But all those whe realy wt to cash in ae taking the Junbe Sve ale as contanng 100 Stale d ndo rs before he Ste Mm et by the Federated Met ge backp to$500 per t BagSe s ane tors tr bding ae 20 E Peyania ade Swr ars hey t thir bands on the Feder wis d to r Ju 8 Balt pr -these are the bgs every's trying toget bece th et d awr Ve Bach Bun ts thee wi e thy th keip yng How much ae the Siver Vaut Bags worth s ard to el ho much these Ser Va a couid be worh aince ey ae ighly coecte but those whe get in on this now w be the ay smart ones That's tecase the State Minme et by the Federated Med goes back up to $500 per bag aer the deadine nds So you beter belev tt at $290 Sr Va bags aeaal ste or ewryoe who beuts the aae Can buy one State Saver Bar Ye But the lowest ever St Mrin et by the Fead Mt f sp0 ow tor pleonly to nesidents who pechae aSer t Bag mony thoe dts who onder a Se ou e heary Junbo ver Balte Baiget he $29per bar S Mmtby theFodested nt All single ar puche ders ced ate te 2 deaine ant non idents mat pay the andad $50 per heavy at aunce Bar State "Residets wws c M t by the Fedead Met de lt ver Ste Miiu st y Why se State Minimum set by the Federated Mint so low now: Thousands of us rednts stand to miss he e rivate Pederated t tr bardeadie to get e siver at the lost ever State Mu set by the pvate Fedrated Me Now a ets o ted Tha's b d, te S the code on the Distrbution List abowe are geting the Sr Vut Bags for theves and al the sold 999 pae Mai for these bay hif e Ser Ba ound inde The price for each au ag noaly set t500 which is the standd $50 per Iveyaia Sae S Bars br Sate Mu et by the Federated Met, but eesidents ho beat the 2-day deaine only couer the owest ever Stater e ral Misi y the M eby the Federated Met of ust $290 torach Sta Sver Bach is st $29 per bar as ong as they ca Fedd Mofsso per a Ww the Ntional Slver Hine beane the deadine onds at 1-864-874-m70 EXT. FMM2370 Hotnes cpn at 830 AM sa ebrang or a thee ad d g the beat we cas, but wih ja hours bere the deadle nd readents ay find thair a ooe ed i soday's publication aed to i dly cal the Ntl Shwe ONT VEW d1276 0010021 NFICANT ew whrow said dng and the appies wd PA 30 wR13 Ss ach tay ro t ane e g 12 ak aget aGo tobo asaN OPENG TESTNG Sr te ck wh the do d a on - AGCONTAN S 999 SILVER 999 STATE MINIMUM PEDE FINE SILVER WEE AD M te Fedd Meh SILVER HITS ROCK BOTTOM Eyn's sormblng to aet the hr at ags ch aded wth30 S s tate Bas bere they are a gone That's because the standand St Me by the te Fedd Me doped 42% ro50 per bor t whaamd o soto aamse repar ucss oow esovE NtA govee AGENCTORANASON Wh0 MYE WADE MAEATALATORD0RNADEONT GEGACCATION OSeeT ADD SALES N00 e wNOCNTON O o ATDW DTED