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    August 31, 2020
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SPECIAL AETSMENT HEATURE Washington zip codes turn up silver for residents Sealed Vant Bags fl of state sitver bars are actually being handed oer to the first Pennsytrania residents who find their zip code listed in today's publication and call before the 48 hour order deadline ends to claim the bags full of pure silver NATIONWIDE- Oper he N knal ilver al are strng ta kigp wialle Tu lec e Va g kad ed with pev s0 State Sher lare are sow beg handed tywe beta the y erder deati an ser the tandad Ste Mii the id Mary en Wahr,he merit a Trearer of the Uitel ate of terier te the prite Federsted Mist, I pet paid te deliver lesking . And beselest jurt. The la gret e r Pngtania re Sta beca a' the iwet er Sute Mnimum et by the Foderuted Miat, a Wre PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS CASH IN: Casa poung in tron tate residents who areying to get ther fands on the esidents who find the p code printed ir tip ode ltbe l Ibey jt nend intoday's pulicabon are cnhing in on the kowest er State Minimun price set for the met 2 days by the Foderated Mrt. n Lat printedie tday's ption ambo Siver ast a ret ove before the deadine ends t the Natinal Br et bete day nder dlid And kere's the gd Who gets the Slver Vault Bags: Listed below are the US. zp codes that get the Siver Vaut Bags, If you live in one of these areas call: 1-800-280-2754 EXT. FMM4120 whe de are geting the ate M t r the 15012 15017 15019 15021 15022 15033 15054 15055 15057 15060 15062 15063 15067 15313 15314 15315 15316 15317 15320 15321 15322 15323 15324 15327 15329 15330 15344 15345 15346 15347 15349 15350 15351 15352 15353 15359 15360 15362 15363 t ver 15379 15380 15417 15419 Federated Mint ot jut o fr ach a Silver Vt Bag which 15071 15331 per bar ng they Natinal ser t 15078 15102 15332 call the 15333 15364 15423 100em EXT. FMMAI belore 15334 15337 15367 15368 15106 15427 15241 15301 15310 15477 15483 26521 15338 15370 d te le flooded by Pvenaia esi denta kking to nash in ethe lowet 15340 15341 15342 15376 15377 15378 15311 15357 er Sate Mi t by the Fedrt d Mint te date. That's why Waintn 15312 15358 residenta who fied their zig code kp calling and can't pet throught Keep tying. Right now eryone's boking e cach in on the lowet Sute Meinum on the distrittn lt today are being ety te Federated Mint in tact eonbeoredhousants of det order e my Vat Bags a hey n befor the deadine ende. That's becae the Ste Mninun set by the Faderad Mirt han been slached te but eer jet 9 for ach slver hat ounce ba ter he et 2 dan for evrone aho prt the aut bag And ance Gcorans 0 pritne S Ser Bars tor jut S200 e gueng s idents wi be daning tor can get ther hand Sine thie epecial avertising an e a step anye te Se Vtt ying Tegana etey t grat ratowhelytcahating he Jnte e gting 100 tate ter a befor the dadine end and the Sate Memu st by the federatd Met goes up o 500 per Vatag ntaet the S Mimum set by he Federated Mta reduced een tute to ton ging the Junbo Bage so jut be sue t athe Natora Se ine operator tor your docount Sorine ae buny kenp tyng thle nde the derated Miat has net at a limk ot ow many dunbo Ser u lag redets con pet- How much are the Silver Vault Bags worth the the hagn pietured aluveat intividual Silver Va a hey are in priotine condtion, but thae w the Federed Met goe00 pe bag a ral steal tor eryane who beat the dudire hard to tel hon much thee Sher Vat Bags could be worth since be gad hey did Thui beaoe he Sm Meum set by So jou beter beliee tat at jut 290 he Ser Vaut togo tain rh Eery we gt th wibe deydi Can i buy ane State Ser Bar. es. But he lbeteer ute Memum set by he Federd Met of uet per bar apples orty toidet who phe a Ser llltc Bag ot he loet er Sa Mninum 2day deadine and al non-stidents mt pay the 50 per sver hall ounce bar Sags Trat means ty thoe rdert who order a Dve VR Bag oraunto by the federed Met Alainge bar purchaom ordern poced afer the "Residents whe vt te cash the lwest r Sate Mial Pedarated Why is the State Minimum set by the Federated Mint se ot he aher at he loet er Mi now Thouands ofUS identsstand to mthe deadine Non all repiderts whe find ther p code n Der the deadlie endi, the ate Mie imam fer the prietine kalr ousre tonLoeting the er VatBage torhemoe andhesold 900 pu Bs tunt Ponyala Bate Ser llars et by the deadine only caver the lot ever Ste Mrmuni set ty the Federated Met af ut 290 for ach State Ser Vaut Bag uhich Federted Mini will gepte oper her 29 per bar an long at they cal the Ntonal Ser Hotine before the dadine endat 1-800-200-2754 EXT FM matter bow many bar pe pt ines open30 AM Whrwid The price for each Sher ut Bag ahe the dadire nd eta S500 siche S50 per bar but residert whe beat he 2day "we kraing r alle e nd BACK V wee delng the best RONT WEW 001002 ut with 1776 bedre the deinds redeta wo fl ter ip ode lid taday's puiatn tedthe Na tal Ser ins warw said PENENCE SOICANT Nanted PA 30 BAG CONTA ONLFERSTR SI hted bgod .999 SILVER 999 FINE SILVER CERTTEO STATE FEDE MINIMUM LOST EVER IALE SILVER HITS ROCK BOTTOM: d ate eidents he et theSer Vat agn ch loaded with nd 9 pure Ser State Bars Thu coVERNNTAGNCORANREASON wN RAREUND LESS SPNO TA POSA s SAME OFE Stae Miimun se by the privte Federated M gtey telo the deadine ends DSROMS NTOU ARE DAT ETN THEROUCT Y MAOEALEATALATR DALONADERONT GEOG CATON OHESOENTSAODK SALES A DAATD MAT RO O0 MAISON OH .coo in SPECIAL AETSMENT HEATURE Washington zip codes turn up silver for residents Sealed Vant Bags fl of state sitver bars are actually being handed oer to the first Pennsytrania residents who find their zip code listed in today's publication and call before the 48 hour order deadline ends to claim the bags full of pure silver NATIONWIDE- Oper he N knal ilver al are strng ta kigp wialle Tu lec e Va g kad ed with pev s0 State Sher lare are sow beg handed tywe beta the y erder deati an ser the tandad Ste Mii the id Mary en Wahr,he merit a Trearer of the Uitel ate of terier te the prite Federsted Mist, I pet paid te deliver lesking . And beselest jurt. The la gret e r Pngtania re Sta beca a' the iwet er Sute Mnimum et by the Foderuted Miat, a Wre PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS CASH IN: Casa poung in tron tate residents who areying to get ther fands on the esidents who find the p code printed ir tip ode ltbe l Ibey jt nend intoday's pulicabon are cnhing in on the kowest er State Minimun price set for the met 2 days by the Foderated Mrt. n Lat printedie tday's ption ambo Siver ast a ret ove before the deadine ends t the Natinal Br et bete day nder dlid And kere's the gd Who gets the Slver Vault Bags: Listed below are the US. zp codes that get the Siver Vaut Bags, If you live in one of these areas call: 1-800-280-2754 EXT. FMM4120 whe de are geting the ate M t r the 15012 15017 15019 15021 15022 15033 15054 15055 15057 15060 15062 15063 15067 15313 15314 15315 15316 15317 15320 15321 15322 15323 15324 15327 15329 15330 15344 15345 15346 15347 15349 15350 15351 15352 15353 15359 15360 15362 15363 t ver 15379 15380 15417 15419 Federated Mint ot jut o fr ach a Silver Vt Bag which 15071 15331 per bar ng they Natinal ser t 15078 15102 15332 call the 15333 15364 15423 100em EXT. FMMAI belore 15334 15337 15367 15368 15106 15427 15241 15301 15310 15477 15483 26521 15338 15370 d te le flooded by Pvenaia esi denta kking to nash in ethe lowet 15340 15341 15342 15376 15377 15378 15311 15357 er Sate Mi t by the Fedrt d Mint te date. That's why Waintn 15312 15358 residenta who fied their zig code kp calling and can't pet throught Keep tying. Right now eryone's boking e cach in on the lowet Sute Meinum on the distrittn lt today are being ety te Federated Mint in tact eonbeoredhousants of det order e my Vat Bags a hey n befor the deadine ende. That's becae the Ste Mninun set by the Faderad Mirt han been slached te but eer jet 9 for ach slver hat ounce ba ter he et 2 dan for evrone aho prt the aut bag And ance Gcorans 0 pritne S Ser Bars tor jut S200 e gueng s idents wi be daning tor can get ther hand Sine thie epecial avertising an e a step anye te Se Vtt ying Tegana etey t grat ratowhelytcahating he Jnte e gting 100 tate ter a befor the dadine end and the Sate Memu st by the federatd Met goes up o 500 per Vatag ntaet the S Mimum set by he Federated Mta reduced een tute to ton ging the Junbo Bage so jut be sue t athe Natora Se ine operator tor your docount Sorine ae buny kenp tyng thle nde the derated Miat has net at a limk ot ow many dunbo Ser u lag redets con pet- How much are the Silver Vault Bags worth the the hagn pietured aluveat intividual Silver Va a hey are in priotine condtion, but thae w the Federed Met goe00 pe bag a ral steal tor eryane who beat the dudire hard to tel hon much thee Sher Vat Bags could be worth since be gad hey did Thui beaoe he Sm Meum set by So jou beter beliee tat at jut 290 he Ser Vaut togo tain rh Eery we gt th wibe deydi Can i buy ane State Ser Bar. es. But he lbeteer ute Memum set by he Federd Met of uet per bar apples orty toidet who phe a Ser llltc Bag ot he loet er Sa Mninum 2day deadine and al non-stidents mt pay the 50 per sver hall ounce bar Sags Trat means ty thoe rdert who order a Dve VR Bag oraunto by the federed Met Alainge bar purchaom ordern poced afer the "Residents whe vt te cash the lwest r Sate Mial Pedarated Why is the State Minimum set by the Federated Mint se ot he aher at he loet er Mi now Thouands ofUS identsstand to mthe deadine Non all repiderts whe find ther p code n Der the deadlie endi, the ate Mie imam fer the prietine kalr ousre tonLoeting the er VatBage torhemoe andhesold 900 pu Bs tunt Ponyala Bate Ser llars et by the deadine only caver the lot ever Ste Mrmuni set ty the Federated Met af ut 290 for ach State Ser Vaut Bag uhich Federted Mini will gepte oper her 29 per bar an long at they cal the Ntonal Ser Hotine before the dadine endat 1-800-200-2754 EXT FM matter bow many bar pe pt ines open30 AM Whrwid The price for each Sher ut Bag ahe the dadire nd eta S500 siche S50 per bar but residert whe beat he 2day "we kraing r alle e nd BACK V wee delng the best RONT WEW 001002 ut with 1776 bedre the deinds redeta wo fl ter ip ode lid taday's puiatn tedthe Na tal Ser ins warw said PENENCE SOICANT Nanted PA 30 BAG CONTA ONLFERSTR SI hted bgod .999 SILVER 999 FINE SILVER CERTTEO STATE FEDE MINIMUM LOST EVER IALE SILVER HITS ROCK BOTTOM: d ate eidents he et theSer Vat agn ch loaded with nd 9 pure Ser State Bars Thu coVERNNTAGNCORANREASON wN RAREUND LESS SPNO TA POSA s SAME OFE Stae Miimun se by the privte Federated M gtey telo the deadine ends DSROMS NTOU ARE DAT ETN THEROUCT Y MAOEALEATALATR DALONADERONT GEOG CATON OHESOENTSAODK SALES A DAATD MAT RO O0 MAISON OH .coo in